General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 19: September 2023 -

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Saw the photos. Nothing compromising as in no kissing, but he defo slept at her place.

Frederik is an idiot for this, you'd think he learnt his lesson in the 90's. There are hotels and an embassy for you, silly man!
Genoveva's overreaction (she even fled Madrid) didn't help either.
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Regardless of whether he is or isn't having an affair, Fred does not come off well at all in my book, that is me putting it mildly, what I really want to say is :censored: !!!

I feel bad for Mary, and I agree she looks tense; she held onto that clutch for dear life at last evening's event, but she is a big girl. The ones I really feel bad for are Fred and Mary's children, who have to attend school and be out and about knowing that there are insinuations being made about their father and that his actions are affecting their mother and perhaps themselves.
So disappointing. That Frederik after ALL these years in the public eye makes this bone head move. SMH incredulously.

The Family just celebrated Christian's 18 Birthday, which was a great success. Frederik KNEW The Spanish State Visit was coming up, also.
So fine, he plans a trip to Madrid, again NO problem, BUT THEN spends THE NIGHT at this single woman's home ? Who is known to be a "player" ????

Why ? To be so blatantly foolish, actually stupid, to set yourself up for gossip and ridicule. He knows how the Paparazzi are. He was in a Foreign Country no less, with ZERO pull to squash any unpopular headlines.

So unnecessary. No judgement shown for the optics either. Why ?

One great laugh though.....her last name is Casanova ! Can't make this stuff up !!!!
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So disappointing. That Frederik after ALL these years in the public eye makes this bone head move. SMH incredulously.

The Family just celebrated Christian's 18 Birthday, which was a great success. Frederik KNEW The Spanish State Visit was coming up, also.
So fine, he plans a trip to Madrid, again NO problem, BUT THEN spends THE NIGHT at this single woman's home ? Who is known to be a "player" ????

Why ? To be so blatantly foolish, actually stupid, to set yourself up for gossip and ridicule. He knows how the Paparazzi are. He was in a Foreign Country no less, with ZERO pull to squash any unpopular headlines.

So unnecessary. No judgement shown for the optics either. Why ?

One great laugh though.....her last name is Casanova ! Can't make this stuff up !!!!
I completely agree with you. Bonehead move, although I've never found him to be exceedingly smart.

The optics are terrible. Regardless of what did or did not happen in that apartment, optics are just as condeming. I do feel for CP Mary.
silly man !!, even if it is all innocent , he should of just gone back to a hotel ! sorry Im really disappointed in him !!

how do we know he stayed the night ? all I have seen his a picture of him

standing with her ?
Princess Gertrude, while I do feel for Mary, it is their children I feel bad for. The Holidays and all the associated Events are coming up too.
This "story" is "out" there now, and it will be whispered about and mocked.

I don't know which is more "scandalous"...... that Frederik did this, without considering at all the fallout. Or, that he did, and didn't give a damn.
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Oh my, I'm speechless. Even if Frederik is innocent and just friends with Casanova (ah, that name...), he made a seriously bad move by being fotographed alone with her, allowing the magazine to "stalk" them and find out that he slept at her house.

Even if he didn't cheat on Mary, this story will just grow bigger and bigger until everyone is hurt. I feel sorry for Mary and their children.
silly man !!, even if it is all innocent , he should of just gone back to a hotel ! sorry Im really disappointed in him !!

how do we know he stayed the night ? all I have seen his a picture of him

standing with her ?

I am afraid we only have to take the words of the journalist as true for that, as the article says paparazzi stayed all night long outside the house until he left in the morning the next day. All I have seen though are photos of him with a trolley bag and different clothes on... hardly the proof of cheating.

It doesn't really mean anything, even if he slept at her house: she is, after all, the ex wife of one the late Duchess of Alba' sons, therefore it is safe to say her apartment can have a guest bedroom.

Still, bad bad optics for Fred and what a terrible situation for Mary and the children.
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Oh my, I'm speechless. Even if Frederik is innocent and just friends with Casanova (ah, that name...), he made a seriously bad move by being fotographed alone with her, allowing the magazine to "stalk" them and find out that he slept at her house.

Even if he did that it is none our or the Press Business. It is something between Frederik and Mary. But unfortunately the Press does not repct the Privacy of the Royals anymore. It isn't that he was in Madrid on an official Trip.
So they were smart/aware/discreet enough not to be photographed dining together... but then he's already staying at and finally spends the night at her house. Which they both (she, well-acquainted with Spanish media; he, the heir to a flipping throne) magically thought no one would notice?? Nixon corollary, indeed.

I hope Lecturas makes a fortune off this.

Even if he did that it is none our or the Press Business. It is something between Frederik and Mary. But unfortunately the Press does not repct the Privacy of the Royals anymore. It isn't that he was in Madrid on an official Trip.

