Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 37: March 2012 - March 2013

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to part 37 of the thread to discuss the current events of Charlotte Casiraghi.

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** Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 36: June 2011 - February 2012 **

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:flowers: Happy posting! :flowers:
She lost some weight IMO, at least in the latest pics she looks a bit slimmer, no? ;)
Anyway, she's gorgeous and single again. Hope she enjoys her freedom to the full - way to go, Charlotte!!! :flowers:
The TFS said, that this woman with the blue jacket is not she.
I call BS. That's probably Charlotte suing paparazzi pictures. If that's not her, that's a very good dubbel with great genes.
The TFS said, that this woman with the blue jacket is not she.

Well, this makes sense, because this girl looks rather like a skinnier version of Charlotte. ;) I would like to believe that Charlotte has a fuller and prettier face - if this is not the real Charlotte, then she's another beautiful girl for sure! :flowers:
Bonne soirée, :flowers:

Well I dont understand the speculation :evil: (,is or is not CHAR.) Just because you dont like the close she uses in café Paris; it´s not her ... or is a clone. :lol:

I think you all have taken consciousness of the CHAR. is a woman as any of us, and when she is not doing PUB campaigns for brands like ... CUGGI, or Chanil, or Cortier, or Rolix, or Hennezzy, or Muët & Chandun, or Louis Vuitten, or Heirmès, or ... :p ZARA :lol: she use regular/simple close of the day work, like all personal, so please ... :flowers: dont stay shocked. :w00t:

Be realistic is a simple outfit, it becomes a normal way, nothing bad, it is normal in Paris, residents, (and I speak not just only of Parisians) people take an regular outfit from day to day, to a quickie visit, to the boulanger, or the café, or a restaurant; or PMU, and have orange juice, or donuts, or macarons gerbet, or any think to drink or eat - and back home soon, and go in to bed ... AGAIN :lol:

Honestly I dont have nothing against the pajamas ... :lol:

But the sunglasses ... :bang: well I remember ... :D a little fool (me) 20 years ago with the Ray Ban sunglasses of the TV Série Miami Vice.
(my favorite of all times, they do not make TV series like that, anymore)

It was the fever in that time, now that glasses are Jump Off. :lol:

:heart: YouTube - Céline Dion - Think Twice :heart:
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I call BS. That's probably Charlotte suing paparazzi pictures. If that's not her, that's a very good dubbel with great genes.

I agree. If that's not her, then she has the perfect doppelganger in Paris. :D
While she looks a bit different in the profile shots, I think her ears and hairline are pretty unmistakably and unique.
She lost some weight IMO, at least in the latest pics she looks a bit slimmer, no? ;)
Anyway, she's gorgeous and single again. Hope she enjoys her freedom to the full - way to go, Charlotte!!! :flowers:
Isn't she with Gad anymore?
Elisa is Italian by birth, but her parents are from Egypt.
She looks very much like a dark haired Grace in the photo. Absolutely gorgeous!!!
She really has the face of a model....the face.
Pretty good picture. Photoshoped, but good one.
I was waiting impatiently for this shooting by Peter Lindbergh and this first pic is amazing. Princess of Durham said that she looked liked a darked haired Grace Kelly on this pic and this true. I really love it! Her face is sweet, and she attracts the light very well. And they arranged her hair as if they were shorter which is good: Charlotte looked better with shorter hair, it softened her face. She reminds me Natalia Vodianova too, they share the same kind of doll face (on this pic) - but Natalia's face is fuller.
I hope that we'll have more pics soon! Thanks a lot Florencia.
I read somewhere that her campaign with Gucci will start on March the 6th, I'm really waiting for her pics!
^ It seems that articles introducing her as Gucci new face are not totally true. Vanity Fair says that Charlotte will only appear in the campagn for Gucci 90th birthday. As Charlotte is linked to Gucci with her horse riding clothes, as Grace Kelly was linked to Gucci, I don't find strange that they chose her. And it's an interesting choice for them because they'll bring them a lot of money! So maybe she's attracted by celebrity, but this choice can be explained. The campaign will be linked to horse riding.
BTW Vanity Fair created a diaporama of Charlotte in horse riding clothes, with captions explaining details on what she's wearing. That's very interesting: Photos: The Equestrian Glamour of Charlotte Casiraghi, Grace Kelly
On this pic she looks a lot like Caroline: Photos: The Equestrian Glamour of Charlotte Casiraghi, Grace Kelly
Her VF shot by Lindbergh is stunning. She should wear her hair like this more often. Just a few inches.
This is really beautiful picture of Charlotte!
I love her make-up! Next time I want the same one ;))
That's a nice shot indeed and I agree that she looks a bit like Natalia Vodianova here.
Isn't she with Gad anymore?

To be honest with you, I don't follow her that much. I don't even know who this Gad is. :blush: I assumed that she's single now that she broke up with Alex.

As to the new photos, I like the VF shot more than the Vogue cover. There is a strong Grace vibe in it, she looks absolutely ravishing!! :flowers:
To be honest with you, I don't follow her that much. I don't even know who this Gad is. :blush: I assumed that she's single now that she broke up with Alex.

As to the new photos, I like the VF shot more than the Vogue cover. There is a strong Grace vibe in it, she looks absolutely ravishing!! :flowers:

Gad Elmaleh is a French comedian and actor and it's been said that Charlotte has a relationship or at least an affair with him at the moment. They've been seen together and she has been seen leaving his apartment.
I don't like the Vogue look.. Hate the black eye make-up. :sad:

Just to avoid any confusion - for those who hadn't seen it before: the VOGUE cover is not a new one, but from last year! :flowers:
Style Icon from The Fashion Spot said that Charlotte's pic for Vanity Fair reminded her a pic of Grace Kelly for Look Magazine, in 1954.
She posted a little pic: I found a bigger one, and compared it to Charlotte's one: Untitled | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Style Icon is true, Peter Lindbergh's work has been inspired by this pic of Grace Kelly. It is very interesting, isn't it?

I want to thank a lot Style Icon for this pic!
The funny thing is that they have chosen a very unflattering pic of Grace Kelly. The woman had that amazing beautiful face and in that pic she looks just plain!

The TFS said, that this woman with the blue jacket is not she.

I don't understand why it's been decided that it's not her! The people on TFS are no authorities, they are only people speculating, like us.

I have no doubts it is Charlotte myself. Yes maybe her nose seems a little bit longer, but it is easy to see that the pic was taken from rather far away with a telescopic lense and she has the sun in her face, those two are distorting factors...

I mean, the girl is her clone, she has chanel slippers, walks hunched like charlotte does, she has her exact hairline, the same sunglasses, and obviously some paparazzi who knows her and the news agency he works for think that it is her.... i don't even understand how there can be any doubt.
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The funny thing is that they have chosen a very unflattering pic of Grace Kelly. The woman had that amazing beautiful face and in that pic she looks just plain!

I have to agree, Grace looks very plain in that particular picture.
It had to take a very special photographer indeed to turn an exceptional beauty like the late Princess into a boring looking housewife.
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