It's Thursday again and another issue of Billed Bladet has hit the streets.
This week we are treated to a Q&A about Mary's wedding ring. And another question about the armband Frederik wore at the photosession at Gråsten.
We get a belated report about Christian recieving kamikker (boots) from Greenland and a promise that Isabella will also recieve a present in due time. (Probably when she starts in pre-school.
For the fashion concious we get some details about a white blouse our Marie wore at CIFF.
We have a report about Mary attending the 60th anniversary celebrations for chief of court, Ove Ullerup.
M&F attending the wedding between Anders Kirk Johansen and Anja Buchwald is also covered.
And this:
Brief summary of an article in Billed Bladet #34, 2011.
Kærlighed in klitterne - Love in the dunes.
Written by Ken Richter.
This cover the first day of the cruise, with M&F visiting Skagen.
Normally I enjoy reading Ken Richter's articles as he usually writes a no nonsense account of what actually went on.
Not this time.
I don't know if he has been told to add some sugar to his articles, but he shouldn't. It's simply not his style.
He manages to write a sugary article about M&F and not least the twins arriving with Dannebrog to Skagen. Including observing that Mary wiped away a tear, when she handed over her twin to the nanny. (*) It just doesn't ring...
Ken Richter is back in his usual form when he starts to write about what actually went on.
After having gone ashore and being drivin in a carriage through Skagen, where M&F have often been on vacation, it was off to Kappelborg, a new cultural house, which was inaugurated and here mayor Lars Møller said: "..then Skagen has a special place in the hearts of the Crown Princely couple in the same way that the Crown Princely couple has a special place in the hearts of the citizens of Skagen".
It was in the cultural house that M&F met the daycare children and it was here Frederik tried to induce one year old Sandra to dance by tapping on his cap.
Christian X build a summer residence in Skagen called, Klitgården = the dune farm, back when Skagen became THE place to go, in the early 1900's. Klitgården is no longer used by the DRF and today it serves as a refugium for artists and scientists.
Klitgården is located very scenic among grasscovered dunes and with a splendid view to no less than two seas. (**)
M&F got a tour of the house. And it was after that they stood together among the dunes, with the sea behind them and flirted a bit little with each other, as we saw in the many pictures.
But it was actually a very busy day for M&F!
They also visited Skagen Museum. Had lunch at Brøndums Hotel (a nice hotel).
Then Mary visited a kindergarden, Skagen Arthritis and Back Center and the company Elektromarine.
Frederik in the meantime sampled the local beer at Skagen Brewery. Visited the Fishing Industry of the Fishermen.
Before finally visiting Kristensen Shipyard.
- I would liked to have known more about what they actually did during their visit. Both M&F and the good citizens of Skagen deserve that.
(*) Let's not overdo it. Perhaps it was merely the salty air.
(**) If you look at a map, you'll find Skagen near the very northern tip of Denmark and at that tip two seas meet, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Sometimes the two seas meet, because the water from the Atlantic is trying to get into the Baltic Sea, and the water from the Baltic tries to enter the Atlantic. When that happens you can see the waves collide off the tip of the coast.
Thank you Annie S. & Daria_S, your kind words are most encouraging.