The press haven't "respected" the royals that way for the last forty years or so (if not since the end of WWII) and Frederik needed to be a LOT smarter. Or at least more responsible.

As our Spanish posters have said, if he wanted to hang out with an anonymous woman in Madrid, no one would have noticed or cared; instead it's one the Spanish gossip press are specifically interested in, especially for her male companions.

Fred is just multiple angles and varieties of dumb here, frankly, and none of that is on the media.
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Even if he did that it is none our or the Press Business. It is something between Frederik and Mary. But unfortunately the Press does not repct the Privacy of the Royals anymore. It isn't that he was in Madrid on an official Trip.
Indeed that's true. But unfortunately that's out there now, for everybody to see and judge. Its really an unfortunate situation.
I feel bad for Mary and their kids. Even if this is all perfectly above board how did Fred not see this looks bad? My husband and I have friends of the opposite sex, but if either of us did what he is alleged to have done? Wouldn't be pretty at the breakfast table.

Fred is just multiple angles and varieties of dumb here, frankly, and none of that is on the media.

Exactly right!
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As others have said, I feel bad for the kids, because no matter the actual truth, people can be very unkind. I imagine it is hard enough being raised in a fish bowl.

I don't have any opinion as to whether the insinuation of cheating is true, but I am disappointed that Frederik has managed to stumble in such an obvious and, frankly, easily avoidable way. If this was innocent, which it very well could have been, he should have known at this point in life that staying at a hotel was a wiser choice, for the sake of his family.
Correct me if I'm wrong Danish posters, but from my experience of Danes, something like this would never have made headlines nor would anyone had clutched their pearls. It is wild to me to see two adults hanging out and immediately jump to accusations of an affair. Certainly seems like a Spanish tabloid special to stir things up. Of course, that might all change with the photos released tomorrow.

It's not a big story here, yet.
And I totally agree with you. It seems to me that Frederik has already been tried and sentenced. - But not by me!

I will not condemn neither Frederik nor Casanova.
Frederik: He visited a friend and crashed at her place for the night. - After both of them have been seen together in public by half the citizens of Madrid.
If they are having an affair it's the most suicidal I have seen for a long time.

Is it possible they had a one night stand? Yes, of course it is possible. Everything that is not totally improbable is a possibility.
Is it equally possible that Frederik called Mary to say that he was to spend the night and Mary responded: OK, say hi from me. - IMO yes.
It is just as valid speculation as the speculations that he was fooling around.

And then we come to Casanova: Yes, she's a socialite. Yes, she has had relationships. I understand women too can have sexual needs... Yes, she denied being in a relationship with a politician. Was that because she was caught off guard? Because they were not yet ready to go public? Because their relationship wasn't at that level yet? - There can be many reasons for denying a relationship.
And IIRC our Marie also initially denied a relationship with Joachim. Mainly because the poor woman was caught off guard while Joachim was in Nepal, I think, at the time.

Because you are a socialite you are not necessarily bad, nor a home-wrecker.

This is 2023, surely a man and a woman can sleep under the same roof, without being at it like rabbits?
Even in my youth, many years ago it was quite common to crash at the couch of a female friend if you missed the last bus, or your scooter was too intoxicated to drive home, without anything happening.
Which is perhaps why this story isn't that big a thing here in DK, yet.

And don't worry too much about the children. It's more likely their friends and classmates will rally around them.
I will start to worry if, repeat if, it turns out that Frederik did goof or have been having an affair. That's a bad one to subject your children to!

But so far, where be the hard evidence?

Is there someone from Denmark that can comment on this?

Weren’t there rumors that CP Frederik had an affair during the 2020 quarantine?

If this is a platonic friendship (which can exist), they made some poor choices because the optics are very bad. It isn’t as if CP Frederik couldn’t have afforded a hotel suite or the transportation back to the hotel. It just reiterates that CP Frederik isn’t very smart if he thinks that no one will notice him with an attractive woman.


Not that I recall.
There are always rumors about Frederik having an affair, actually a multitude of affairs if you read certain comments sections. These rumors have been around since M&F left Copenhagen Cathedral the day they got married.
As mentioned in a previous post: DK is a small country, it's very difficult to hide if you are probably the most wellknown man in DK.
PH was also persistently rumored to have an affair - with his own nephew I think.

- Having said all that. Should it turn out that Frederik was messing about, then the public will crucify him! If you think Joachim got a hard time after separating from Alexandra (who was the superstar of the DRF back then) then you ain't seen anything yet!
Personally I'd consider him the most stupid man in DK at present and my regards for him will hit rock bottom. If fact if that be the case, he could move into an igloo 200 km north of Greenland and live there for the rest of his life, for all I care.
But... present me with hard evidence first: Lip stick on his collar. A video. Photos. Suction marks on his neck. Him holding hands and/kissing Casanova.
DNA-samples from his "guys."
Until then I will give him the benefit of doubt.

