Luxembourg State Visit to Germany: April 23-25, 2012

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Jan 29, 2005
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Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa are on a three-day state visit to Germany from April 23 - April 25, 2012.

The last state visit to Germany was made in 1977 by Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte.

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Today's programme includes a welcome ceremony with German President Joachim Gauck and his wife, a meeting with the Mayor of Germany's capital Berlin at the famous "Brandenburger Tor" and a lunch at Charlottenburg Palace. A wreath laying ceremony will be followed by meetings with politicians. In the evening there will be a gala dinner at Bellevue Palace.

Here are some pics of day 1:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** gettyimages/reuters/daylife gallery ** belga **

** Kanonensalven für das großherzogliche Paar ** translation **
May I ask why Guillaume was absent in the events that took place earlier in the day but was present in the evening gala/ dinner??? Since both the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess were there, I do not see his presence being needed, but he came to attend the evening gala/ dinner. Could it be possible that he did not want to miss such events because he is looking for a new gf??? LOL!
:p:p:p :whistling::whistling::whistling:
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Here are some more pics and a video from yesterday:

At the Brandenburger Gate:

** Großherzog vor großem Tor **

** video: Wowereit empfängt Großherzog von Luxemburg **

And of the State Banquet in honour of the guests from Luxembourg:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 **

** Gauck würdigt Europa-Engagement **

** State Banquet in honor of Their Royal Highnesses in Bellevue - Berlin **

** President Gauck receives Luxembourg Royal Highnesses at Bellvue Palace **


Day 2, April 24, has started with a meeting of Grand Duke Henri and German Chancellor Angela Merkel
at the Chancellery in Berlin:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** daylife galllery - day 2 - April 24, 2012 **
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Wonderful Hairdo much better than for the Nobel Price it Sweden!

Happy the see Prince Guillaume , it is sad that our King and Queen never did that with their son Philippe.

When Grand Duchess Charlotte paid a State Visit in the USA (President Kennedy), her Son Heditary Grand Duke Jean was there also.

Yesterday evening Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, President Joachim Gauck
and his partner attended the opening of the exhibition of the Luxemburg silver treasury at the German Historical
Museum in Berlin:

** gettyimages gallery **

And here's another gallery of day 2:

** Deutsch-luxemburgische Begegnungen **
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