Well, Warren, please accept my full prostrations and thanks for digging up these marvelous goodies. Is the festoon tiara and the pearl and diamond tiara the same or is my eyesight just as shot as I think it is??? They went and ruined the aquamarine tiara when they shortened it. Why is it that such a lovely gem as aquamarine has been stuck in such hideous arrangements. The
BRF has in recent times come up with some real losers where jewels, particularly tiaras are concerned. QEIIs Birma ruby dud, her aquamarine flop, and finally the sapphire ruin. And now another aquamarine fiasco. Somebody needs to have a talk with Her Majesty about all of this. This just will not do. But then the scroll thingie is just perfect.
As for the mystery tiara why doesn't somebody call up Buckingham Palace and ask them??? What can they say, Kiss My Grits??? Surely Mr Munn or whomever has contacts within the hallowed halls of BP (and that's not a petroleum company either) who could quietly rummage around and let us have some crumbs to satisfy our insatiate cravings. After all look what they < ie the royals, parade around in on a regular basis. Why all the secrecy in the first place.
In any case it is a lovely jewel indeed. More goodies for the famished, Warren??? Cheers.