Holiday Residence in Mozambique for the Prince of Orange and Family: 2008-2012

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jun 19, 2005
The Prince and Princess,together with other european friends,are involved in a building project of coastal residences/holiday homes at the coast of Mozambique,south-east Africa.

The couple had been looking for a coastal residence for a while and decided to have one build in a coastal village in Africa.The couple wishes their children to become aquanted with Africa,as Alexander and his brothers were themselves.Prince Claus grew up/lived in Tanzania,and handed over the love for the continent to his sons.

The local community (of 5000) will largely benefit from the project,as ao,5 schools,a hospital,a community center and a hotel will be build as well,meaning plenty of jobs.Great project,TRH didn't wish to just go there for the holidays,hence the grander project that involves the community.Mozambique is one of the poorest countries.

The Princess said they didn't wish for another luxury resort with deeply impoverished locals surrounding it,but an attribution to develop the country,and hopefully others will follow their example.

Argentina was no option anymore,especially not so since the three little girls got so scared/frightened during their last visit as the Family was constantly harrassed by a very agressive press.

courtesy HJA.

..::ponta Torres Eco Estate::..
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The Prince and Princess,together with other european friends,are involved in a building project of coastal residences/holiday homes at the coast of Mozambique,south-east Africa.

The couple had been looking for a coastal residence for a while and decided to have one build in a coastal village in Africa.The couple wishes their children to become aquanted with Africa,as Alexander and his brothers were themselves.Prince Claus grew up/lived in Tanzania,and handed over the love for the continent to his sons.

The local community (of 5000) will largely benefit from the project,as ao,5 schools,a hospital,a community center and a hotel will be build as well,meaning plenty of jobs.Great project,TRH didn't wish to just go there for the holidays,hence the grander project that involves the community.Mozambique is one of the poorest countries.

..::ponta Torres Eco Estate::..

this is great. so far we have heard of royals wanting holiday houses here and there and this is by far the most cooperative, royal-like approach to getting a holiday home. well done, once again!
The couple had been looking for a coastal residence for a while and decided to have one build in a coastal village in Africa.

Lucien, weren't they looking at the villa Prince Laurent of Belgium owns and does not use anymore? I think it is in Italy and needs a lot of work.
The couple had been looking for a coastal residence for a while and decided to have one build in a coastal village in Africa.

Lucien, weren't they looking at the villa Prince Laurent of Belgium owns and does not use anymore? I think it is in Italy and needs a lot of work.

They've never been really looking for that place,its on an island north of Sicily btw,it has never been an option tho,beautifull as the location might be.It also didn't meet with their safety and privacy requirements I think,lots of paparazzi floating around.
Thanks Lucien. The Queen still owns the Porto Ercole vacation spot right?
Thanks Lucien. The Queen still owns the Porto Ercole vacation spot right?

No no,that has,finally,been sold a while back.HM never owned it,it was her parents spot, "Elefante Felice".
Well, the house got a lot of attention in the Dutch press, up to a point that our political parties are speaking about it (totally rediculous IMHO). The CDA (Christian Democrats) and PvdA (Labour) say they are 'proud' of the Prince of Orange and his wife. Anja Spies (PvdA): We can only be proud that the crownprincely couple doesn't settle in St.Tropez but will let the local population benefit in Mozambique. Liesbeth Spies (CDA): They are taking their social responsibility (maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid, a CDA-tantrum).

Harry van Bommel, SP (former Mao-ists) is asking questions about the 5 schools and the hospital that will be built in this project. He wants to know if there was any corruption in paying local authorities. Are these projects just 'normal' development aid or is it extra money provided by the PoO and the other people involved in the residences? He thinks it is fine that the local population will benifit from the plans; 'but it will show painful images too. Mozambique is one of the world's poorest countries and they <Marengo:The prince of Orange and family> will also want to have holidays on the level of Wassenaar'.

