The Royal Family of The Netherlands, Current Events 1 (June 2003 - May 2006)

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I've moved the pics I posted earlier of Queen Beatrix at the commemoration ceremony for Canadian vets to the Queen Beatrix thread since i was unable to get pictures of other Dutch royal family members at the event. Her sister, the one who was born in Canada was also there, Princess Margriet i believe.
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~*~Humera~*~ said:
Alexandria haven't you been watching the news lately;)
The GG is in the Netherlands to commemorate VE day. I saw footage of her and Queen Beatrix at a ceremony to honour Canadian veterans at one of the Canadian cemeteries.
Btw...looks like the politicians have finally found some sense. Prime Minister Paul Martin and the leaders of the Conservatives, NDP, and the Bloc are going to the Netherlands, later this week I believe.
Public opinion was so disapproving of them putting petty politics ahead of the need to honour Canada's vets that the PM's office called the other leaders today and asked them to join him.

~*~Humera~*~ you've caught me! ;) I haven't had a chance to watch more than the morning news to catch the weather before leaving the house. But thanks for filling me in on why Adrienne Clarkson is in the Netherlands. And I'm glad to hear that Paul Martin, Stephen Harper and Jack Layton have coome to their senses and will take part in VE celebrations.

On the same piece about the Dutch vertrans being angry that none of the party leaders were going to come to the Netherlands to mark the occasion, the news reporter also added (and quite rightly, too) that as the vetrans were getting older and dying, it would be one of the last chances to speak to vetrans who had been part of the war and hear first hand accounts.
more pictures from yesterday


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from BRMB:

[font=verdana, arial]HM The Queen,TTRRHH The Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima,
HE the PM Dr.J-P Balkenende will be present at the National Remembrance ceremony,Amsterdam.

HM and The Prince of Orange will lay a wreath at the National Monument
on Dam Square after a memorial meeting in the Nieuwe Kerk.
The PM will speech due to the lustrum year. HRH Princess Margriet of the Netherlands will be present today at the Remembrance ceremony for those who died while serving on the merchant fleet during WWII.The ceremony will take place at the Monument for the merchant fleet,De Boeg,Rotterdam.
(HRH is a godchild of the Merchant Fleet). Mr.Pieter van Vollenhoven was present this morning at the Canadian War Cemetary,Holten for a Remembrance ceremony,and will be present tonight
at the Military Honour Field at the Grebbeberg to commemorate all Dutch military who have died in service for our Kingdom since 1940.
(the venue of fierce battle during the early days of May 1940,many Dutch soldiers lost their lives here).

What tiara was Maxima wearing at the Canadian visit? I don't think that I recognize it.
Video of Gala yesterday. There is only a video of Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima arriving. There were no cameras allowed in the palace. The video shows the arriving of Q. Beatrix not yet dressed in Gala, and Willem-Alexander (also not yet dressed in Gala tenue). But also the arriving of Máxima and she was already wearing a gala dress.

For video:

-go to
- scroll down and click on 'Diplomaten prikken een vorkje met Beatrix' (the little picture of Beatrix)
June 24th 2005 Several of the younger members of the Dutch RF attended the wedding in Jordan of Princess Badiya to Khalid Blair.

In attendance were: [font=verdana, arial][font=verdana, arial][font=verdana, arial]Constantijn & Laurentien, Maurits, Bernhard, Pieter-Christiaan & his fiancée Anita and Floris & his fiancée Aimée.

Some pictures have been posted in this Forum at
June 25 2005 The Queen unveiled a bust of her late husband Prince Claus today in the city of his birth - Hitzacker, Germany. Prince Willem-Alexander accompanied her (although I couldn't find a picture of him).

(Yesterday's event where she presented awards that had until this year always been given out by her father, and now today's engagement, must be in some ways, sad reminders of all the important people she has lost in the last few years. It is a good thing she has some cheerful things to focus on this year - her jubilee celebrations and the impending birth of another grandchild!)


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... and a few more pictures from today's visit to Germany. After unveiling the bust of Prince Claus, the Queen and her son visited an exhibit on the Prince.


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Squidgy said:
June 25 2005 The Queen unveiled a bust of her late husband Prince Claus today in the city of his birth - Hitzacker, Germany. Prince Willem-Alexander accompanied her (although I couldn't find a picture of him).

(Yesterday's event where she presented awards that had until this year always been given out by her father, and now today's engagement, must be in some ways, sad reminders of all the important people she has lost in the last few years. It is a good thing she has some cheerful things to focus on this year - her jubilee celebrations and the impending birth of another grandchild!)

Thanks for the pictures Squidy! :)

I agree that it must be very hard for Beatrix on a daily basis, but at particular engagements and dedications in particular, to be reminded of the loss of her parents and her husband. I often think how this year in particular, with it being her jubilee year, for her parents and her husband who have been so much a part of her role as Queen, to have missed out on this milestone in Beatrix's life.

But thank goodness for her constantly growing family -- this year alone two new grandchildren, and obviously the closeness of her sons and daughter-in-laws, and her sisters.
Squidgy said:
June 25 2005 The Queen unveiled a bust of her late husband Prince Claus today in the city of his birth - Hitzacker, Germany. Prince Willem-Alexander accompanied her (although I couldn't find a picture of him).

A few more pictures, including women whom I think must be the late Prince Claus' sisters or relations of his.

Source: Royal Images


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The women in the middle picture are all his sisters
August 17 2005 Prince Willem-Alexander and his uncle, Pieter Van Vollenhoven, took part in Sail Amsterdam 2005.

