To BurberryBrit: Excuse me?!
BurberryBrit, I find your comment that Cubans have African blood to be offensive, as well as demonstrative of ignorance of other nationalities and cultures. I find it offensive not because there is anything inherently "wrong" or "less valuable" about being black, but because of the negative connotation associated with it in society. Were I black, I would be proud to be so and to represent the great continent and peoples of Africa, after all, according to scientists, we did all commence our human existence in Africa.
Having said that, I shall continue with my main purpose in this thread, which is to express that you are in need of elucidation on various points. Cubans are no more African than the Southerners in the U.S. As with many European colonies in the New World, Cuba operated on a slave economy, meaning that the economy depended upon slave labor, just as the Southern U.S.A. did; however, there was one very important distinction: we did not lynch black persons and we did not murder black children on their way to school or at church; furthermore, although the rule was "separate but equal," racial tensions were nowhere near as prevalent as in the U.S.A., and being gracious and polite to black compatriots was expected.
In addition, Maria Teresa and I share several common ancestors; none of them was black. They were, however, related to various Spanish nobles and others were of the Spanish nobility themselves; of those, quite a few trace their ancestry to a long string of European monarchs from many European countries, including Spain, France, Italy, England, the Scandinavian countries, etc. One of her Calvo de la Puerta ancestors was related to Sebastian Calvo de la Puerta y O'Farrill, the Marques de Casa Calvo (which translates into English as Marquis of Casa Calvo), who was also the governor of the State of Louisiana (U.S.A.), commencing in 1799.
If Maria Teresa has black ancestry, that would be very surprising, as several of her ancestors owned slaves in Cuba, not the other way around - although descending from a family that owned slaves is nothing about which any person should be proud.
Suffice it to say that Cubans represent all the races that exist on the planet. The large population of African Cubans is due to the large number of slaves that were brought into the country as labor, as well as the "white flight" to the U.S.A. and other countries that took place after Castro seized power.
In closing, let's not confuse the different categories and group affiliations that apply to every person on the planet: nationality, culture and race. Cuban is a nationality, Hispanic is a culture, Caucasian (white) is a race.
And with that - I bid you good night.
BurberryBrit;736054]Wow, is that really true? If so, sad. But I know, different times.

I wouldn't be surprised if she had some African blood being Cuban, but she could "pass" so it's too bad they couldn't attend the wedding because of something that you can't even see.[/QUOTE]