The gifts to God-children were not expressly stated in the will, but in papers that were referred to in but did not form part of the will; they were not the subject of the codicil, which did nothing but remove Patrick Jephson as executor/trustee and replace him with sister Sarah. What Frances & Sarah did was do a complete overhaul of the original will, with the sanction of the High Court of Justice, and ostensibly for the benefit of William & Harry. Diana's sons were originally to take their shares at age 25, but the document sanctioned by the Court on 19.12.97 - I hestitate to call it a will because it bore little resemblance to Diana's document - created a fairly complex trust structure. I suspect, but cannot be sure, that there are probably substantial tax benefits to the new structure.
You can see all the documents at
Court TV Online - FAMOUS WILLS for the Will and Codicil, and select part2 for the Court sanctioned document.