Titles and Styles of Harry, his Future Wife and Children

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The source is 'Daily Mirror'. Not very trustworthy...

However, the Sussex title has been the one that has been speculated about the most, so they have quite a chance of being right :whistling:

When Edward was married, the rumors were Duke of Sussex or Cambridge. He got Earl of Wessex, with future Duke of Edinburgh.

When William was married, rumors were Duke of Clarence or Sussex. He got Cambridge instead.

Perhaps third time is the charm for Sussex.
I can't even remember all the ones posted on this forum, as options. Seems like no one is very accurate with their guessing in the past! lol

How about Clarence - they both love Africa, wild life, lions......
:previous: It has certainly been suggested plenty.

I must be missing the connection between Clarence and Africa though :ermm:
Clarence was the name of a famous lion
Is there a reason Harry wouldn't get Suffolk? I hate Sussex. Too many bad puns can be made there.
Is there a reason Harry wouldn't get Suffolk? I hate Sussex. Too many bad puns can be made there.

Main reason against it would be there is already an Earl of Suffolk. The current earl is the 21st earl. Oddly his second wife and mother of his heir is the stepmother of Serena Standhope, the countess of Snowden (Anita after her divorce from the earl, was the second wife of Serena's father). The current creation are descendents from Anne Boeylyn's mother's family, the Howards.

It is unlikely to be both an earl and duke. Except when they are held by the same person (as when an earl was elevated to duke).

Suffolk also isn't a historically royal title, which doesn't rule it out. Though most titles have some bad history, Suffolk....

- The Last duke of Suffolk was Henry Grey the father of Jane of the nine days. He was created duke after the death of his wife's younger brother. Of course like his daughter and her husband, he was executed for treason.

-Charles Brandon was his father in law. He of course married Henry VIIIs sister Mary. Likely his close childhood friendship with Henry was the only thing that saved him from execution marrying her without permission. His sons all died young.

- before them we had the De la pole family. The second duke was married to the sister of Edward IV and Richard III. The first and third dukes were both stripped of their title due to treason charges. The first was banished but he was captured at sea and beheaded. The third was executed by Henry VIII. The heir of the second duke was at a time heir to Richard II. The third dukes younger brother claimed the earl title, and had French support to the British throne. But he died in battle with the French army, before a planned invasion of England (with the support of both the Scots and French)

I don't think we can rule out titles due to bad history. Because all titles have bad history of some kind. But Suffolk seems pretty highly unlikely

1. earl of Suffolk
2. no royal history (never been granted to a royal prince)
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I kinda like Albany, Connaught and Clarence. ....I'd like to see Connaught most I think.

Connaught is an impossibility,since it is now part of the Republic of Ireland !
I expect it will be Duke of SUSSEX.
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It would be fitting for Clarence if Harry were to inherit Clarence House
I kinda like Albany, Connaught and Clarence. ....I'd like to see Connaught most I think.


Albany is currently unavailable, along with Cumberland, as there are claimants to both titles. The holders were stripped of their titles under the Titles Deprivation Act that stripped Germans of British titles in WWI but they still have the right to have them restored. There are multiple generations of heirs to both titles so neither will be available for probably the rest of this century at least.

Connaught isn't available as the place itself is in the Republic of Ireland and that isn't acceptable anymore. Titles from their that are extant are ok but no new titles relating to places in the Republic can be created.

That is why the pool is so limited - Sussex and Clarence are really the only ones with royal connections.

Of course it could be a totally knew title from no where - with no history at all could be issued.
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Titles the Queen can bestow on Harry on his Wedding Day?

Duke of Albany
Duke of Clarence
Duke of Connaught
Duke of Sussex
Duke of Windsor
What about Duke of Avondale (previously used in combination with Clarence)?

And would Duke of Kendal be an option (even though there apparently is an Italian earl of Kendal - but that wasn't an obstacle in 1816 when they considered giving the later king Leopold of Belgium - as future husband of princess Charlotte of Wales - this title)?

Duke of Ross has also been suggested by some, although I seem to remember that others thought there were objections, not sure why; maybe because a Scottish title is considered less likely? Although the Queen's husband also has a Scottish title (even though that one has a history as a title in the peerage of both GB and the UK).

Albany is one of the "German" titles, so there is still a pretender to that title (currently prince Hubertus von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha); so a very unlikely choice. Comparable to the Cumberland (and Teviotdale) title that is not mentioned above.

The Windsor title is far too much connected with Queen Elizabeth's uncle, I don't see how she would even consider giving this title to her grandson. In addition, it would strengthen the link between Meghan and Wallis - and I am sure nobody in the BRF would want that.

And Connaught is in Ireland, as explained by several above, so not an option either.
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It would be fitting for Clarence if Harry were to inherit Clarence House

He wont "inherit" - that implies he can do what he likes with it and pass it on to children.

He might get to live in it though which is why Clarence as a title is possible.
Connaught is an Irish territory, so no and Windsor would never happen in a million years.
Between Clarence and Sussex I prefer Clarence and you would have the Wales wives as the three Cs - Cornwall, Cambridge and Clarence :)
That would be neat too sndral!

Eh, I don't like the three Cs and there is the school of thought that Harry won't get the Clarence title as it has tragic history behind it.
Just about every title available has some negative history to it.
Yes all titles have history. But history so fresh and recent as Windsor is another matter. I don't see the queen, or even Charles, bestowing that title any time soon.
I think Windsor will be put on the shelf for decades to come ...perhaps a century.

Windsor will likely never be used again. It was created once, and unless the situation arises won't likely be created again.

My comment was specifically in regards to the statement that Clarence won't be used because it has tragic history. Clarence has been used several times, and will in all likelihood be used again in the future. It having a tragic history with one or two holders won't prevent that - after all, York has lots of bad history but keeps on getting used. Cambridge also has its share of negative history.
I would like for Harry to have either a brand new dukedom title or one so ancient that everyone will be shocked when he gets it.
I think bertie or someone else has posted in the thread at least once (more than I am sure) a list of available dukedom's. I just can never remember them!

Neither can I, Pranter! And the sad thing is, it's not a particularly long list...
I would like for Harry to have either a brand new dukedom title or one so ancient that everyone will be shocked when he gets it.

There aren't really any ancient ones that are not being used in some way (like an earl or marquis if not duke). The only real old one would be the Duke of Hereford. It was created only once for the son of John of Gaunt. It merged with the throne in 1399 when its holder became Henry IV.

If they wanted to avoid the obvious bad history of Clarence, they could elevate one of its former subsidiary titles to Duke. The Duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV and Richard III was Earl of Salisbury. Duke of Salisbury? The earldom was forefeited by his daughter in 1539 and not used since.

More likely it will be something more modern.

Ones available (many with no royal connection though)

New Castle (though the last duke only died in the 80's so not sure it would be recreated so soon)
Chandos (has been used with Buckingham or alone)
Kingston upon hull
Leeds (last died in 60s)
Portsmouth (created for a royal mistress so pretty unlikely)
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Clarence, Kendal, Kintyre, Lorne, Ross, Sussex (& Windsor) seem to be extinct Royal Dukedoms available to be recreated.
There is a Viscount Hereford so Hereford is being used currently.
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Ross is Scottish, so no go. There is an Earl of Suffolk, so no for that as well. I like Buckingham and Montagu the best.

Isn't the title Duke of Exeter available? What about Duke of Warwick?
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