NL DOET (Formerly 'Make A Difference Day')

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Aug 13, 2004
From (in dutch):

Leden Koninklijk Huis en andere prominenten nemen deel aan Make a Difference Day op 9 en 10 december 2005

Hare Majesteit de Koningin en andere leden van de Koninklijke familie doen vrijdag 9 en zaterdag 10 december mee met Make a Difference Day (MADD), de landelijke vrijwilligersdagen.

Tijdens MADD kan iedereen zich maatschappelijk betrokken tonen door zich op één of twee dagen vrijwillig in te zetten voor anderen. Ook leden van het kabinet en parlementariërs nemen deel aan vrijwilligersprojecten die deze dag plaatsvinden. MADD is een van de nationale activiteiten in het kader van het Zilveren Regeringsjubileum van Koningin Beatrix, en wordt mede ondersteund door het Nationaal Comité Zilveren Regeringsjubileum.

Hare Majesteit de Koningin helpt zaterdag 10 december 's-ochtends in woonzorgcentrum De Liendert in Amersfoort. Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid Prins Constantijn en Zijne Hoogheid Prins Pieter-Christiaan fluiten bij voetbalvereniging CJVV in Amersfoort ieder een helft van een wedstrijd voor gehandicapten. Hare Koninklijke Hoogheid Prinses Laurentien pakt 's-middags levensmiddelen in bij de Voedselbank in Lelystad. Hunne Hoogheden Prins Bernhard en Prinses Annette assisteren bij Mappa Mondo in Wezep. 's-Avonds serveren Hunne Hoogheden Prins Maurits en Prinses Marilène bij Happietaria in Groningen een diner voor gezinnen van asielzoekers. Pieter van Vollenhoven is 10 december 's-avonds in de NCRV tv-uitzending over MADD. Vrijdag 9 december nemen Hunne Hoogheden Prins Floris en Prinses Aimée deel aan een actie van de Vrijwillige Politie in Maastricht.

Zaterdag 10 december kookt minister-president Balkenende in Lopik voor gasten van Nationale Vereniging de Zonnebloem. Vice-minister-president Zalm helpt in Amersfoort bij het bloembollen planten, vice-minister-president Brinkhorst is in Utrecht behulpzaam bij het maken van een tijdschrift voor een jongerencentrum. De voorzitter van het Nationaal Comité, tevens Eerste Kamervoorzitter, Yvonne Timmerman-Buck, treedt in Flevoland op als veilingmeester voor vrijwilligersklussen. Verschillende andere leden van het Nationaal Comité, onder wie de voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer Weisglas (verhalenverteller en veilingmeester) en vice-president van de Raad van State Tjeenk Willink (verhalenverteller), zijn actief bij vrijwilligerswerk in Flevoland, Utrecht en Amersfoort.

Ook andere leden van het kabinet verrichten deze dagen vrijwilligerswerk. Vrijdag 9 december begeleidt staatssecretaris Schultz van Haegen in Leiden een groep gehandicapten naar museum Naturalis. Staatssecretaris Wijn assisteert in Amsterdam bij het invullen van formulieren bij de Sociale Dienst en staatssecretaris Ross-van Dorp woont een bijeenkomst van het Elisabeth Weeshuis bij in de Grote of Barbarakerk in Culemborg. Na de Ministerraad helpen minister Dekker en staatssecretaris Rutte mee in Verpleeghuis Het Gulden Huis in Den Haag. Zaterdag 10 december helpt minister Peijs in Woonzorgcentrum 't Oude Landt in Woerden en helpt minister De Geus in Wooncentrum Ongerwegens in Bunschoten. Staatssecretaris Van der Laan treedt in Almere op als verhalenverteller en minister Pechtold doet mee met een klussenprogramma in Amersfoort.

Make a Difference Day (MADD) vindt deze week voor het eerst plaats in Nederland. In Engeland en Amerika wordt MADD al langer georganiseerd. MADD wordt georganiseerd door CIVIQ, instituut vrijwillige inzet, in samenwerking met Vereniging Nederlandse Organisaties Vrijwilligerswerk. MADD is dit jaar een van de activiteiten die mede in het teken staan van het Zilveren Regeringsjubileum van de Koningin.


Short summary:

The Queen and other members of the RF will participate in the MADD, Make a Difference Day. They will volunteer at the following projects on saturday:

- The Queen will help at a live/care centre (house for the elderly) in Amersfoort.
- Prince Constantijn and Prince Pieter-Christiaan will be referees at soccermatches of handicapped people in Amersfoort. According to Netty on the Benelux Royals MB it is said that Princess Anita will be a spectator during this match.
- Princess Laurentien will take care of foodpackages at the 'foodbank' in Lelystad (this bank hands out these packages fto people who are struggling to make ends meet).
- Prince Maurits and Princess Marilene will go to Groningen to hand out meals in a center for Asylium seekers.
- Prince Bernhard and Princess Annette assist at Mappa Mondo in Wezep (this is a holiday house for sick children and their families).
- Prince Floris and Princess Aimee are going to Maastricht and will join the voluntiary police there (Friday).
- Prof. Pieter van Vollenhoven will give an interview on saturday about MADD.