Best comment of all from D66 leader Alexander Pechtold; which shows he understands the national character 100%: 'We should not look at this with some sort of jealousy'. I suppose he suspected what mr. van Bommels reaction would be. ;)

From: De Volkskrant, here.
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Some more information about the project:

- 220 luxury houses will be built
- there will be 4 types of houses, from 124 to 155 square meter
- the houses will cost between 100.000 and 150.000 euros
- the project also includes the construction of a 5-star hotel, a sewer system, trash-disposal, and clean water to drink.

Not about the project but mentioned in the article:
the prince and his family are very fond of the beach, recently they made a cycling trip through Zeeland that lasted for several days.

Article in Dutch here.

Going on the size & price of the appartments/villa's I'd say they won't be excessively luxurious.

I love that they are involved in this project and have to agree with one of those politicians: they could have so easily bought some multimillion dollar villa in the South of France, in between they mega rich and all the paparazzi. Thankfully they didn't. This will also give the princesses a chance to get to know Africa very well.

I really liked what the prince said about this project after the photoshoot. Van Bommel really should keep quiet IMHO. Has he ever cared for Africa and all it's beauty and problems etc? He should go worry more over Darfur etc. THAT is what he as a politician should get worked up about!
As Luicen said before It will be built 5 schools,a hospital,a community center and a hotel will be build as well? or just luxury houses.

And what is Ponta Torres Eco Estate?
They couldn´t have picked a more beautiful place to have a holiday home.
I lived for many years in Mozambique and the bay of Nacala is spectacular.
One beach we used to go to had lions strolling around when people weren´t around. I hope that nothing gets spoiled by this development. They had better watch out for snakes though.
I agree with you pb about van Bommel, but he never misses an opportunity to attack the RF and he is usually the one who keeps on asking question after question about the RF, up to a point where it becomes rediculous (like with the sale of Noordeinde 66). Still, the SP dropped the republican stand recently, so that is good. It is prefectly fine to have a sane mind about the royals, and to ask questions about things, but he seeks fault in any action of them.

to Paty: that is the estate where the project will be realised.

To Menarue: I heard from Portuguese friends who went to the Isle of Mozambique that it is very pretty indeed. Do you know where this island is located?
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Minister for Living and Integration, Ella Vogelaar, said in the radio programme 'Kamerbreed' that she had double feelings by the prince of Orange building a holiday retreat in Mozambique. She said she understood that the prince and his family wantd some privay but she hopes the project will benefit the local population too.
Minister for Living and Integration, Ella Vogelaar, said in the radio programme 'Kamerbreed' that she had double feelings by the prince of Orange building a holiday retreat in Mozambique. She said she understood that the prince and his family wantd some privay but she hopes the project will benefit the local population too.

How come we,us here and me,knew that the locals will benefit,and that she,that socialist and highly incompetent woman,dares to doubt Alexanders and Máxima's reasoning?No no,don't answer,it's totally wasted on this woman.She needed something to derive from her own
failing ailing projects see.Her meaning is of no consequence whatshowever.At all.
Marengo said:
To Menarue: I heard from Portuguese friends who went to the Isle of Mozambique that it is very pretty indeed. Do you know where this island is located?

Sorry Marengo I only saw your question today. It is off the coast of Mozambique just north of the city of Beira and below Nacala. It has a really beautiful old Portuguese fort. I have never been there but my husband was stationed there just before the Independence of Mozambique and was very impressed by it.

Picture here.

My husband said that his quarters were just above the main doorway - one of the two windows you can see. I took this from Wiki so I hope there is no problem.
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Just to be safe I changed it to an url. to the picture, I don't think all photos at wikipedia are free of copyrights. The texts however are. Thanks for explaining that btw, I am sure the PoO and his family will duly visit the fortress/island!
I believe the island of the crownprince is not the isle of Mozambique but the isle of Ihaca, close to Maputo.

