Really nice that the princesses attended. All three of them stuck to their mother like glue & for good reason. Their dresses were lovely, but tI think that thye start to be a bit too old for identical dresses.
The best thing was of course to see Prince Bernhard and Princess Annette. Wonderful that he recovered and was well enough to attend. His wife seemed very cheerful.
About Anita and her wedges: she has had some difficulties with her spine and I noticed she had difficulties in walking as well. Maybe she chose those for the simple reason of being more comfortable?
Next year: two journalists discussed it on tv on Friday and they came to the conclusion that the court hasn't made a discission yet. However, yesterday prince Maurits told one of the reporters that he didn't think it needed to be changed at all. The king said something simular in Amstelveen: 'why change a winning formula'. And TBH I wouldn't know
how it should be changed either. The idea is that the RF comes to a town to celebrate the day with them... What are the options? Esp. since it is a morning event:
- Militairy parade: out of the question.
- Defile a la Juliana: not likely, too feudal and always in the same city.
- A concert (in a stadium): not likely. Too expensive, in the evening and the kingsday concert has been changed this year already. Why have two concerts?
So I think that in priniciple they are stuck with the present form. But perhaps with some changes: visiting one city, come wth a smaller group of people and perhaps focus on more events on a square. This will reduce the security costs.
Now the question of the day was: did the mayor of Amstelveen touch the Queens behind or not?
De Graaf: herken me niet in filmpje - NOS Nieuws
The mayor denies that he did & claims there was at least one centimeter between the hand and the Queen.