I must say I am impressed to see the RF turned out in almost full force. I think the Queen wants to make a statement on the value volunteerers add to our society. In overall a lovely initiative of the RF!
excellent news, marengo!
it will be great to see almost the whole family participating in a big event. it's especially interesting to see the vollenhovens in there too.
great great great... hope there'll more photos.
but, i guess the crownprincely family is still in argentina? what about friso & mabel?
I guess Friso's grumpy face would scare the other volunteers away ;) But seriously, they are living in London so that might be the problem.
that will be such a nice event. it looks wonderful and really powerful when we see all the dutch family together. that shows how simple they are, i think they are the only ones (with the spanish family, in the "dia de la banderita") who volunteer in this kind of things.
carlota said:
that will be such a nice event. it looks wonderful and really powerful when we see all the dutch family together. that shows how simple they are, i think they are the only ones (with the spanish family, in the "dia de la banderita") who volunteer in this kind of things.
True. I can't imagine the BRF doing that....may be the next generation though but not QE's children.
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Queen Beatrix working in a center De Liendert for old people in Amersfoort

from terra and anp


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Polfoto 10-12-2005 Dutch Queen Beatrix pours coffee for inhabitants of 'De Liendert", home for the elderly in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005. Queen Beatrix volunteers for national "Make A Difference Day". Dutch celebrities, politicians and members of the royal family participated in this national day of helping others.


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Constantijn, Pieter-Christian, & Anita
the princes will be referees at soccermatches of handicapped people in Amersfoort.

(photos from ANP)


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Bernhard & Annete help at Mappa Mondo holiday house for sick children in Wezep

(photos from ANP)


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Laurentien help to take care of food packages at the 'foodbank' in Lelystad


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What a great concept and what a great turnout by the Dutch royal family. It really shows their devotion to their country and their desire to do good works.

I love the pictures of Beatrix pouring tea for the senior residents! What a truly special queen she is!

I have several questions however that perhaps our Dutch members or our otherwise more informed members than me might be able to answer:
1) Are these considered official acts by the royal family? If so, I thought that when Pieter Christiaan and Floris married they were considered no longer part of the royal family and thus would no longer making appearances at official acts such as Queensday? Is this an exception?

2) Is this an annual event that the royal family takes part in each year?

3) We have seen Annette take on at least two acts (a statue unveiling in the fall and now this one) which seems to be more than she usually does (only usually Queensday). What or who decides Annette's schedule (probably her kids I know, but what I want to know is could she do more royal acts if she wanted to?).

4) Where is Margriet? Is she still out of commission from her pain some months ago?
i'm really impressed by this event.
i really hope other royal houses do the same thing, and let this be a pilot project.
after all, we all like to see royals mingle with normal people in need, right?
I really love that they are doing it! It's just great to see them with the elderly, the handicapped and all the others. It's like do doing something directly for the people who need it. Of course they do all great work, but most of that is hidden from the larger part of the population. It's great way to show the people that they are there for them...

Thanks to all who have been posting these wonderful pictures! :)
It's good to see the DRF working like normal people among normal people...I wonder if the other royals do the same.
What a great initiative for the Dutch royals to take part in. It's great to see almost the whole family out participating!
Prince Constantijn & Prince Pieter-Christian
(from seegerpress)


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more of Constantijn & PC from seegerpress :


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Alexandria said:
What a great concept and what a great turnout by the Dutch royal family. It really shows their devotion to their country and their desire to do good works.

I love the pictures of Beatrix pouring tea for the senior residents! What a truly special queen she is!

I have several questions however that perhaps our Dutch members or our otherwise more informed members than me might be able to answer:
1) Are these considered official acts by the royal family? If so, I thought that when Pieter Christiaan and Floris married they were considered no longer part of the royal family and thus would no longer making appearances at official acts such as Queensday? Is this an exception?

2) Is this an annual event that the royal family takes part in each year?

3) We have seen Annette take on at least two acts (a statue unveiling in the fall and now this one) which seems to be more than she usually does (only usually Queensday). What or who decides Annette's schedule (probably her kids I know, but what I want to know is could she do more royal acts if she wanted to?).

4) Where is Margriet? Is she still out of commission from her pain some months ago?

It is the first time the MADD is held in The Netherlands. It is yet to be decided if it will become a tradition or not, I assume. Lets hope it does. I believe MADD is either a british or an american concept.

The activities are listed on the website of the royal house, so in that way it could be considered as an official function, but with an informal character though. As I already hoped for when PC and Floris married, they did not ask for permission to marry because it was a wish from the court, the court on their turn pays them all the courtesies they pay to their older brothers as well. I have hopes that they will attend Queensday, though I wouldn't be surprised if they werent there as the logistics of such a big group can be a bit difficult and cause delays in the programme. As I said, I have hopes they will attend and that the real changes will happen 'under' King Willem IV.