To lucien: I don't think the minister was trying to score points or anything. More a matter of hearing something and awnsering without being completely informed. this is the least of her recent blunders/mistakes IMO. Still to me she is rather likable, a bit the old fashioned socialist/feminist with the over-sized earrings.
One can´t be careful enough with the copyrights, thanks Marengo. The island you are talking about is Inhaca (with an n) just off the capital Maputo, which was called Lourenço Marques when I lived there. All of Mozambique is stunningly beautiful so I think that anyone choosing it for a holiday is doing the right thing. Coconut trees and warm waters with tropical fish what could be more beautiful.
I think it is quite extravagant to have a holiday home over there. With today's media and the internet, they will have little privacy, even over there. It's high time they adopt a more relaxed attitude toward the media. They are not "normal" people and will never be so, same goes for their children. It's better to let them get used to that at a young age.
I agree. It's a quite extravagant having a holiday house in Mozambique. As for the attitude before the media...I think they must be ready to be public persons. They are NOT commoners and if they want to be like us...well they must be also ready to have the kind of life we uses to have...Isn't it? :D You must not want only the "nice" and "funny" things of a kind of life.

Royals must face not so nice things like being monitored by the media press all their lifes...but they have other things that are AWFULLY nice :rolleyes:and they must profit them...What do you think?

I know nothing about van Bommel or what his true motives are but his question and comments are valid and sound reasonable.
When rich, wealthy, white, and titled Europeans want to set up a " luxury community" in one of the poorest countries in Africa, one doesn't have to be a sociology major to raise an eyebrow.

My apologies for my dissenting opinion, but this entire scheme just reeks!
I totally agree. They have all the privacy they want at their home "Eikenhorst" and at their holiday home in Italy.
I agree. It's a quite extravagant having a holiday house in Mozambique.
I really can't understand why it is extravagant. Many rich Europeans are investing in tourist resorts in Mozambique ( also in Madagascar). The government of Mozambique encourages these investiments in many ways.
Mozambique is becoming a fashion destination! It is said to be very beautiful! I have a group of friends friends who are planning the same investiment (building a luxury resort), and obviously they will also spend their holidays there, and they are rich, but I wouldn't say they are millionaires and, above all, they are not extravagant people!
Maxima and Willem had a good idea, like many others. They are making a good investiment, they make money, employ poor local people and have a quiet holiday residence in a wonderful place.
I have read on a Spanish thread that Princess Cristina is in Mozambique now. My first thought was that she also could be interested in building a resort there.
When rich, wealthy, white, and titled Europeans want to set up a " luxury community" in one of the poorest countries in Africa, one doesn't have to be a sociology major to raise an eyebrow.
I respect your opinions, but Africa is full of luxury community and resorts run by Europeans. For many poor African countries, European tourism is their only chance, and is very encouraged by the local governments.
Kenya, for example, is full of resorts run by Europeans, mostly Italians. They employ thousands of local people.
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I think it is quite extravagant to have a holiday home over there. With today's media and the internet, they will have little privacy, even over there. It's high time they adopt a more relaxed attitude toward the media. They are not "normal" people and will never be so, same goes for their children. It's better to let them get used to that at a young age.

The children are already learning that quite a bit with having people within the NL follow them around, and every day things, like going to school, are photographed. They needn't learn it every day of their life I think.

I think that their desire to have a private home for vacationing is their right entirely. Even public figures are entitled to some sort of privacy every once in a while.

We, as royalty watchers, certainly can't complain about the amount of access that we already enjoy with regards to the Dutch Royal Family, so I do not think that it is out of bounds for them to want to have a place to go to once a year or so that is private.

Yes, they have villa Eikenhorst, but that is home, and also part of the grounds are open to the public. yes, they have the house in Italy, but that is almost exclusively used for Family Vacations. Why shouldn't they have a place of their own?
I really can't understand why it is extravagant. Many rich Europeans are investing in tourist resorts in Mozambique ( also in Madagascar). The government of Mozambique encourages these investiments in many ways.
Mozambique is becoming a fashion destination! It is said to be very beautiful! I have a group of friends friends who are planning the same investiment (building a luxury resort), and obviously they will also spend their holidays there, and they are rich, but I wouldn't say they are millionaires and, above all, they are not extravagant people!
Maxima and Willem had a good idea, like many others. They are making a good investiment, they make money, employ poor local people and have a quiet holiday residence in a wonderful place.
I have read on a Spanish thread that Princess Cristina is in Mozambique now. My first thought was that she also could be interested in building a resort there.

