General News about the Danish Royal Family Part 4: August 2021 -

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to part 4 of the thread for general news of/about the Danish Royal Family!

You can find the old thread here:

** General News about the Danish Royal Family Part 3: November 2015 - August 2021 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
"A lot has happened on the digital front since Kongehuset got its first website in the mid-1990s ��

In the last quarter of a century, has changed its design four times, most recently in 2016, and tomorrow a newly designed website will be launched that offers an updated and more user-friendly design. Here in this post you will see a number of the website's previous expressions. continuously tells about the royal family's many tasks and activities through texts, pictures and videos. In addition, the website provides the opportunity to get both the quick overview and the historical immersion, and at major events in the Royal House, it is also on the website that, for example, guest lists and menus are published first. In addition, all official program items can be accessed in the Royal House's calendar, which can be found on the front page of the website."

new website look
Let's hope their news update are a little more complete.

As has been pointed out many times now, many smaller events are not even mentioned, let alone scheduled.
One hopes it will indeed be updated and user-friendly as promised. Unfortunately, some "updates" to royal websites in other countries have done more harm than good.
The new website has launched and sometimes new isn't better. I cannot figure out where anything is. Has anyone tried to navigate it?
The new website has launched and sometimes new isn't better. I cannot figure out where anything is. Has anyone tried to navigate it?

Haven't tried yet but sounds like the British royal family-site which was so much easier to navigate prior to their upgrade...
Yes, I have. What is it you are looking for? In the top right hand corner is the menu link and there are loads of links on there.
My calendar is stuck on November. December starts on the 3rd throwing off the entire month with the dates falling on the wrong days. Maybe only the English version is messed up which would suck since I don't speak Danish

It seems the English version of the website has no calendar. I can no longer even view the website properly on my mobile phone. Sometimes if it isn't broke don't fix it.
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I must confess, although I don't speak Danish, I use the Danish version of the site as it has much more content than the English version (and seems to be kept more up to date). I get my web browser to translate it for me which isn't always perfect but I can usually work out what is meant. I've just looked on the English version and you've done better than me as I can't even see a calendar now! The new Danish version now has it running along the top with a link to the old style version. It could be they haven't quite got the English version sorted properly yet - let's hope so x
Im exploring it now and I like it, it'll take me a second to get use to it but so far, I like that it has more pics/videos ready. The navigating has been fun. I use the Danish version as it always had more links then the English version.
I'm using the English version and it all looks good and great to see it all updated.
I must confess, although I don't speak Danish, I use the Danish version of the site as it has much more content than the English version (and seems to be kept more up to date). I get my web browser to translate it for me which isn't always perfect but I can usually work out what is meant. I've just looked on the English version and you've done better than me as I can't even see a calendar now! The new Danish version now has it running along the top with a link to the old style version. It could be they haven't quite got the English version sorted properly yet - let's hope so x

I had to change my browser from Google Chrome to Microsoft Edge and now I can view the website. I am trying to navigate through it. I usually just use Google Translate for the website. Like you said, it isn't perfect, but you get the gist of what they are saying. Microsoft Edge has the same feature, so I just used that. I can now find the old style calendar as well. The translation of the dates are a little off, but I can figure out what day/time is being shown.

Well, my Microsoft Edge browser is no longer allowing me to look at the website. It is back to a list of just blue links. FireFox browser does not have a translate feature so I can't understand anything on the website. I give up.

I never navigated the website in Danish. Google just always automatically translated the site for me.

One thing I am liking as I start to navigate the site is that you can click on a particular member and then find all the news quite nicely organized that pertains just to them or includes them ie, transcripts of speeches at events, gallery, videos, press releases, etc. Seems better organized now in that respect.
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Now, this is a serious treat for those interested in royal history!
(Placed here for the time being.)

The private library of QMII has released a database with 10.000 photos from the private collection of the DRF.
Most have not been published before.
The photos start around 1844 and most of those released are no later than the 1920's - that's due to the copyright legislation.
It's QMII who authorized the release of the photos.

Some photos are also historical, Like the ruins of Paris after the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.

The photos are free to be downloaded and used.
Provided you credit:
Den Kongelige Fotografisamling, Kongernes Samling

Here is the database:

Type (XYZ) in the field Fritekstsøgning in the lower right corner.

I tested by typing: Amalienborg and got this:

Happy hunting.


Article about the database with a few samples:
Hey, Muhler, when did the succession line change from "av" to "til"? Everything in here seems to say "av".
Eh, example, please.

Because "off = af" in Danish, not "av" that would be Norwegian.
"Haakon 7. af Norge (Prins Carl af Danmark, 1872-1957, r. 1905-1957)"

Sorry about the spelling.

I inserted your quote into the search field and looked at the results.

Like this one: https://kgl-fotosamling.kongernessa...rins Carl af Danmark, 1872-1957, r. 1905-1957)

Where it says Christian 10 af Danmark. - Which is correct because Danish monarchs are always "of Denmark".

There is also Haakon 7th "av" Norge, which is also correct. But he used to be a Danish Prince, and perhaps still was. (He was after all born a Prince, who just happened to become king of Norway.) So perhaps he kept his Danish title also? But being the King of Norway he automatically left the Danish Line of Succession. Which means he changed his old Danish title from Carl to Denmark, to Carl of Denmark?

If you look at Prince Knud, he is correctly Prince "to" Denmark.

- If there are various forms, perhaps they are down to errors?

