Why do you like Diana?

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I remember watching the news one night. This was before the wedding. Living in Canada I am sure we did not have the speculation coverage that was circulating in England.

I don't think I even knew that much about the Royal Family except that HM was our money.

And then it happened. Prince Charles and Lady Di came on the news. I was captivated. I was captivated til her death. It still makes me cry.

Why did I love her. A stranger? No idea and no explanation. But I always will.
in the beginning i was just amazed that this girl came from out of nowhere (at least it seemed that way to me) and became a princess. it gave hope to all of us that dreamed of being princesses...after that...well, i was hooked. she was beautiful, and how could you not love her!
Duchess said:
how could you not love her!

quite easily - I never did even from before the wedding.

She seemed so totally unsuitable to be marrying Charles and I was never taken in by the 'shy Di' look. That seemed to me at the time and even more so since to be the look of a sneak. It is how many sneaky kids look at me now when I catch then doing something they know they shouldn't be doing. She knew exactly what she was doing and knew the rules of upper class marriages - she had lived through her parents breakdown and would have to have been really stupid not to have known what the situation was.

I have never believed the naive, innocent girl duped by the older prince. She knew what to expect and part way through decided to change the rules of the game.
I agree with everything that Kathy wrote. In my opinion Diana did everything that the Royals wanted and they never once said well done. She was only 20 and they should have taken her in and showing her the ropes, but like Diana said she was a lamb to the slaughter. I personally don't think that Charles ever loved Diana. He said whatever love means. To a 19 year old girl that would be the most awful thing to hear. Diana will always be the People's Princess to me and to a whole lot of other people to .
I liked her, didnt love her, but I liked her. She was a pretty princess and was glamorous and a celebrity. She was a good mother and helped a lot of people. But, I never fell for the innocent shy facade. She refused help when it was offered. Charles is reserved about his feelings like the upperclass are and dont reveal them. Shame but that is what they believe. Diana was potrayed as bigger than life. What every women wanted to be and what every man wanted to be with. She was an icon of that time. She had appeal.
The latest issue of "People" features Diana on the cover and talks about "Shocking New Evidence" regarding her death and "why the British government can't close their case." It discusses why P Diana's body was almost immediately embalmed and the fact that this is against French law and the fact no one will disclose who ordered it. I wonder if we'll ever get a definitive answer on what happened. The fact she wrote a note 10 months before her death about how "someone was planning to kill her in a car crash with a massive head injury" is either incredibly coincidental or .....I don't quite know what to call it. You'd think this matter would've been laid to rest years ago......
When she first came on to the scene, I adored her. I liked her because she was technically a commoner (although an aristocrat) marrying royalty. She wore the "princess dresses', tiara, the whole bit." I liked how she was an affectionate mother to her children and how she dealt with people. Towards the late 80's, she felt that she was the heir, started believing her press. I have a problem with people that manipulate others into feeling sorry for poor me. I was definitely on her side, esp. with the whole Camilla thing. But when her infidelities became know, my admiration lessen. She loss me when she went public and aired her laundry; actually her and Charles. That tit for tat was childish. I still love her fashion, and she has wonderful sons and I do feel that she was mistreated,but I realize that she was not the victim that she wanted the world to be. But I still like her. I actually felt sorry for her that she would need validation from others the way that she did.
I am not condoning adultry, but when your husband is in love with someone else I think that it would be hard to stay faithful to him while he is carrying on his affair. I admired Diana more when she came out and talked about her problems. She was only human and I think that some people wanted to make her perfect while she herself said that she would make many mistakes. I am a huge Diana fan, but I have never said that she was/is perfect because no one is on this earth. As for one of the other comments about Diana being insane there is no way that she was insane. That is what the men in gray want everyone to believe. We need to respect William and Harry too and they would be so upset knowing that people say this about their beloved Mummy.
I loved Di because of her clothes. Even to this day, I am still fascinated by her fashion.

I did not watch the wedding but my first knowledge of her was the book Princess by Robert Lacey. I remember the picture of her holding the children at the school. I thought she was so beautiful and elegant and from that point on, I read everything I could find about her. I used to dream of walking into a room with books and books about her. I nearly worshipped the girl!:D

I still miss her, although I am not blind to her problems. Wouldn't it have been awesome if the marriage had worked and they were celebrating their 25 wedding anniversary? I wonder what she would have worn. I would imagine, and this is definitely only an opinion, that even though she was older than the new Princesses, that she would put them all to shame when she appeared at the weddings.

I think that she created a standard that will not be reached for a long time. I enjoy reading about the new girls, but Di is still my pick of them all.