I find it quite... an eye-opener that I as a married man can, in 2023, have my whole reputation as a husband ruined by people who don't know me, if I spend the night in the house of a single woman. Because what applies to Frederik surely applies to everyone?
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I'm reading the story again and I can't tell if Frederik is just dumb or he really didn't care about the aftermath. This could've been easily avoided. What baffles me is that he's +50 year-old man and heir to a throne, and yet he didn't know better. I guess the word "clever" is not on his dictionary.
Questioned by the journalists present, Crown Prince Frederico made absolutely no comments to the journalists present about his visit to Madrid.

The director of the magazine Lecturas says: “Someone from Queen Letizia contacted us hours before we distributed this news to let us know that the Queen was very interested in knowing the content of those photos that were posted on the page.”

All the pictures:

BT has been in contact with the Danish royal house.

Here's what the royal household's communications department said at noon on Wednesday:

“We do not comment on rumors and innuendo.”
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Muhler, I almost always agree with you but not on this, :flowers:

What we do in college is different than what we do as adults, particularly when a wife and children are in the picture. No clue if they slept together or not and it's possible they are nothing more than friends. But can we agree that Fredrick used poor judgement here? Do we know if Mary knows this woman? If she does and they are good friends then that puts this in a different light.

We shall see how this all shakes out. :flowers:

I find it quite... an eye-opener that I as a married man can, in 2023, have my whole reputation as a husband ruined by people who don't know me, if I spend the night in the house of a single woman. Because what applies to Frederik surely applies to everyone?
Its always easier for people who don't know you to judge you than people who know you. I think Frederik will have a hard time with the press and the population, but not with his close ones. Family can be hurt but will always be family, and the Danish Royal Family seems to have strong bonds. Anyway, my husband has female friends, and one day (during his long journey back home) he had to stay a night at his female friend's house (she had a spare room) and I didn't mind. He told me about it and I trusted him, but I believe people who didn't know him would say otherwise.
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I find it quite... an eye-opener that I as a married man can, in 2023, have my whole reputation as a husband ruined by people who don't know me, if I spend the night in the house of a single woman. Because what applies to Frederik surely applies to everyone?

Presumably it would be a lot easier to establish your prior relationship with the woman and the circumstances of the visit and to call Mrs. Muhler and ask if she knew and was fine with it. Also, why would most people who don't know you have any interest at all? Very little of what applies to royals applies to most ordinary folks.

At the risk of repeating myself, he could have a female friend, or "friend", in Madrid, gone and hung out and stayed with her and no one would be wiser or care.

He chose...poorly.
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Genoveva's reaction yesterday was also damning. Instead of saying we are old friends, I had the pleasure of hosting the Crown Prince during a short stay in Madrid blah, blah, blah she came out guns blazing about her besmirched honor, threatening to sue the magazine (for what?), saying Frederik slept in a hotel and she was just being his guide as a favor to a mutual friend who fell ill.
Questioned by the journalists present, Crown Prince Frederico made absolutely no comments to the journalists present about his visit to Madrid.

The director of the magazine Lecturas says: “Someone from Queen Letizia contacted us hours before we distributed this news to let us know that the Queen was very interested in knowing the content of those photos that were posted on the page.”

All the pictures:

BT has been in contact with the Danish royal house.

Here's what the royal household's communications department said at noon on Wednesday:

“We do not comment on rumors and innuendo.”

crazy how thoughtless some people in grand positions act !
:previous: :flowers:

Pretty uninteresting photos. I've seen lampposts being more infatuated with each other than these two. And closer together too.

Come on, they are having an affair, it's exciting, thrilling, teasing, alluring, they are about to get laid. Big time! - So where are the glances, the smiles, the expectant looks, the slight touch of bodies?

Frederik looks about as romantic as me around 23 on an average Thursday night: I really just want to go to bed. - To sleep.

Ooh, I hear you say. It's because they know they may be observed so they just pretend. Well, then perhaps they should just postpone their tete a tete.

And Frederik dragging his suitcase in we must presume to be the next morning with has hand buried in his pocket. - He doesn't look to me like someone who has had a - good - night! Where is the gait? Where is the I'm da man expression?
I've seen people with toothache looking more expectant/satisfied than Frederik and Casanova.

- If Frederik is guilty of anything then IMO it's being naive.
Perhaps the world would be a better place if we were all a bit naive...

