Luxembourg’s Royal Family Attend VE Day Commemorations

  May 8, 2015 at 9:45 pm by

View the full image at Tageblatt

View the full image at Tageblatt

Members of Luxembourg’s Grand Ducal Family were today present at commemorations in both Luxembourg City and Paris to mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day.

Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended a ceremony at the Kanounenhiwel, Luxembourg’s national monument in honour of the 5,700 Luxembourgers who died in World War II and the suffering the people of Luxembourg faced during the Nazi occupation. Prime Minister Xavier Bettel was also there, delivering a speech.

View the full image at Tageblatt

View the full image at Tageblatt

The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess laid a wreath at the monument, under the watchful gaze of representatives of the Luxembourg’s resistance organisations, forced conscription and patriotic associations. War veterans were also in attendance.

The Hereditary Grand Ducal Couple represented the family in Paris, at a ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe alongside French President François Hollande. Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie also met with US Secretary of State John Kerry, before paying a visit to the Shoah Memorial where they were given a tour of the exhibitions.

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