melissajames said:
I would say some are more jealous of her lifestyle than anything else!
Lets see, She appears to be loved by her parents, she's worked hard at university and graduated with a good degree. She seems to have enough money, has a good figure, is pretty and it appears, is not forced to work.
I wouldn't have thought there were many sane people who would turn down all of that!
The Hello poll that you refer to asked you to choose between 4 particular lifestyles.
You said you would be Angelina Jolie because she is a sex symbol and had Brad Pitt as a boyfriend (At the moment)
Madge because she is a style icon and sells records and has a happy marriage. (At the moment and the reports in the papers suggest otherwise)
Paris Hilton, here we disagree on exactly what her claim to fame is.
Brad Pitt seems to be far from reliable, Madge a style Icon, for who?
Out of the 4, I voted for a clean cut, intelligent young lady but, this does not mean I want her particular lifestyle or want to be her.
You voted for Paris Hilton, Madge or Angelina is that because you want to be one of them?
Millions of people, every week, buy tickets for the lottery, in the hope of winning enough so they do not have to get up everyday and go in to work. I count myself very lucky that I don't have to join the daily slog.
I don't have time for daytime TV either, I'm far too busy doing what
I want to do.