Muhler, I almost always agree with you but not on this, :flowers:

What we do in college is different than what we do as adults, particularly when a wife and children are in the picture. No clue if they slept together or not and it's possible they are nothing more than friends. But can we agree that Fredrick used poor judgement here? Do we know if Mary knows this woman? If she does and they are good friends then that puts this in a different light.

We shall see how this all shakes out. :flowers:

No problem. ?

He is - so far - guilty of being naive.
It's IMO a case of: I'm not doing anything wrong, so why on earth should anyone else think I'm doing something wrong?

Looking at the photos, there is another thought that strikes my mind, but if I said it out loud I would probably (and deservedly I guess) be whacked on the head. But it makes me think: Nah.
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:previous: :flowers:

Pretty uninteresting photos. I've seen lampposts being more infatuated with each other than these two. And closer together too.

There is also no body language or expressions suggesting that they are friends and are just hanging out for innocent, fun purposes, either. Why would good-time affable Fred be hanging out with a woman who just makes him tense and bored?

- If Frederik is guilty of anything then IMO it's being naive.
Perhaps the world would be a better place if we were all a bit naive...

Sorry, Muhler, but "naive and trusting" is your excuse for a lot — when royals are raised to be neither, even the less-bright ones.

"Entitled and stupid" fits better with Occam's razor.
There is also no body language or expressions suggesting that they are friends and are just hanging out for innocent, fun purposes, either. Why would good-time affable Fred be hanging out with a woman who just makes him tense and bored?

Sorry, Muhler, but "naive and trusting" is your excuse for a lot — when royals are raised to be neither, even the less-bright ones.

"Entitled and stupid" fits better with Occam's razor.

Depending on one's view that can be synonymous.

I believe in Royals being only humans and I try not to contribute to malice what can explained with in this case, being naive.
The press haven't "respected" the royals that way for the last forty years or so (if not since the end of WWII) and Frederik needed to be a LOT smarter. Or at least more responsible.

But because it has so since the last 40plus years doesn't make it more right. In my opinion also high profile royals like Frederik or Felipe have a right on privacy. Probably there need to be more strict laws even more so as it is know that the Press has this pics already since a few weeks on only waited for the right moment to publish them.
To be honest, until someone can present watertight proof that they have a love affair or a sexual affair (wich i haven’t seen any sign of so far), the only thing Frederik can be accused of - is not being very smart who doesn’t handle his friendships more discreetly….

Until then, this is not more ”interesting” than anything else than the gossip newspapers regularly writes…
If Genoveva is such Spanish tabloid fodder, I wonder why nobody caught Frederik arriving at her place. Is there any timeframe for how long he could have been there?
It looks like someone tipped the photographers, as they very much were willing to wait all night for Frederik to leave. Given her off-keel hysterics to the press today, I further have my suspicions.

But, even if this was just an innocent visit with a friend (and it is looking more and more like a set-up to me), it shows a clear lack of judgment. A woman entering a large hotel is not a story. A married Crown Prince exiting a single woman's house, who divorced after an affair, will always sell newspapers and get clicks.
If Genoveva is such Spanish tabloid fodder, I wonder why nobody caught Frederik arriving at her place. Is there any timeframe for how long he could have been there?

Genoveva is a well-known person in the gossip press, but at this time she was not a person with 24-hour monitoring. She is in the news if she has a new boyfriend, or there is some notable issue in the Alba family or she attends a party or promotion... but otherwise her life is discreet. The last time she made the news was because she suffered a health problem and had to be hospitalized.

In Spain there are no tabloids as such, there is the gossip press and within that press the jet set has Hola as its main magazine, and Genoveva falls into that group. She is divorced from the Duchess of Alba's son and has had several romantic relationships with famous men, and she and her friends are well-known high society people.

The photographers found them leaving Retiro Park in the afternoon (supposedly, as she told Hola, they had been to the Thyssen Museum before) and followed them to Genoveva's house. There they waited until around 9 p.m. when a car picked them up to take them to the restaurant, they followed them and remained in the restaurant until 1 a.m. When they returned to Genoveva's house, they also followed them. They stood guard all night and at 8.28 a.m. Frederick left the house.
it would sound very strange to me if 2 people who are highly sought after personalities for the media would go out and about on the streets if they were indeed in a romantic relationship. whilst the optics aren't necessarily great (fred staying overnight at genoveva's, who i believe isn't in a relationship currently), it would be a really stupid thing to do to by both, so i don't believe these rumours hold true. genoveva has released a statement via her lawyers saying this is all untrue.

the spanish media is commenting how frederik and mary appeared distant at today's event with felipe and letizia. to me, they may be distant (or not, haven't seen the videos) but it wouldn't be because of a potential affair, just that mary may be rightly annoyed about fred's clear lack of judgement.

the timing of this whole thing, with the spanish state visit, couldn't be worse too.
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