In the article I posted a link to, and which I intend to summarize tomorrow, they mention that some of the photos and persons in them are unknown and they ask for help from the public, in case anyone should be in the know.
So perhaps the odd error has gone through the filter?
Because to the very best of my knowledge Danish royals in the Line of Succession have always been "to Denmark". At least back to the first democratic Constitution in 1849.

- An option is of course to write the Library and ask. ?
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I can't figure out why he would a) keep the Danish title after becoming Haakon VII, or b) do anything to it. But at the point of the oldest few pictures he was not Haakon and still very much "Carl til Danmark". So there wasn't a switch in succession titles... Somebody goofed.

I still need to write the Palace in Oslo and politely point out I'm 90% sure the baby picture they identify as little Carl with Lovisa is likely not him but Christian. -__-;;

I wonder which one would be easier?

Edit: I just double-checked and they did the same for George of Greece (who's listed as Georg 1. af Grækenland (=Prins Vilhelm af Danmark, 1863-1913, r. 1863-1913))
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Well, I think I'll declare ignorance and advise you to write the library and/or court and ask.

I'm certain the library will appreciate feedback from not least international users.
Perhaps our moderators will help placing this summary in the correct thread? ?


The private library of QMII has released a database with 10.000 photos from the private collection of the DRF.
Most have not been published before.
The photos start around 1844 and most of those released are no later than the 1920's - that's due to the copyright legislation.
It's QMII who authorized the release of the photos.

Some photos are also historical, Like the ruins of Paris after the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.

The photos are free to be downloaded and used.
Provided you credit:
Den Kongelige Fotografisamling, Kongernes Samling

Here is the database:

Type (XYZ) in the field Fritekstsøgning in the lower right corner.

I tested by typing: Fredensborg and got this:


Back in 2016 QMII decided to share some of the private photos stored in the Royal Library. The Royal Library being in principle the personal library of the Monarch, but it's also an archive and a favorite among historians and researchers.
So for the past five years people have been busy finding photos, scanning them, registering them, doing research and so on ending up with an extensive public database of some 10.000 photographs of which the first photograph is from 1844.
This one:
The library has not been able to ID all photographs and have asked the public for help, should anyone be in the know.
For copyright reasons most of the published photographs are no later than the 1920's.

Many of the photos are by Queen Alexandrine who was an eager photographer when she was young.

The database does not only depict royals in more or less private and informal situation, but also historical photos from main events at the time. Wars or expeditions or monuments or buildings. (Presumably bought by the DRF at the time in order to have a real life image of what they heard or read about.)

Over time more photos will be added to the database.

And BTW for those interested in trains, there are a lot of trains in this database. (Someone must have been very interested in trains, we must assume.)

You can see some samples in this article about the database:
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But such opinion polls should be read carefully. Often it depends on when they were made. If Mary had just prior to the poll, been shown in the media in a positive light, there will be natural tendency for people who are asked pretty much out of the blue to put her before QMII, and vise versa.
What is consistent is that Frederik for years has been the most popular member of the DRF.
That I find much more telling.

However, that Mary is able to compete with a highly respected Monarch, who has had 50 years of service behind her, is by any standard impressive!

And as the article suggest, it is of course an advantage, also for QMII. Because it means that the continuation of the dynasty is secure, at least for a foreseeable future. Which suggests that the way QMII has handled the transition was and is well executed.
Because it's not a case of M&F pushing QMII aside. She's still up there in the top three, and there are no signs that the public will move her away from that position.

But such opinion polls should be read carefully. Often it depends on when they were made. If Mary had just prior to the poll, been shown in the media in a positive light, there will be natural tendency for people who are asked pretty much out of the blue to put her before QMII, and vise versa.
What is consistent is that Frederik for years has been the most popular member of the DRF.
That I find much more telling.

However, that Mary is able to compete with a highly respected Monarch, who has had 50 years of service behind her, is by any standard impressive!

And as the article suggest, it is of course an advantage, also for QMII. Because it means that the continuation of the dynasty is secure, at least for a foreseeable future. Which suggests that the way QMII has handled the transition was and is well executed.
Because it's not a case of M&F pushing QMII aside. She's still up there in the top three, and there are no signs that the public will move her away from that position.

I believe the poll being referenced was conducted in the summer of 2021 around July.
I believe the poll being referenced was conducted in the summer of 2021 around July.

And very little happens in July.

So even a thing like an Instagram post may tip the balance.
And very little happens in July.

So even a thing like an Instagram post may tip the balance.

June 2021 had the reunification event with QMII, Frederik and Christian.

The biggest thing in July was the Queen's visit to the Faroe Islands.

There were posts about the Olympic events, Mary went to France at end of June for an event.
And very little happens in July.

So even a thing like an Instagram post may tip the balance.

Which Instagram post from July do you suggest have swayed people to rate Mary higher than QMII? With all due respect to the DRF, it's not like they go crazy on their social media during the holidays either.
June 2021 had the reunification event with QMII, Frederik and Christian.

The biggest thing in July was the Queen's visit to the Faroe Islands.

There were posts about the Olympic events, Mary went to France at end of June for an event.

Sounds like if anything, this would have skewed the poll towards being more positive towards the queen rather than to the crown princess...

In general, approval ratings of 78% (Frederik), 75% (Mary) and 73% (Margrethe) are a good sign for the monarchy as a whole. And there is no shame in the younger (soon both in their 50s) being more popular than an older monarch. It seems queen Elizabeth is the only one who was not overtaken by the younger generation when getting older (or maybe she was 10-15 years ago and becoming THIS old helped to solidify her position).
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