I thought she was of so-so interest, but then I read the translated interview and was really captivated by their love story, so now I find her much more interesting. Felipe and Letizia's relationship doesn't interest me much.Originally posted by lucys@Jun 23rd, 2004 - 7:38 pm
Can someone please explain Mary mania to me? I must confess that I just don't get it. I find her sweet and pretty and utterly average. Please tell me what I am missing!
hehe! 'mary mania'... nice termCan someone please explain Mary mania to me? I must confess that I just don't get it. I find her sweet and pretty and utterly average. Please tell me what I am missing!
I honestly couldn't tell what characteristic it is about Mary that people who like her like--I haven't been able to decipher that predominate character trait. Does that make sense?
Thanks. Now I understand better.Originally posted by Jasl@Jun 24th, 2004 - 11:19 pm
I honestly couldn't tell what characteristic it is about Mary that people who like her like--I haven't been able to decipher that predominate character trait. Does that make sense?
I think it's hard to see the reason why others like a person if you yourself don't like that person. Like Maxima... most people love her, but for the most part, I'm always thinking yes she smiles lot, so? But I know its just me not being able to see what others see. And for example, I love Mette Marit's simplicity and how she so adores her husband... but people wouldn't see that and continue to absolutely disparage her.
About Mary... hmmm, I do like her, expecially after reading the interview. I think because I can relate to her. Just her outlook on life, and the questions and doubts that she had, are kind of like mine would probably be if I was in that situation. And for her not to have backed out, and to be doing very well at the moment, makes her admirable to me. And of course I think she looks wonderful... others wouldn't agree (and hence can't see what I see) but I adore her style more than all the other crown princess'.
Now I LIKE Alex a lot... but I can't relate to Alex for a number of reasons, for example, what she has done aren't things that I have done, and she recently said in her recent interview that "I can relate to everyone" and before in another one she said "i try to be perfect" or something. Whereas Mary is more of an "ill try to do my best" kind of thing. Not to offense people of course, but its just the way I think.
The reason I like Mary (and Mette-Merit even more) is because they are "unassuming". That, and the fact that the "magic carpet ride" has swept them up.Jasl Posted: Jun 24th, 2004 - 9:19 pm
I honestly couldn't tell what characteristic it is about Mary that people who like her like--I haven't been able to decipher that predominate character trait. Does that make sense?
unassuming??Originally posted by King Christian@Jun 25th, 2004 - 9:27 pm
The reason I like Mary (and Mette-Merit even more) is because they are "unassuming".
Mandag 5. juli 2004.
Besøg i Grønland
Besøget i Grønland slutter, og der returneres til Danmark.
Tirsdag 6. juli 2004.
Legatoverrækkelse fra Crown Prince Frederik Fund
H.K.H. Kronprinsen uddeler legater fra "Crown Prince Frederik Fund" i Chr. VIIIs Palæ, Amalienborg.
Onsdag 7. juli 2004. kl. 12:00
Modtagelse af deputation
Kronprinsparret modtager deputation i Chr. VIII's Palæ, Amalienborg.
Tuesday, July 6
___?____ (help - Legatoverrækkelse) from Crown Prince Frederik Foundation
HRH The Crown Prince awards legacies/stipendiums? from the "Crown Prince Frederik Foundation" in Christian VIII's Palace, Amalienborg.
Wednesday, July 7 at 12 noon.
Modtagelse von deputization ??
Crown Prince Couple ?receives? deputations in Christian VIII's Palace, Amalienborg.
The Crown Prince Frederik Fund"
Administered by:
The Denmark-America Foundation and the
Fulbright Commission
Fiolstræde 24, 3
1171 Copenhagen K
General Information
The capital of the foundation comprises funds from a "gift from the citizens" presented to HRH The Crown Prince by the Danish Americans on his 25th birthday, when he was studying at Harvard University.
The purpose of the foundation is to provide financial assistance to students of social policy and sciences, for one year’s study at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
Deadline for Applications
Announced by the universities
Application form
Award presentation
Legater fra "Crown Prince Frederik Fund"
Offentliggjort fredag d. 18. juni 2004
Den 6. juli 2004 overrækker Kronprins Frederik for 11. gang legater fra Crown Prince Frederik Fund; den folkegave Kronprinsen fik af dansk-amerikanere til sin 25 års fødselsdag, da han studerede ved Harvard Universitetet.
Fondens formål er at yde økonomisk støtte til studerende indenfor samfundsvidenskaberne til ét års studie ved John F. Kennedy School of Government på Harvard.
I år vil der være to legatmodtagere:
Nikolaj Lomholt Svensson
Overbygningsstuderende ved Aarhus Universitets Institut for Statskundskab. Har i forbindelse med studierne været ansat et halvt år ved den danske FN-delegation i New York, hvor opgaverne primært lå i Sikkerhedsrådets regi.
Kasper Graa Wulff
Statskundskabsstuderende ved Københavns Universitet med fokus på internationale relationer. Sideløbende med studier gennemgås en uddannelse som russisk sprogofficer ved Forsvarsakademiet, som forventes færdiggjort i sommeren 2004.
Amalienborg, den 18. juni 2004
P. Thornit
Der vil ikke være adgang for pressen, men fotos fra legatoverrækkelsen kan fås ved henvendelse til fotograf Steen Brogaard, e-mail: steen@brogaard.com.
Yes, I would say, it is an honour. You have to be quite smart to get such a scholarship.Originally posted by King Christian@Jul 6th, 2004 - 2:02 am
So ... quite an honour for the recipient of the scholarship ! ? !
i like to see her pictures again and again...i hope there will be more functions for her to attend...so we can see her new nice dresses
that pics were wonderful! many thanks....Originally posted by Chatleen@Jul 8th, 2004 - 10:52 am
I came across this link at the Glittering Royal MB
You can see pictures from the wedding in interactive 360 degree panoramas.
Well, it is actually just called 'Brudevalsen' - 'Bridal Waltz' or 'Waltz of the Bride'. (I found this translation of the titel somewhere on the www).Originally posted by carlota@Jul 9th, 2004 - 5:10 am
does anyone know the name of the wedding waltz they danced? the one that sounds in the 4th photo...