The House of Orange-Nassau: An Overview

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Aug 13, 2004
Below an overview of the family tree of the house of Nssau/Orange-Nassau. Any extra information is welcome, as this were the only members I was able to find. I would be very much oblidged if somebody could give me more information about the offspring of count Jan VII of Nassau-Dillenburg as I haven't been able to provide a complete overview of the branches that started with him (Nassau-Hadamar, Nassau-Siegen, Nassau-Dillenburg and Nassau-Dietz). Extra information about the 'early' Nassau's (before Johan V of Nassau-Dietz) would be appreciated too.

This overview was created with the help of several websites that contain information on the dynastic history of the House of Orange-Nassau. I have written down the names in the Dutch style. also those of German members of the family.
Count Walram I of Laurenburg and Nassau
ca. 1146-1198

Count Hendrik II (the Rich) of Nassau, 1180-1251
x 1221 Duchess Machteld of Gelre
from this marriage:

A. Count Walram II of Nassau, 1220-1276
from this marriage:

...1. Count Adolf of Nassau, Roman King 1292-1298
......from this marriage:

.........a. Count Gerlach of Nassau, 1284-1361
.............from this marriage:

................i Count Adolf of Nassau-Wiesbaden, 1307-1370
....................extinct 1605.

................ii Count Johan I of Nassau-Weilburg, 1309-1371 (NB. the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg descend from this line)

B. Count Jan of Nassau, bisshop of Utrecht 1267-1288

C. Count Otto I of Nassau, -1289 (?)
from this marriage:

...1 Count Hendrik I of Nassau, -1343
......from this marriage:

..........a Count Otto II of Vianden, -1350 x Countess Adelheid of Vianden
............from this marriage:

................i CountJohan I of Nassau-Dillenburg, 1339-1416
.................from this marriage:

......................I Count Adolf of Nassau, -1420 x Countess Judith of Dietz

.....................II Count Johan II of Nassau, -1443

.....................III Count Johan III of Nassau, -1430

.....................IV Count Engelbert I of Nassau, 1370-1442 Count Nassau-Dietz and Vianden
.........................x 1403 Countess Johanna of Polanen 1392-1445 Lady of Breda and De Leck
.........................from this marriage:

..............................A Count Hendrik II of Nassau, 1414-1451

..............................B Count Johan IV of Nassau-Dietz, 1410-1475 x 1440 Maria of
.................................Loon-Heinsberg, 1424-1502
.................................from this marriage:

.......................................1 Count Engelbert II of Nassau, baron of Breda 1451-1504

.......................................2 Count Johan V of Nassau-Dietz, 1455-1516
Count Johan V of Nassau-Dietz, 1455-1516 x 1482 Countess Elisabeth of Hessen, 1466-1523
from this marriage:

A Count Hendrik III of Nassau, 1483-1538 x (2) 1515 Claudia van Chalon and Orange, 1498-1521
from this marriage:

...1 Prince René I of Chalon and Orange, 1519-1544 x 1538 Anna van Lotharingen (without issue)

B Count Willem the Rich, of Nassau 1487-1559 x (1) Countess Walburga of Egmond (one daughter from this marriage).
x (2) Juliana van Stolberg-Wenigerode, 1506-1580
11 children, among whom:

...1 Count WILLEM I (The Silent) of Nassau, Prince of Orange, Dillenburg, .......24.04.1533 - Delft, 10.07.1584 x (1) Buren, 08.07.1551 Anna
.......of Egmond, Countess of Buren and Leerdam * Grave, 03.1533 + Breda
.......24.03.1558 (3 children from this marriage, see below).
.......x (2) Princess Anna of Saxony (5 children form this marriage, see
.......x (3) Princess Charlotte of Bourbon-Montpensier 1546-Antwerp
.......05.05.1582 (6 children, see below)
.......x (4) Countess Louise de Coligny Chatillon-sur-Loing 11.23.1555-.......Fontainebleu 11.13.1620 (one child, see below)

