Working Visit to Georgia & New York, USA: June 10 - 13, 2024

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Jan 29, 2005
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King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will pay a working visit to Georgia and New York
in the United States from June 10 to June 13, 2024, it was announced today, March 7:

His Majesty the King and Her Majesty Queen Máxima are visiting the states of Georgia and New York in the United States. The visit will take place from Monday 10 to Thursday 13 June 2024 in Atlanta and Savannah in the state of Georgia and Albany and New York City in the state of New York.The working visit underlines the strong bilateral relationship between the Netherlands and the United States and the economic relations with the states of Georgia and New York.

New York I understand as there was a heavy Dutch influence but Georgia !?! Namely Atlanta and Savannah? That's a bit perplexing.
In my opinion they should go to Michigan. The state has one of the highest population of Americans with Dutch ancestry and Dutch influence can be seen in alot in cities like Holland, Michigan. They could capitalize of that and build even more stringer ties there.
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will have arrived for their working visit to the states of Georgia and New York last night:

** anp gallery ** gettyimages gallery **

New York I understand as there was a heavy Dutch influence but Georgia !?! Namely Atlanta and Savannah? That's a bit perplexing.
In my opinion they should go to Michigan. The state has one of the highest population of Americans with Dutch ancestry and Dutch influence can be seen in alot in cities like Holland, Michigan. They could capitalize of that and build even more stringer ties there.
I don't get it either. With my albeit very limited knowledge of the individual US states Georgia doesn't spring to mind as being particularly connected to the Netherlands.
There is a good deal of farmland in Georgia. There was AFAIK no Dutch colony there either, in contrast to New York. And building dikes is not something I believe is the Georgians spend that much spare time on.
Atlanta is major transport hub and the Dutch know a lot about logistics!
There are IIRC a number of casinos in Atlanta, but I doubt the Dutch are going to set up casinos on a massive scale in the Netherlands.
So my money are on specialized agricultural products. Is Georgia going to invest in windmill farms off the coast?
Georgia doesn't have the same historic links to the Netherlands as New York does, but apparently there are tens of thousands of people of Dutch descent living there - which surprises me, as I thought that most Dutch emigrants to the "New World" settled in the northern states - and a lot of Dutch companies have branches there, and there's also some involvement in water management.
You learn something new every day. I had no idea.
Water management, that sounds interesting! As most of you know, quite a number of US states have problems with the water supply, especially in the south-east. (The Colorado river problem.) So the obvious solutions are to find new water sources, which means much more emphasis on water purification and getting the water to where it's needed. Getting people to use less water, which includes all sorts of methods to reduce the usage of water to a minimum and water recycling on a grand scale.
I can see serious money in regards to Dutch know-how.
Georgia doesn't have the same historic links to the Netherlands as New York does, but apparently there are tens of thousands of people of Dutch descent living there - which surprises me, as I thought that most Dutch emigrants to the "New World" settled in the northern states - and a lot of Dutch companies have branches there, and there's also some involvement in water management.
I think the visit to Georgia is more Economic focused as opposed to historical links
Dutch King and Queen to Visit Georgia in June - Global Atlanta.
Atlanta for economical, trade, or marketing makes sense as it is a gradually becoming a major US "power city". However, that's about it.

Across the country, there are lots of US citizens with Dutch ancestry, as there are with British, or Spanish. As mentioned prior, there are lots of states with heavily concentrated Dutch descendants and influenced like Michigan or upstate NY.
I think the visit to Georgia is more Economic focused as opposed to historical links
Dutch King and Queen to Visit Georgia in June - Global Atlanta.
Exactly, these visits to American states are not focused on historical connection but have an ecomic focus. It is comparable to the visit to California and Texas in September 2002.

In Georgia the focus is among others on logistics. KLM has a close partnership with Delta, which has Atlanta as one of their hubs - so while it isn't mentioned, that might play into it. A visit to the port of Savannah is included (this will be related to the Netherlands' major port of Rotterdam).
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King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima were welcomed by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp at the State Capitol today, June 10.