Just my opinion, of course!:p
I liked Diana because she was human. She wasn't perfect but she never pretended to be. In the words of Evita (not that I'm comparing them. I mean the musical "Better to win by admitting my sin than to lose with a halo". That's her appeal to me. And she was so compassionate and she loved her family (not that Charles doesn't or is cold). And she was beautiful both in and out. Let's not get all judgmental about people. Charles, Diana or Camilla. Let's look at them as human beings

I remember when Diana died, and I watched the funeral and was almost in tears at the end of candle in the wind and her brothers' speech
Because she was a people princess. She helped those in need and was a very noble person.
because she kind of exemplified our view and image of an icon, she was young, fresh and beautiful, and she managed to complete an image of an icon by being a fashion and humanitarian symbol, was she a perfect princess i really don't think was she was, but she was the perfect goddess and icon. the role of a princess never fulfilled her that i beleive will be fulfilled by her two sons(princes), her own legacy and a symbol that she ever existed
she was truly one of a kind..i admire and love her..there were so many good things she did which will never be forgotton..she showed compassion, warmth, humility,bravery, hands on approach towards humanitarian work..she was a totally devoted mother who loved her kids, she cared for the sick and dying (loving ppl came naturally to her she didnt need to fake), she fought and overcame many obstacles...she was truely unique and special..may she rest in peace..
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I will always love Diana. Because she reminds me so much of myself when she first got married and such. She was so bright, hopeful, but shy at the same time. It looked as if she didn't put on a fascade when you saw her, she was the real thing. I think later, when the marriage was in disrepair is when we started seeing the fascade but she was such a bright spot for the royal family.
Kelly said:
Because she was a people princess. She helped those in need and was a very noble person.

You got that right. & I think what everyone loved about her was that She was a People person & TRULY CARED for others( & not just for Photo opps).

She lived through hard times & felt unloved & unwanted. So she knew what others felt. So she actually has the REAL human touch. & yeah she had her flaws like everyone does. Just one of the reasons why she IS STILL LOVED SO.
I never bought gossip magazines but one day I was at the store and there was one sitting by the cashier about the young woman who was going to marry Prince Charles, that was the first time I heard of Lady Diana. I was so intrigued by her I started buying Royalty and Majesty magazines, I watched her grow into the beautiful princess that the world fell in love with. I watched her wedding and her funeral. She is the only famous person who fasinated me.
asmadasitgets2003 said:
If you want to know why I liked her, then watch this music video I made for her and you'll find out. http://youtube.com/watch?v=fK-zTdfmemQ

I think you tribute to Diana was truly beautiful. Thank you for having the ability to put together such moving images of Diana with the fitting music. James Blunt's 'your so beautiful' was truly lovely. Thank you.
Lady63:) :)
My love for Diana started around the time of Andrew/Sarah's wedding in 1986. I was 12 yrs. old and it's rather an age where you're looking for adult role models and they both seemed to have such glamour and intriguing qualities about them. Sarah was the open, friendly one and Diana was the reserved, elegant one. Then the more I read about them, Diana had many sympathetic qualities about her that a young girl who is just starting adult relationships can identify with. And her fashion sense is so marvelous that she didn't take a bad picture. She just had 'it', you can't put your finger on it. I still miss her very much.
First, that video is truly lovely and haunting....
Diana brough fresh sparkle to the monarchy... new interest from a new and younger age group. People who were not aware of the monarchy and the history became interested.. The royal family got a whole new following.. however, when Diana started to let us know about the 3 in the marriage and the fairy tale fell apart - that she had been used merely to supply the Heir and spare, then I truly felt for her... She had expected more ... We, Diana supporters are well aware of her less attractive traits, however, we understand how and why, those came about! Sadly, she is missed..( All IMO, of course)
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It's hard to explain why I like Diana. When I was 8 years old, my mother woke me up at 4 am to watch the royal wedding. I complained about it at the time, until Diana came on the screen - and suddenly every little girl dream I had about my own wedding was brought to life. I have followed her life ever since (on and off) and was devastated when she died. I never met her, but it was like a friend had passed away. It is still hard to know that she's not on the planet any longer. Now that I am an adult, with a child of my own, I can understand why she fought so hard for her kids. She represents every woman - mother, wife, her marriage was bad - another common thread for a lot of people. She just seemed like you could run into her at the grocery store and have a chat. I gues it's because at the time she was so different. So real. I miss her.
Diana, Princess of Wales was the kind of person you never forget. She was priceless and one of a kind. What I loved about Diana was that she refused to be like the rest of the Royal Family. Did that get her in trouble? Sure. Did it mean she sometimes divulged things she shouldn't? Maybe. But it was her life and it was her right to tell her story. But what made appreciate her anymore is that Diana was willing to be somewhat accesible to her people and to the people of the world. She was not above touching an AIDS patient, having friends of a different race, or speaking openly about problems that affect us all. Was Diana perfect? No. Did she make some mistakes on her quest to gain the love of herself and that of others? Sure. But I think Diana learned from her mistakes in the end. And most of all, she truly loved her children and she wanted what was best for them. And I think that she tried the best she could to live her life in a situation that was thrust upon her. And that's all you can ask for.

