The Verdict of the Diana Inquest, April 2008, and Aftermath

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Aug 10, 2006
United States
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The inquest is going to have a verdict shortly from the juriors.:flowers:

But at least they have now included the paparazzi. The two reports from France and Britian didn't. I always thought that was strange.:flowers:
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Diana, Princess of Wales, was unlawfully killed, the jurors at the inquest into her death have decided.

Diana And Dodi Inquest: Princess Was Unlawfully Killed |Sky News|UK News

Grossly negligent driving caused the deaths of the Princess and her lover Dodi Fayed, the jurors said.

The jury singled out Henri Paul's drink driving as a contributory factor for the crash in the Alma Tunnel in Paris.

BBC NEWS | UK | Princess Diana unlawfully killed

The jury also specified that Mr Paul's drink-driving and the fact that neither Mr Fayed nor Diana were wearing seatbelts contributed to their deaths
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I really thought that they would return a verdict of accidental death, this really surprised me! Fayed doesn't seem pleased with the verdict but then I doubt anyone expected him to be. I don't think that there is very much he can do about it so hopefully he will finally move on now. He needs to get some serious grief counseling and start living his life again.
Let us hope that is his final reaction, but I think in the coming days he might find something else to say. I feel sorry for him if he really believes he has millions of supporters.

I also feel sorry for Henri Pauls parents, that can't be easy for them to hear.:flowers:

A video of Fayeds statement, read to the press

Al Fayed Still Angry Over Inquest - Sky News Video Player

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I wonder if he'll try to say that Prince Philip's trip to hospital was some sort of stunt to try and get sympathy from the jury or something.

I mean, he got pretty much all he wanted - jury trial and the works - and it came back to bite him fairly badly, because in fingering Henri Paul as responsible, the jury was saying that Fayed himself, Paul's employer, was also partly responsible, and it exonerated the royal family completely.

Of course he isn't going to accept the verdict - no doubt in his mind, calling the Queen to the witness box would have made the crucial difference or something - but that's hardly surprising. This guy is one of these super-rich people whose money has ensured that he got what he wanted time and again in his life, and this time has been different. He's never going to accept that, and I don't suppose anyone is surprised. But he really hasn't done Diana any favours. The inquest showed how flaky some of her so-called friends and associates were, people had to give unvarnished evidence because they were under oath, and the whole picture has come out as being rather sleazy. For someone who's claiming to just want justice for Diana, he's actually, if anything, done her some fairly bad damage.
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I'm just going to say I feel safest in London in Harrod's. My heart go out to those who mourn. It's never over....restless spirits never are at peace.
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I watched his full statement on Sky News and he is saying, if I understood correctly, that the jury have backed him up. That nobody has said who owned the 'other' car's that were following them that night. He also said that the jury had disagreed with the French and British investigation, which proved he was right.

There was the suggestion on this programme, that there could now be investigations into Burrell's and other persons perjury.:ermm:
I'm just going to say I feel safest in London in Harrod's. My heart go out to those who mourn. It's never over....restless spirits never are at peace.
I don't know why you would feel safest in Harrods, I would think many of the best pickpockets favour that kind of shop.

Diana was killed in a car accident, why would she be a 'restless spirit'.
I feel relieved that it´s over now!
The result was to be expected.
No new knowledges but a lot of fuss for nothing!

A tragically accident has happened ten years ago, let the dead rest in peace now and give their families and friends the chance to move on!
Fayed will never be satisfied and nothing will ever calm his determination to see his truth recognized. I wouldn't say this Inquest was a lost of time though. I'm pleased to see that paparazzi were in part blamed and exposed as factors of the accident.
I wouldn't say this Inquest was a lost of time though. I'm pleased to see that paparazzi were in part blamed and exposed as factors of the accident.

