Coquine said:
Henri M. (or anyone else who knows the answer), do you have some more information about these hofdames ?
I would like to know what exactly their job consists of and how they get in. I mean, do they need special qualities or qualifications and do they have to come from a noble family ?
These ladies
- are not paid
- have a certain 'standing' in society
- have access to the Queen and other members of the royal family
This automatically limits the group to ladies of wealth, a certain standing and often that are ladies with a background in aristocracy or patriciate (= 'old money'). Dutchmen often recognize these due to the sound of their (double) names.
The Hofdames are the 'eyes and ears' of the Queen in society. They represent her at society events in which she is not able to attend, for an example an annual diner at an Embassy here, the wedding of a high rank general there or the jubilee of a Justice at the International Court of Justice. That sort of events.
But their main task is to accompany the Queen. To be her extra eyes, ears and arms. To be her confidante and counsel. To organize all so that everything is right there on the right place on the right moment so that the Queen will never come in 'embarassing' situations (like waiting in the lobby for a car, being earlier than the Mayor, etc.). They are not paid. It is a great honour to serve The Queen, to have your own appartments and salons in her palaces. To be served by The Queen's footmen and servants. To sit in full gala at grand banquets. To accompany The Queen in the royal limousines or carriages.
All the ladies expenses are paid. They have housing, appartments, transport, etc. But their function is not paid. Therefore they are no real part of the Household (= 'the workforce'). They really have a high standing and you can easily recognize them being dressed up with hats and gloves et al.
Queen Beatrix has the following ladies in her daily surroundings:
- Grootmeesteres: M.L.A. van Loon - Labouchere
- Hofdame: R.D. de Blocq van Scheltinga
- Hofdame: M.J. Boellaard Stheemann
- Hofdame: O.A. Gaarlandt - van Voorst van Beesd (detached to Princess Máxima)
- Hofdame: J. Jeekel -Thate
- Hofdame: M.P. van Karnebeek - Van Lede
- Hofdame: E.J.M. Baroness van Wassenaer - Mersmans
- 1x Grootmeesteres Honoraire
- 6x Dame du Palais Honoraire
- 2x Hofdame Honoraire
And (paid) ladies like:
garderobières, coiffeuses, seamstresses, beauticians, secretaries, etc. who have direct access to Her Majesty.