I have just been to a screening of the movie and here is my review:
The movie is an enjoyable romantic drama set in glorious settings. The casting, costume design and photography were all outstanding.
Emily Blunt was amazing as Victoria. She was able to convey Victoria's fire, strength, girlishness and inexperience all at once. I think she a did great job with what she was given but I feel she wasn't given enough.
The movie centers almost exclusively on mater of emotional attachment (her feud with her mother, her 'infatuation' with Lord Melbourne, her falling in love with Albert) and almost no attention is given to her public life. Historical events are used as a prop which I think is regrettable. I was expecting something similar to what they did in the Elizabeth movie (with Cate Blanchett) in term of balancing both private and public life. That's really the biggest criticism I have to make about this movie.
Rupert Friend was, in my opinion, the true star of the movie. Quite simply, you will fall in love with him. You really have to admire anyone who can make a German accent sound the height of sexiness.
This part wasn't an easy one. As Albert ask in the movie: 'What do you call a man who waits for a wealthy woman to marry him?'. A lesser actor would have made Albert looks emasculated and a bit insincere but Rupert really showed what a complex man Albert really was, and how he struggled to find his own purpose. Ironically you'll come off this movie with a better understanding of Albert than of Victoria.
The rest of the cast was really on point, including an hilarious portrayal of Victoria's predescessor, her uncle.
I definitely recommend this movie to any Royal watcher, but I advise to not expect an historical movie, as in this aspect it's quite disappointing, but rather a beautiful, non-cheesy love story.
PS: for those who care, Beatrice is on screen for about 4 seconds during the coronation scene. She looks exactly like her pictures.