She was a hero not because she was perfect but inspite of her imperfection.
Kelly said:
Because she was a people princess. She helped those in need and was a very noble person.
I agree with that... I was always amazed at the way she was so different from the rest of the establishment. I wrote this poem.

Has it been that long since you went away?
A day of woe we cannot forget.
Remember her in these troubled times,
Virtue of the people's Queen.

Echoed sounds of the love we offer,
Searching for the one we miss.
Time will be the ultimate healer,
Everyone will find their way.

Rose of England we weep for you still,
Our broken hearts we cannot mend.
For our longing we love you ever deeper,
Surrounded by your special memory.

Overlook we won't your anniversary,
Ultimate price you had to pay.
Longing one day to finally meet you
Sleep peacefully now, the people's Queen.

That's the only way I can describe it.
Many reasons. But I think and i'm pretty sure it is one of the reasons why she became so loved is because she was very beautiful. I don't think we would still be talking about her or having picture theats ofher if she would have looked like camila, or ugulier.
So one reason is her beauty and style and the other also important reason is because she was not only spending her money on her nice cloths but also helping people in need and giving them hope.
i don't think that people with aids or other illnesses would be as happy to see me and my money check as they were when they saw Diana. So she used her populartity for a good reason that is why I respect her.
Also did she have a hard time in her childhood and marriage. Other poeple have harder lives but hers was difficulte too and everybody could read about and see it on tv, magazines. That are my reasons for adoring her and respecting her
If she hadn't have been Princess of Wales very few people would have cared about her, which is ashamed because she had many laudable qualities.

On a personal level I like her because she seemed to be a devoted mother. On a social level she was a marketing genius. She was outstanding in cultivating excellent relationships, be that with a glittering international jet-set group of acquaintances or photographers who knew how to capture her exquisite fashion sense. IMO she also doesn’t get enough credit for being a shrewd manager who was able to make tough personnel decisions.

As a teenager I remember reading about her holidaying at exclusive villas or secluded beach hideaways and would imagine how pleasant it would be to have the financial freedom and time to get lost in the finer things life has to offer. Lastly, she was quite forthcoming about private issues in her life and I think she would have not only had cosmetic enhancements to keep her youthful good looks, but would have been very open about the procedures.
Vita said:
Diana, Princess of Wales was the kind of person you never forget. She was priceless and one of a kind. What I loved about Diana was that she refused to be like the rest of the Royal Family. Did that get her in trouble? Sure. Did it mean she sometimes divulged things she shouldn't? Maybe. But it was her life and it was her right to tell her story. But what made appreciate her anymore is that Diana was willing to be somewhat accesible to her people and to the people of the world. She was not above touching an AIDS patient, having friends of a different race, or speaking openly about problems that affect us all. Was Diana perfect? No. Did she make some mistakes on her quest to gain the love of herself and that of others? Sure. But I think Diana learned from her mistakes in the end. And most of all, she truly loved her children and she wanted what was best for them. And I think that she tried the best she could to live her life in a situation that was thrust upon her. And that's all you can ask for.

She was a hero not because she was perfect but inspite of her imperfection.
Vita, in a few sentences you have captured what it was we all admired about Diana: her humanity and fallability, the two things that made her just like one of us...
She was lovely and young and hopeful. She married a man who could have cared less about her, as long as she produced the needed heirs. "Whatever loves means". He selfishly continued his affair and never took the time to help his wife adjust to the new role. She became more popular than he. He couldn't stand it. She was manipulative, but she was loney and insecure. They never understood her worth until she was dead. Had she been older and more secure, she would have let him run astray and kept her head high and stayed where she belonged. She was foolish and young and wanted love, so she risked everything and lost. She had great humanity and really cared about people. She touched them. Mentally and physically. If it were not for her, the BRF would be the same frozen group she found when she joined them. Her death rocked their stilted world and made them attempt to somewhat reach out to people.
redfox6 said:
She was lovely and young and hopeful. She married a man who could have cared less about her, as long as she produced the needed heirs. "Whatever loves means". He selfishly continued his affair and never took the time to help his wife adjust to the new role. She became more popular than he. He couldn't stand it. She was manipulative, but she was loney and insecure. They never understood her worth until she was dead. Had she been older and more secure, she would have let him run astray and kept her head high and stayed where she belonged. She was foolish and young and wanted love, so she risked everything and lost. She had great humanity and really cared about people. She touched them. Mentally and physically. If it were not for her, the BRF would be the same frozen group she found when she joined them. Her death rocked their stilted world and made them attempt to somewhat reach out to people.

Really very nicely said, Redfox.. especially the last line....:)
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