I am not in favour of this whole Mozambique caboodle project,never have been,allthough I respected their choice at first.
I frown on the costs of these PR boys,but they are payed for privately so that is none of my business.Me thinks the other
participants in the project whom all opted for privacy,have seen that gone out of the window,to their heartfelt dismay.
The Argentinian director of the whole project might have some sleepless nights on how to handle this
whole unfavorable and unlucky turning sour luxury estate thing.
Critizing as HP-De Tijd does.Really,you got to be joking.They have a nerve,and besides,dishing up that they proclaimed
smoking didn´t do any harm.in 1954?4th of january 1954!?The whole world was different in 1954 and everybody smoked,
everybody!!Ask your mum.
Too rediculous for words to come up with such a lame criticism by HP,
not the countries favorite magazine anyway so they love to brew up a storm when there is none trying to catch a crowd.
People didn´t care if it was healthy or not,there was no awareness like there is these days on everything and anything,they smoked like they got out of bed in the morning too,a thing that came natural almost.Let alone that smoking was condemmed as it is today.Ofcourse it is not healthy,it doesn´t improve health,but in these days no-one really cared,they puffed happily ever after.The commercials in the cinema´s like the Peter Stuyvesant one is still on my lenses,or the Marlboro man one,or the very fifties Dame Blanche.It was a different day and age alltogether,in no way compareble to this spoiled rotten present world at all.
The fifties,the aftermath of WWII and the Cold War,the milkman and vegetable man came by your door with horse and carriage,there was a steep and deep divide between the protestant and the catholic part of the nation,one didn´t trust the other but upheld a status quo.
Unbelieveble when you think of it all now,but that is how it was.Everything was só enormously different.Tabacco was used all over not hampered by any of todays hypelike idiocies.The tabacco industry was huge and mighty,very mighty and they only tought of selling.No-one ever would have even thought to come forward with a health related claim.
Besides,I always believe people have their own responsibilities towards their health and everything else.It has become too easy to blame others for their own conduct these days,cry babies all over the screen,DSB comes to mind.
PR boys,trained to talk way besides the thruth,lie even,if need be and it sells,in that they do not differ from any lawyer,
especially not the one of the opponent.This firm tho,has a recent history in mean as the article in HP shows,the fake story
on the nurse in the Kuwaity/Iraq war in the nineties,information withheld on London Airport,that sort of thing has me way
more frawning and shrugging my shoulders in a`what a lying plebs it all is` sort of way.
I do wholeheartedly appeal to the families and real and honest friends of the Prince and Princess to tell them
out of this project,ASAP,this is smelly now but it will be a big stink in the end.
And there is something else coming up that has me worried.Mozambique is a poor country,very poor.So it saw many of its people go to South Africa for work,hundreds of thousands of men and women make a living there while sending money home.That is under real danger as south africa sees an uncalled for hate campaign against any foreigners at present,especially workers from neighbouring countries.A bloody hate and there have been over 60 murders on foreigners already from Johannisburg to Cape Town and Durban and the countryside.This has brought about a huge line of refugees towards Mozambique,a number so big the country can hardly deal with that poor as it still is.
South Africa,that country isn´t the same,it is going downhill faster then Rhodesia-Zimbabwe and no Mandela to stop it,the poor man is too old.
Anyway,with this constant stream of refugees now entering,how favorable will this splash of wealth,this `island of luxury` be seen in the very same country in the very near future?One doesn´t want,or wish,to be involved with this sort of thing,criticism might even grow louder with that splash of luxury here and deep poverty `200 yards` away from it,the contrast is way too strong.Get away from there,it is trouble,now and even more ahead.