Photos: ANP


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The Royal Family of The Netherlands: Current Events 1 (Oct 2005-May 2006)

A thread for news and current events with several members of the Dutch royal family in attendance.

Please remember to state your sources for images and articles, and if posting articles, to post only 20% of the article with a link to the rest so as not to violate copyright rules.
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Just like the Russian statevisit planned in 2004, the statevisit of Jordan end this month is most likely to be canceled.
Just saw on the news that there were three bombings, target were three hotels, popular by westerners.
I don't know for sure if King Abdullah and Queen Rania proceed their visit, but it would be weird.
The Queen, the Crownprince and Princess Maxima send a wreath to the funeral of former dutch industrial Frits Philips, who was burried yesterday in his beloved Eindhoven. 1000's op people were lined up in the streets to pay their respects to 'meneer Frits', whose coffin drove through the city on a hearse.

picture from the regioportal of 'krantenonline'.


The monograms are so ugly and unelegant IMO, I wish Queen Margrethe would give them new ones for christmas.
from :

Governments dinner in honor of Silver Regeringsjubileum Queen, 17 December 2005

To occasion of her Silver Regeringsjubileum gets offered Her Majesty the Queen a dinner through the chairman of the Council of Ministers of our Kingdom, mr.. dr. J. pen. Balkenende.

This lifted on Saturday 17 December in the knight hall to the hague. By this governments dinner its also other members of the Royal family person present. Furthermore have been invited all ministers from the cabinets from 1980, ministers of State, gevolmachtigd ministers, as well as the present prime ministers and the governors of the Dutch Antilles and of Aruba and their predecessors since 1980. Also the chairmen of the First and Second Chamber of the parliament of the netherlands and the vice-president of the Council of State sit at the table.

The Queen is accompanied by Theirs 's Royal Excellencies the Prince of Orange, Princess Máxima, Prince Friso, Princess Mabel, Prince Constantijn, Princess Laurentien and Princess Margriet and professor. mr. Pieter of skin courts.

After a reception for the approximately 130 in the Old conference Room of the Second Chamber, the dinner finds bid place in the knight hall. For inception of the dinner, the prime minister will hold on behalf of the kingdoms government a speech and offer the Queen a present.

12 December 2005
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from :

Attend Multi-Religious Meeting, 15 December 2005, at Domkerk, Utrecht

Her Majesty the Queen, Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Orange, Princess Máxima, Princess Margriet and professor. mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven on Thursday, 15 December will be present to a multireligieuze meeting in the Domkerk in Utrecht.

Theme of the meeting is connected In freedom. Meeting of religions and philosophies. The meeting is an initiative of the National Committee Silver Regeringsjubileum.

On the meeting, that attended becomes by 700 representatives of various religious and philosophical currents, state the wish centrally there to carry at a peaceful society and tolerance of men to respect of each other and each other's religion or philosophy of life. From Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Boedhistische, Hindu and Humanist traditions become contribute given towards word and music.

The meeting is attended by members of the realm council of ministers, the governors of the Dutch Antilles and Aruba and floor leaders of the First and Second Chamber. The chairman of the National Committee, lady Yvonne Carpenter-Buck, and professors James Kennedy deliver a speech. Also becomes a special for the occasion through Henk Alkema composed music piece, titled Peace live, to hearing brought.

17 November 2005
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purple_platinum said:
from :

Attend Multi-Religious Meeting, 15 December 2005, at Domkerk, Utrecht

Her Majesty the Queen, Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Orange, Princess Máxima, Princess Margriet and professor. mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven on Thursday, 15 December will be present to a multireligieuze meeting in the Domkerk in Utrecht.

Theme of the meeting is connected In freedom. Meeting of religions and philosophies. The meeting is an initiative of the National Committee Silver Regeringsjubileum.

On the meeting, that attended becomes by 700 representatives of various religious and philosophical currents, state the wish centrally there to carry at a peaceful society and tolerance of men to respect of each other and each other's religion or philosophy of life. From Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Boedhistische, Hindu and Humanist traditions become contribute given towards word and music.

The meeting is attended by members of the realm council of ministers, the governors of the Dutch Antilles and Aruba and floor leaders of the First and Second Chamber. The chairman of the National Committee, lady Yvonne Carpenter-Buck, and professors James Kennedy deliver a speech. Also becomes a special for the occasion through Henk Alkema composed music piece, titled Peace live, to hearing brought.

17 November 2005

are there any photos of this yet? I hope the royal family bundled up! I was at the Dom around this time last year and it was FREEZING! I was wearing a thick long coat, scarf and gloves but I still shivered the entire service.
Maxie said:
I found some pictures of this event!
Source ANP!

awesome! thanks so much! I love maxima's outfit. velvet is so appropriate for this time of year.
And some from Seegerpress...

And a selection from

Cathérine Bergeyck said:
Máxima looked awesome! Thanks to 2 Belgian designers :) and her stay in Argentina no doubt.

Ditto -- brown is certainly her color! And who are the two Belgian designers?
Princess Maxima said:
Máxima looks great on that pics!!

Thanks Maxie!

You're welcome, PM!
I think it's great to see Maxima in such sober colors after the vibrant colors she has been wearing during her visit to Southern America. What a striking contrast! This outfit suits her well too, imo. :)
Queen and Princess have a good relationship

from seeger and newscom


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How good it is to see Margriet again, I was getting a bit worried about her. Maxima looks great indeed, very appropriate for this time of the year & the event.
Emily said:
Ditto -- brown is certainly her color! And who are the two Belgian designers?

Natan (Edouard Vermeulen) and Fabienne Delvigne (hat).
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