snip long message about fashion
What a dreary world this would be to be stuck with a closet that never rises above the "mediocure' because of one's unwillingness to be brave enough to just simply try something new or different.
I think you have explained your view on fashion already some pages back but obviously you still think you didn't get your point across.
So I'll try to tell you why I personally think that you're wrong.
1.) "Bravery" and "overcoming one's inhibitions" have nothing to do for me with experimenting with fashion. Because fashion is IMHO about looking as good as possible, not looking as different from others as possible. If those two aspects come together, great. And fun to look at and fun to think about it. But as with any art, the person selecting or designing clothes for themselves and/or for others should have a basic artistical instinct and know what looks good and what makes a positive, impressive or at least harmonious impression on others.
2.) Basic rule for fashion: there are types of bodies and basic cuts that do something positive for a body and others who don't. Once you have identified the cuts that enhance your looks, you may experiement to your heart's delight with materials, colours, decorations, accessories etc. But if you, like Sarah and her daughters at the moment, are not able to even identify these basics, then you can experiment as much as you like, the whole outfit will look either wrong or even ridiculous.
3.) You should dress according to a situation. Wearing a "daring" hat on a wedding simply is embarrassing in the (even unconcious) try to upstage the woman whose day a wedding day is by rights. Especially when you are a princess born and the bride is a child of the lower middle class trying to fit in with your august family. A young lady talented when it comes to fashion should have realised that and settled for eg an outfit like the one she wore, but with a jacket following her gown in its lines and enhancing the colours (a radiant blue one maybe) and bought shoes and a small hat in exactly that colour. The way it was the hat appeared ridiculous and upstaging because of the rather demure jacket she wore it to and the fact that the matching dress was hidden under her jacket. IMHO, of course.
4.) Classic style is anything but mediocre, it's eternal fashion, designed once for all times because it does what fashion should do: make a positive impression. There are classical pieces suited for any type of body, even for the extremely slim model-type or the over-weighted primadonna (Monserrat Caballe and her classical Spanish style comes to mind), so Beatrice should be able to find one or the other classical piece for her individual body as well.
So, well, yes, once Beatrice found the right cuts for her body (I've given up on Sarah), she may experiment as much as she likes as long as she favours colours who do something positive for her.