I agree. Maybe this might help the Princes' future wives with press attention.:flowers:
I just hope it really is over and that the media won't pay any attention to Fayed. Hopefully the Princess of Wales, Dodi Fayed and Henri Paul are now at peace.
That John Loughrey is so annoying.
I agree the result was to be expected.
i think mr. fayed will go to his grave publicly proclaiming what he believes to be the truth. i'm not saying he's right i'm just saying he believes it. the truth would be that people were killed because the person driving was intoxicated and they weren't wearing seatbelts. if he would come to terms with this then he might be able to find some peace.
Wow I have just woken up to the news. When they first said "unlawfully killed" I thought al-Fayed had got what he wanted but then they clarified

I actually thought the verdict would be accidental and I can't believe how quickly the jury reached a decision I thought it would be weeks before we heard
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Thank God this is over I Fully accept this . GOD SAVE THE QUEEN and her Grandsons William and Harry may they find closure and may those who passed rest in Peace.
I always found it weird that it was never ruled that the paparazzi played a part in her killing. I always felt they were one of the reasons Mr. Paul sped that night. I'm surprised that the Fiat Uno wasn't included in one of the verdicts cause I remember at one point full blame had been put on the Fiat driver. So now that Mr Fayed has disagreed with the ruling can they do anything to stop him since he basically lied under oath when asked if he would accept the jury's verdict. I'm going to watch the sky news video soon enough I just came home from school and saw the headline.
I watched his full statement on Sky News and he is saying, if I understood correctly, that the jury have backed him up. That nobody has said who owned the 'other' car's that were following them that night. He also said that the jury had disagreed with the French and British investigation, which proved he was right.

There was the suggestion on this programme, that there could now be investigations into Burrell's and other persons perjury.:ermm:

Yes that's what I thought he was saying as well :bang:
I watched his full statement on Sky News and he is saying, if I understood correctly, that the jury have backed him up. That nobody has said who owned the 'other' car's that were following them that night. He also said that the jury had disagreed with the French and British investigation, which proved he was right.

There was the suggestion on this programme, that there could now be investigations into Burrell's and other persons perjury.:ermm:

I just read dailymail's article of what Mr. Fayed said. I don't get it he confuses me.
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I don't see any immediate need to rake Paul over the coals. The verdict had nothing to do with his testimony or his self confessed lack of truthfulness. To give him another chance at public attention would feed his rather large ego. Less said the better...Let him be a curious footnote.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the outcome. I thought the jury would return a finding of accidental death. I'm particularly pleased they found gross negligence on the part of the paparazzi.
I don't feel the paparazzi care one bit..they are heartless, greedy vultures. They made Diana's life miserable and now officially have blood on their hands because of her death. They are worse a decade hence. My heart goes out to the brides of William and Harry...I can't imagine how they will cope.
I just read dailymail's article of what Mr. Fayed said. I don't get it he confuses me.

I understood him to be saying that the decision backs up his theory:rolleyes:

The vehicles weren't named no-one knows who was driving them, therefore according to his warped mind what's to say they weren't vehicles intent on making the car crash and killing Diana:bang:
^Are you kidding me oh god this man,has he gone insane..he completly confused me and is he serious who else agreed with him in court?! Diana?! please..Diana was paranoid as far as I'm concerned no disrepsect to her thee is nothing wrong with being paranoid I'm a very paranoid person too, and I don't live under the circumstances she did.The ONLY thing he could have a bit of truth on could be the MI6 bit only because what exactly were they supposed to say yes we killed her but I DO NOT in any way beleive they were in Paris that night to purposely kill. No evidence has ever suggested that, plus everything else that went along with it the fact it was last minute, route change etc. Any possible involvement of MI6 by anyone has been proven to be false. I cannot beleive he may want a review of the inquest verdict this won't end will it as far as I'm concerned for me this is over and may Diana, Dodi and Mr. Paul finally Rest In Peace.

CTV came on now my god that report gave me chills....and the ending so sad.."this young vibrant life cut short because of a drunk driver" I know it's been 11 years but it just still gives me chills thinking about how much has happened I just can't beleive it.
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