Afterwards they visited the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, the Ebenezer Baptist Church, the Patch Recording Studios and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. King Willem-Alexander opened the Dutch company NewCold, an automated refrigerated warehouse, and they attended the exhibition "Dutch Art in a Global Age" at the High Museum of Art:

** gettyimages gallery ** gtresnews gallery ** anp gallery ** rex gallery **

It makes sense that the King and Queen would want to spend time in Atlanta. It is known as the Southeast financial capital of the US. Along with being headquarters for both US and world corporate giants more than four-fifths of the US's largest businesses maintain branch offices. Georgia itinerary:
Georgia and New York - program | News item | The Royal house
Georgia is apparently the 10th state in terms of economic relations with the Netherlands (from a Dutch perspective). So, just in the top 20%.
Any videos or pics of them visiting the recording studio?
I will confess to hoping of videos of either the King or Queen rapping with a recording artist ! :)
You won't believe my jaw-dropped reaction when I turned on the news on TV 20 mins ago to realize the royals are here in my state like 30 mins away! It's all over our local Upstate NY TV news right now and they include mentions of his mother's previous visit

Royal visit: A king and queen are coming to Upstate NY
Excerpt and a family coincidence*:

The royals are also scheduled for an afternoon trip to the Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site*, once the home of Dutch General Philip J. Schuyler and his wife, Catherine Van Rensselaer, for a discussion on climate change with youth. Schuyler was a Revolutionary War general and a U.S. Senator in America’s first Congress; the mansion is where his daughter Elizabeth Schuyler married Founding Father Alexander Hamilton.

King Willem-Alexander is also expected to deliver a short address at a network event at the Governor’s Mansion in the evening.

We retired in Upstate NY partly because is just beautiful and more affordable than when we lived for decades in Connecticut, and partly because of my spouse's family of NY Dutch origins going as far as the 1630s colonists. Of the many, many descendants from the younger son of two Norwegian-Dutch colonists, Aneke Jans and Reverend Bogardus, was Dutch General Philip J. Schuyler, my spouse's distant cousin from the 19th century. We visited that museum, a small residence, the Dutch Royals will go to back in 2018.

Unfortunately, we can't swing by the Albany area today since we have a car-related errand to do in Schenectady between 3-6 PM. But I'll follow the news on TV, and I'll post anything on the local news.

Just imagine the thought the Royal Forums became real, or Royal, today and in our area!

Some news from his activities in the work trip to the USA

Queen Maxima in an amazing daytime look:

King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands Co-Pilots Plane on Work Trip to the U.S. with Queen Maxima

In Atlanta Georgia
King and queen of the Netherlands pay tribute to MLK during visit to Atlanta

I believe they arrive in NY later today for dinner with our NY Governor in the state capital, Albany, which is 1/2 hour drive from us to the East, so that will be on the afternoon and 10 PM local news.

Before New York became an English possession, this area was colonized by Dutch settlers whose descendants still live and thrive here to this day. In upstate NY cities, towns and places have names given to them by the colonists from Netherlands and the old Sacred Roman (German) Empire. But the Dutch location names are everywhere in Upstate NY that a colony was established by using the Hudson River to navigate from the current Atlantic NYC opening into the heart of the state and further north.

Another Dutch navigation point was the Mohawk River, used by the Dutch to move toward the west of NY. The river is just 15 minutes away south of our home and back in the 19th century Dutch descendants, like General Shuyler, build the damns that improved navigation and commerce during the fur trade. In those days you could be in the Atlantic and navigate into the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers all the way to the center of the state.

The visits from Dutch Royals every few years are a big thing here in Upstate NY since Dutch descendants shaped commerce despite of doing it under the English, and then the USA flags.
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Beautiful picture of two people deeply in 🧡love 🧡 walking by

The Royal visit is a huge event in the local news in Georgia and later on in our state of NY

Update an hour ago from the Netherlands Embassy in the US
"The King and Queen are on their way to NY for the second half of the #NLRoyalVisit.
First thing in the agenda: reception and meeting with Governor Kathy Hochul and CEOs of Dutch companies in Albany. After the meeting, they will visit tech hub NY CREATES and the Schuyler Mansion. "

Notes related to what the building is about for the Dutch descendants in Upstate NY, I hope there's an historian to guide the royals on the house tour:

Who was NY Dutch colonists' descendant Philip Schuyler? Philip Schuyler - Wikipedia

We visited the mansion back in 2018, it's a small place currently located in a difficult part of the city, as in make sure your car is locked any anything of value is placed in the trunk of the car. What I remember from our only visit was the painted walls and that there was a fake window painting showing the garden as it was when the family lived in the house.