I believe the statue she unveiled was an act her father or mother in law would have done, but due to ill health and pres. Putins visit they couldn t make it, so they asked Annette instead. I do no expect her official duties to increase in any other way (though I would not mind). The sheduele is made by the court, they receive requests of organisations etc, and decide which member is going where.

Margriet should still be bothered by her pains, because I do not think she would have skipped this project otherwise. As chairman of the red cross she knows how to appreciate volunteers.
Thanks Marengo for all the background information.:)

What a lovely, lovely idea! At this time of year, in our rush to prepare for Xmas, it's nice to be reminded that some of the best gifts we can give are those that can't necessarily be bought & wrapped.

I thought the pictures of the Queen serving coffee & goodies to the residents of a home for the elderly were beautiful - so poignant. I imagine she must have been thinking of her own parents (it was almost a year to the day when her father was buried). And what an honour for those people to be served by their Queen. A great day!
what lovely photos! I especially love the ones of Beatrix pouring tea. such a gracious lady, our queen.
Thanks (as always!) for the detailed explanation Marengo! :)

I am in complete agreement with you that I would like to see Annette take on more royal duties it her time allowed, just as I would like to see Pieter-Christiaan and Floris and their new wives continue to participate in Queensday celebrations. Would it really be such a slow down in the programme if you consider that you are only adding two more people (Anita and Aimee)? Pieter-Christiaan and Floris have usually pariticipated so their numbers would be accounted for, but now it's simply an addition of their wives. They always make the atmosphere of Queensday seem so fun!
Well, through the years there was a slow down in the pass of the RF, which only adds to the festive atmosphere and the core members are usually on track and the delayed members have to hurry to catch them up sometimes. I like the 'messy' way, as the entire intention of Queensday like this is that it should be informal. In hindsight I think it was a good thing that Beatrix changed queensday in this way, though I still have a weak spot for the old style defile in front of Soestdijk palace.

I hope that Beatrix, for the last couple of years, will not alter the celebration and let Floris, PC, Aimee and Anita participate This way there is also an 'excuse' to let her own son and daughter-in-law (Friso and Mabel) join in. I know Friso usually doesnt like Queensday but the family and the Queen has done much to 'rehabilitate' Friso and Mabel in the past, so to let them join in Queensday would fit into this plan.

I only expect major changes in Queensday under King Willem IV, the van Vollenhovens will almost certainly stop attending, but maybe the younger generation will start joining in. I would not mind Catharina-Amalia, Eloise, Anna, Isabella joining in this year though, but it is not very likely (CA and Eloise at one point will but Anna, Isabella etc will be kept away).

Personally I liked it last year when Irene and Christina were present and I would love to see more Queensdays with them present as well, which of course will not happen.


Good to see you here again Squidgy! The Queen was poignant indeed! It was so funny to see her tlking to those people on the news. She helped an old man filling in his form for dinner and asked him with this posh voice of hers what meat he wanted for dinner that night, 'een speklapje, een cordon bleu of een boomstammetje', I would be surprised if the queen even knows what a 'boomstammetje' is (a rolled up cordon bleu).
Maurits & Marilene in Groningen (thanks a lot to Netty from BRMB)

and an audio :

Successful 'Make A Difference Day' in Happietaria

Also thanks to the Province Groningen became on the Make A Difference Day saturday evening a fantastic evening in the Happietaria restaurant.
Prince Maurits and princess Marilène clerks together with lady Jongman of the christian union, baroness Taets of Amerongen, lady Keijzer of the Dutch Labor Party and province Groningen and dhr. the Young, manager of the Rabobank Groningen, in Happietaria. They did that for 40 asielzoekers from the AZC Hairs. With their catering industry experience and the right instructions of personeelscoördinator anne marie Kralt, Maurits and Marilène knew to save self excellently.

Co-workers of the Rabobank were begun s' noons with works in the kitchen already and went eat after that with the asielzoekers. Under the enjoyment of the courts of the Happietaria menu and the royal administration of the last sacraments enjoyments the guests a three courses menu.
The Rabobank has offered a check of €3000,- for the dinner. The complete yield goes to the education projects in India, Thailand and Bangladesh. Icco and Savage Geese triple this yield.


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Thanks, I haven't seen pictures of them on this occassion before. The couple studied & met eachother in Groningen btw, I believe they both worked as a waiter/waitress in a cafe called 'Juliana'.
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finally... some more of Maurits & Marilene from ANP

ps. look at the last pic, the girl is photographing marilene so up-close, funny.. :D :rolleyes:


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SpiffyBallerina said:
The Dutch certainly have a wonderful queen!

Yes they do! Somehow I can't imagine Queen Elizabeth doing this sort of thing.
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