I respect your opinions, but Africa is full of luxury community and resorts run by Europeans. For many poor African countries, European tourism is their only chance, and is very encouraged by the local governments.
Kenya, for example, is full of resorts run by Europeans, mostly Italians. They employ thousands of local people.

I agree,that continent is rife with investments,Senegal,The Gambia and Namibia are other examples,but already soo overcrowded by europeans,and russians,they´re really not an option with regard to privacy.Nor are "our" dutch Antilles,rife with anything but...

Christina in Mozambique fits in with `the european friends" Alexander mentioned as they are close,the de Palma's and our Oranges.

I agree Empress,it's entirely and solely up to them where they wish to have a house,and I applaud their decision to have it where they plan it.

On the children,they're already in the spotlights enough,for a child that is,so to have them adjust gradually,expose on certain choosen moments only,is good enough.

Alexander said Amalia knows she is a Princess,as in of The Netherlands,but when he mentions that she brushes it away
with a " yes papa,I know" but I like to play one now,she's only in fairytale ones at the moment.
She has to live,and put up with,the real thing long enough to have her,and her siblings,remain children a while longer.
Some problems with the house in Mozambique. The former Mao-ist party (SP) with their member-of-parlament Mr. Wouter Irrgang want the government to clarify some things about the project. According to Irrgang there are stories circulating about bribes of local authorities in Mozambique.

ANother thing about the project: the holiday houses are said to be more expensive than previously said, according to the article the prices vary from 220.000 to 1 million euros. Anyway, it is said that the project developer has offered houses to local authorities like the head of a tribe, the chef of the police etc. a house of the project. Note that Irrgang does not say where these rumours come from or how reliable they are. From what i am reading in the article it is more that in general corruption happens in such projects in Africa, so why not with this one?

Read the article in Dutch here and here.

Now, though bribes and such are not very admirable to say the least, I find it highly idiotic that members of parlament should be involved with such a minor (Dutch) issue, based on so very little real evidence. A waste of money and time at the moment.
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I hope that the DRF take all precautions in Mozambique, that is with their health. We had to boil all our water remembering to boil the water used for ice in drinks as well.
I managed to get malaria. We had a house for our use while we there, it was absolutely beautiful with a large garden and some lovely garden furniture. When I first saw it I fell in love with it and decided that we would spend a lot of time in the From behind the mosquito netting we would look at our beautiful cool garden and dream how nice it would be to sit out there in the evening.... Perhaps things have changed but I doubt it.
Now, though bribes and such are not very admirable to say the least, I find it highly idiotic that members of parlament should be involved with such a minor (Dutch) issue, based on so very little real evidence. A waste of money and time at the moment.

Oh well, you know... it's the cucumber season. I think of it as a member of parliament worrying about our dear royals and trying to save them from a stupid move. If there are bribes involved indeed (I need to see some evidence first, though) I think it's not that weird that someone keeps an eye on the whole situation. Bribes do run in the family, you know. ;)
Well, that was taking bribes..... the RF is known to be rather frugal so I don't think they will be very keen on giving them ;).
I agree that it is fine to keep an eye on the situation but to ask questions to the PM for each and every rumour as the SP has been doing lately is a bit too much. They could have waited for a statement by the RVD for example.
Oh, yes. I agree completely. But you know, that's just the way the SP works. They consider themselves to be a bit of a watch dog. Sometimes quite unnecessary indeed. No need to jump people when there's no evidence, imo. :)
What's the point of waiting for a statement of the RVD?? They usually only tell half the story.
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