Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 33: July 2009 - March 2010

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I've seen several members of the princely family when I've been in monaco. As far as I remember right now I've seen once Caroline on her own, twice Caroline and Ernst, once Ernst and Pierre, and one last time little Alexandra with someone I didn't recognize, maybe a nanny. In maybe half of these occasions they were accompanied by very conspicuous body guards, so I can assure you that they do use body guards in Monaco.

Where exactly did I say they didn't use bodyguards in Monaco? I said there was no need for bodyguards in Monaco, I didn't say they failed to use them.

My Grandparents have lived in Monaco for 40 years [actually in the same building as Princess Stephanie in Fontvieille] so I generally have spent a lot of time there growing up & I've seen all 3 of the Casiraghis [individually] without security. On the other hand, everytime I've seen Prince Albert he's had security & Stephanie's kids seem to always have security.

I've also seen Charlotte twice in London without security & seen Andrea on lower 5th Av in New York coming out of 'Otto' the pizza restaurant & he had zero security.
Did you see them in Monaco, in London, in New York?? Wow... Sorry, but I find it a little bit strange. Or do you are their friend? Or did you say now to much? I can't belive it, sorry, I can also write such stories...
Why would Albert and Steph's kids get security and not the Casiraghis?
Well, Albert is the Sovereign Prince so I'm pretty sure he is #1 on the security agenda. It only makes sense. As for the others, it might just have had something to do with the time and place. I'm sure any could have them at any time they wished (they can certainly afford it). There may be times when they have to be especially alert or something.
I saw the cover of a magazine and there is Charlotte in Algarve. Do you know something ?
I saw the cover of a magazine and there is Charlotte in Algarve. Do you know something ?

Yes i do. The portuguese magazine VIP states that Charlotte spend a few days in the Algarve ( Portugal ) with her uncle, P. Albert and Charlene, as well as Charlotte's godmother, Albina Boisrouvray. According to the magazine, Charlotte spent her time in Algarve on the beach, and, showed a thin, skinny figure that ( according to what's written in the article and risking speculation Mr Moderator :banned:) suggests anorexy. I´ll try to post the pictures... :sun:
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And Alex isn't in Algarve?
Charlotte earns her money self or she has got from Prince Albert's (or Caroline's)money? Is she rich? Has she got own flat, own car?
All posts from today discussing the pictures of Charlotte
wearing a red dress have been moved to the Charlotte
Casiraghi pictures part III- thread
. The pics were taken
in June 2008 so they had nothing to do with Charlotte
Casiraghi's current events.

Monaco Forum Moderator

You can see a tiny pic of the cover of the magazine, with Char, Albert and Charlene en Algarve.
Look at Char's abs!
She's thin (her abs are killer), but people throw the word 'anorexic' around waaaayyy to liberally. And that's all I'm going to say.

Anyway, I hope we get more pictures. Her bikini looks cute!
Caroline and her children are very close to Albert and Charlene, they have spent much time on holidays this summer, they must stay very well together.
It seems like Charlotte very much likes Charlene. :cool: I wonder if Char will go to Doha, Qatar for the final leg of the GCT, in November.

OK I have been trying to locate Charlotte because I thought she must be in Vaalkenswaard for the GCT this weekend, and now I found out from the results that this morning she was eliminated from the 1m20 special invitational 1* competition. Does someone know what happened?
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I love this interview! Prince Albert looks so proud! There is a difference in their accents while speaking French, too - she sounds more like a native than he, although his French is flawless, he sounds like an American speaking French - she sounds as if she was born there, speaking it from day-one.....maybe I'm alone in that feeling, but there is a distinct difference (no disrespect intended, just an observation).
I agree with you ^. I would so love to hear her give an interview in English though, because that short clip we heard of her speaking outside of Stella McCartney's fashion show she sounded like a Brit!

Her mom has a very polished American accent, to me at least, she doesn't sound totally British. But I suppose since Charlotte lives there and being that her boyfriend is British it makes sense that Charlotte sounds more English. Still I want to see if she has a slight French lilt when speaking English or not.
Lovely interview, I never have heard her speaking before! I think, she sounds really like an native french. But I still can't believe it how a girl can resemble her mother that much! :flowers: Incredible. She seems to be a very lovely young woman as well, lot of charism IMO. :)
She appears to be so serious, mature woman! And her voice... To tell the truth I prefer sweet voice of Grace.
The media is so late to pick up on this interview that was seen all over the internet since June! :lol:

Well, Charlotte was to compete today again, with GI Joe, but was eliminated again. It was the Special Invitational 1*/1m25 competition. I don't know what's happening but I hope everything is OK with her and GI Joe. Maybe she's having back pain again.
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It's the GCT Valkenswaard and she is indeed eliminated.

It's not going too well at the moment for her riding career. Maybe it's one of the first times for them jumping 1.20 together.
Maybe it's the tension or something. Every rider and horse knows it's ups and downs. Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum and Jessica Kurten had theirs too. Nothing too be ashamed for.
oh, charlotte sounds lovely speaking french. it's also easy to understand her. thanks for the video, i'm glad she did an interview to promote the sport!
It's the GCT Valkenswaard and she is indeed eliminated.

It's not going too well at the moment for her riding career. Maybe it's one of the first times for them jumping 1.20 together.
Maybe it's the tension or something. Every rider and horse knows it's ups and downs. Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum and Jessica Kurten had theirs too. Nothing too be ashamed for.

Well, even the best of the professionals can have an "off" day, :nonono: and it's been a while since she's ridden/competed consistently, so it may take some time to get her groove back - maybe she and GI Joe need to work better together (perhaps he's new to the show circuit, which can make a huge difference if he's not experienced). They'll figure it the meantime, I'm rooting for her!:D
Wow...I think the princely family of Monaco are the most elegant, beautiful and interesting of all the European royals. Scandals be damned!:flowers:

Charlotte is exquisite, a bit sweet that she had Uncle Albie nearby for support! I wish she and HIRH Prince Amadeo of Belgium could meet...he is dark and brilliant and handsome.

They would make the most gorgeous couple ever.

Thanks for posting the video.
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