Thank you very very much for your reply about this topic! :flower:Originally posted by beebee@Oct 16th, 2003 - 5:20 pm
Well, Crown Princess Masako DID just win the Hello! magazine voters award for Best-Dressed Royal Woman... so she can't be that badly dressed!
But I agree with you. I wish they'd update their style too. I understand that they have to look conservative, but they take the image too far. I don't know the culture, so I'm not sure what Masako could get away with, though. Would a skirt that hits above the knee or a slimmer style of blazer be considered unacceptable? I think she'd look much prettier that way. And she should stop wearing shoulder pads!
Your indication about the Imperial Family's cloyhes is wonderful! It is especially about Crown Princess Masako. shoulder pads! YES, That's right !![]()
The Japanese Imperial Family is provided by the national tax in all their living expenses. If they have the clothes of fashion on, there are people "they are wasting the tax" to them. I think that If they purchase their clothes using the same tax, I will want them to have the clothes of fashion on.
Masako and Kiko does not wearing a hat on official business recently. Their clothes became still more boring for me...![]()
I also want the Japanese Imperial Families to have the dress of fashion on like the clothes of the royal family of Europe!![]()
Originally posted by ryo@Oct 18th, 2003 - 7:45 pm
One comment for you, jadmire.
This Agency is like a whole ministry, so they make their own decisions and doesn't reflect anybody else's opinion. The royal family must follow what they say, and they cannot choose what the Agency doesn't offer.
I think that the Japanese Imperial Family's the suit and the dress is conservative unlike The European Royals.
Please tell me your opinion about their clothes. Whom should they make a model?
I agree. Michiko's fashion sense is not too bad but she could get rid of her so-unfashionable small hats.
I think Empress Michiko looks elegant when dressed in western clothes, but the younger princesses so often are dressed too old for their age. Kiko tends to look as though she's wearing Jackie Kennedy cast-offs a lot of the time.[/QUOTE]
LOL, I have often thought the IHA dresses all the Japanese princesses out of a 1960s Sears catalogue.
Jun Ashida, former personal designer for Empress Michiko, dies at age 88 | The Japan TimesJun Ashida, one of Japan's most famous fashion designers known for creating elegant clothes for the Imperial Family, including Empress Michiko, and celebrities, passed away on Oct. 20 due to pneumonia. He was 88.
The prominent figure tailored a suit for Emperor Akihito when he was a young Crown Prince and for this reason was appointed as an exclusive designer for Empress Michiko for 10 years from 1966. He also designed an evening dress for Crown Princess Masako for her wedding.
The Grandeur of the Jūnihitoe this October
The Emperor will be clothed in the kourozennogohou, a robe which is also used for rituals at the Imperial Palace. It is only permitted to be worn by the Emperor.
Crown Prince Fumihito is expected to appear in the ouninohou, which is a robe specifically reserved for imperial princes.
The Empress and princesses will be wrapped in the jūnihitoe or, as it is formally known, the itsutsuginu-karaginu–mo. It is assumed that the base color of the Empress’s karaginu, which is the outermost layer, will be white.
While Crown Princess Kiko’s karaginu will be newly ordered, the other imperial princesses will be wearing purple karaginu that were used during the Heisei era. Different shades of purple will be worn based on the women’s seniority.
The nagabakama is the longer version of hakama, a traditional trousers-like clothing worn with the robes. The type of nagabakama to be worn differs based on the royal member’s marital status.
Unmarried royal women, such as Princess Mako, the eldest daughter of Crown Prince Fumihito and Crown Princess Kiko, will be wearing a dark shade of purple. The wives of other imperial family members, on the other hand, will be wearing a special shade of scarlet.