Summary of article in Billed Bladet #13, 2017.
Written by Henrik Salling.
On Saturday 1. April Felix will be confirmed at Fredensborg palace church.
The ceremony starts at 11.00 and is expected to last 45 minutes.
His five godparents are expected to be among the guests. BB speculates that there will be about 50 guests.
When the ceremony is over, the Regent Couple will host a lunch for all at Amalienborg. Amalienborg, because the Regent Couple haven't moved to Fredensborg yet.
How long the celebrations will last is not mentioned in the article.
- There is a long standing tradition, going back at least a hundred years (because I remember relatives talking about taking part in it in 1921) called Blue Monday.
Blue Monday takes place on the first Monday after the Confirmation, where the confirmands (Or whetever you call them) celebrate their "coming of age" on their own.
Dressed in brand new clothes and money in the pockets they descend on the amusement parks and larger cities in droves. Raiding the local McDonalds and shopping like mad.
Beforehand they used to be completely on their own, but they are easily spotted by pick-pockets and criminals, so a number of parents usually ride shotgun, staying within easy reach and a telephone call away, in case we are needed.
They usually start out with a group of friends meeting for a breakfast at a friends house, before going out to town:
Going shopping:
The group photo after the confirmation, which is often done with their classmates:
At the amusement park: As you can tell that while the girls are half grown up, the boys are very much still kids:
A couple of dads on shotgun duty:
There are a number of local traditions about what to do or where to go.
P.S. You're gonna love the photos of some of the DRF members from their confirmations, when I get around to scan the mag.