The Schuyler family life was re-adapted for the Broadway musical Hamilton, based on a history book of the same name. Almost everything on the play didn't happen and characters that interacted with one another never met in real life, but it was a great musical.

Here's a TEDTalks on why the NL Royals visit Upstate NY to celebrate the Dutch legacy from the 1600s. The colonists stayed in the area or moved north and west, and the descendants are still in the same towns or counties the Dutch settlers founded before the English crown takeover.

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Any videos or pics of them visiting the recording studio?
I will confess to hoping of videos of either the King or Queen rapping with a recording artist ! :)
Here you go:

The King said that his daughters will be envious as they listen to the music of this rapper, esp. Pss Alexia and her friends are fans. The rapper wittily replied that his mother would be jealous of him meeting the King and Queen.

Thanks for all the updates Toledo, I confess I do not know so much about the Dutch settlers there. I have a book in my library by Russell Shorto about New Amsterdam. Perthaps it is time to read it ;).
It's 2:55 PM and I missed the arrival at Albany, capital of the state of NY. Here it is

With the governor:

I stepped away to do an errand and just returned to get more news on the visit to NY State

A royal visit for Albany

Dutch royals host press conference in Albany

click on our local TV news video located under the article
The press conference, held at NY CREATES, highlighted and presented an agreement between the state and the Netherlands to “create a semi-conductor Renaissance,” according to Gov. Hochul. The agreement will allow New York and the Netherlands to continue building their semi-conductor systems to have more reliable supply chains and more independence from other countries.

Dutch royals to renew ties with visit to Albany - with audio from the local radio station AMC News


Royal visit: A king and queen are coming to Upstate NY

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Here you go:

The King said that his daughters will be envious as they listen to the music of this rapper, esp. Pss Alexia and her friends are fans. The rapper wittily replied that his mother would be jealous of him meeting the King and Queen.

Thanks for all the updates Toledo, I confess I do not know so much about the Dutch settlers there. I have a book in my library by Russell Shorto about New Amsterdam. Perthaps it is time to read it ;).
Aaaaayy!! Thank you for this!! The King looked very much like a natural playing around with beats. I didn't know there was a Dutch rapper or even that rap music is popular in the Netherlands!
New York I understand as there was a heavy Dutch influence but Georgia !?! Namely Atlanta and Savannah? That's a bit perplexing.
In my opinion they should go to Michigan. The state has one of the highest population of Americans with Dutch ancestry and Dutch influence can be seen in alot in cities like Holland, Michigan. They could capitalize of that and build even more stringer ties there.
I have to admit that Georgia is a surprise.
And here are our Upstate New York local* news.
*The TV channels in NY have different news coverage and staff from region to region. For example, here where I live in Upstate NY, we hardly hear news from NYCity, and the NYC local stations barely every mention life outside of the Tri-State (NYC, New Jersey and Connecticut) area.

So we can say this is the news coverage for the royal visit from the local channels we saw on TV if you live in the center and/or northeast the state of NY.

Below: the king and queen join the presenters on the stage at the 13:12 mark

Maxima is just knocking it out of the park with her fashion this trip
She is indeed. The pictures during the two locations they visited always have her front and center and she's getting most of the attention. It's a combination of her looks and she's very down to earth and smiles and greets everybody around so people gravitate toward her more than the king. And he seems to enjoy seen the attention Maxima is getting everywhere during the visit.
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Comedian and late-night host Seth Meyers made a joke about them visiting New York (0:32).
I believe this joke was in reference to marijuana "weed" available for recreational use in specific "coffee shops" in the Netherlands. In 1983 I spent a few days in Amsterdam and there were special shops where you could buy marijuana to use right there in the shop.
I believe that before he was famous Seth Meyers lived in Amsterdam for some time, working for a comedy club called Boom Chicago, located on the Leidseplein in those years.
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