The issue began earlier. Irene who fell in love with Carlos in Madrid, converted without even telling her parents. Would have been shocking enough without how they found out. A picture of her kneeling for communion hit papers, how her parents found out. They couldn't stop her converting as they didn't learn till after. The fact Carlo was also believed to support Franco added.
Juliana thought she convinced Irene to come home, and announced on radio, but the airplane sent for her came back empty. The couple wanted to get her, but parliament forbid them to go to Spain, thinking Irene was Franco's pawn. Her dad went alone, bringing her and Carlos back, where Irene gave up succession rights. Her involvement with Franco was publically shunned by cabinet and family.
The couple married in Rome, but no Dutch came. Her family watched on tv at Princess Armgard's house (Bernhard's mother). Armgard was catholic but she chose not to go either. Armgard lived in Netherlands with her life partner and former stable master Alexis, a Russian ex-pat who was the Only dutch athlete in 1956 Olympics. Bernhard's dad died in 1934, 3 years before he wed. Alexis,who taught him to ride, escorted the widowed Armgard to the wedding. Armgard's 2nd marriage to Bernhard sr (1st to a count she divorced) was morganatic and she was only countess on marriage. Her sons were born Counts. In 1917 her BIL Leopold, Prince of Lippe, elevated her and her sons to Princess/Princes.
Irene of course made peace. When she divorced, she brought her kids home and lived with her parents. Claus and Bea were big in their lives.