.........1_I Countess Maria of Nassau, Breda 11.22.1553-1555
.........1_II Prince Philip-Willem I of Orange, Buren 12.19.1554-Brussels
...............02.20.1618, x Princess Eleonore of Bourbon-Conde (no children)
.........1_III Countess Maria of Nassau, Breda 02.07.1556- Buren 10.10.1616
................x 02.07.1595 Count Philip of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein 1550-1606
.........2_I Countess Anna of Nassau 1562-1562
.........2_II Countess Anna of Nassau Breda 11.05.1563-Franeker 06.13.1588
...............x 1587 Count Willem-Lodewijk of Nassau-Dillenburg, Dillenburg
...............05.13.1565-06.13.1620 (no children)
.........2_III Count Maurits of Nassau, Brussels 12.18.1564-Breda 12.08.1566
.........2_IV Prince Maurits of Orange 11.14.1567-04.23.1625
.........2_V Countess Emilia of Nassau Cologne 04.10.1569-Geneva 03.16.1629
...............x 1596 Prince Emmanuel of Portugal (The Bastard Prince)
.........3_I Countess Louise-Juliana of Nassau, Delft 03.31.1576-Konigsberg
..............03.15.1644, x Count Frederik IV of the Paltz-Zweibrucken 1574-
.........3_II Countess Elisabeth of Nassau, Middelburg, 04.26.1577-Sedan
...............11.03.1642, x 1595 Henri Tour d'Auvergne, Duke de Bouillon
.........3_III Countess Catharina-Belgica of Nassau, Antwerp, 07.03.1578-
.................Hanau, 04.12.1648, x 1596 Count Philip-Ludwig of Hanau
.........3_IV Countess Charlotte-Flandrina of Nassau, Antwerp, 08.18.1579-
................Poitiers 04.16.1640
.........3_V Countess Charlotte-Brabantina of Nassau, Antwerp 11.17.1580-
...............1631, x 1598 Claude de la Tremouille, Duke of Thouars 1566-1604
.........3_VI Countess Emilia Secunda Antwerpiana, Antwerp 12.09.1581-
................Landsberg 11.28.1657, x Fredrich-Casimir of Zweibrucken1585-
.........4_I Prince Frederik-Hendrik I of Orange, Delft 01.29.1584-The Hague
..............03.14.1647, x 1625 Countess Amalia of Solms-Braunfels, Braunfels
..............08.31.1602-The Hague 11.08.1675 (9 children, in next overview)
Prince Frederik-Hendrik I of Orange, Delft 01.29.1584-The Hague 03.14.1647, x 1625 Countess Amalia of Solms-Braunfels, Braunfels 08.31.1602-The Hague 11.08.1675

1 Prince Willem II of Orange,The Hague 05.27.1626-The Hague 11.06.1650, x 05.02 1641 Princess Mary Henrietta of England, Scotland and Ireland, Princess Royal, 11.04.1631-12.24.1660

...I Prince Willem III of Orange, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, The Hague 11.14.1650-Hampton Court 03.08.1702 x 16.. Queen Mary II of England, Scotland and Ireland (no children, his cousin Prince Johan-Willem-Friso of Nassau-Dietz is his heir)

2 Princess Louise-Henriette of Orange-Nassau The Hague 12.07.1627-Berlin 06.18.1667 x Frederik-William I of Brandenburg, Berlin 02.16.1620- Potsdam 05.09.1688

3 Princess Henriette-Amalia of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 10.26.1628- dec 1628

4 Princess Elisabeth of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 08.30.1630-08.30.1630

5 Princess Isabella-Charlotte of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 04.28.1632-april 1642

6 Princess Albertina-Agnes of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 04.09.1634-Oranjewoud 05.24.1696, x Prince Willem-Frederik of Nassau-Dietz, Arnhem 08.07.1613-Leeuwarden 10.31.1664

7 Princess Henriette-Catharina of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 02.10.1637-11.03.1708, x Piince Johan-Georg II of Anhalt-Dessau 1627-1693

8 Prince Hendrik-Lodewijk of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 11.30.1639-The Hague, 12.29.1639

9 Princess Maria of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 09.05.1642-Kreuznach, 03.20.1688, x 1666 Cleves, Prince Mortiz of Simmern 1640-1674
Count Willem 'The Rich' of Nassau-Dietz, Dilleburg 04.10.1487-Dillenburg 10.06.1559, x (2) Countess Juliana of Stolberg-Wenigerode, Stolberg 02.15.15060Dillenburg 06.18.1580

A Willem I 'The Silent', Prince of Orange (see above)

B Countess Hermanna of Nassau-Dietz 1534-1534

C Count Jan VI 'The Old' of Nassau-Dillenburg, Wiesbaden 11.22.1535-Dillenburg 10.08.1606, x (1) Countess Elisabeth of Leuchtenberg 1537-1579, x (2) Countess Cunigunda of The Paltz 1556-1586, x (3) Countess Johanetta of Sayn-Wittgenstein 1561-1622

...1 Prince Willem-Lodewijk 'Us Heit' of Nassau-Dillenburg, Stadholder of Freisland, Groningen and Drenthe, Dillenburg 05.13.1560-07.13.1620, x Countess Anna of Nassau (daughter of Willem I), Breda 11.05.1563-Franeker 06.13.1588 (no children)

...2 Prince Jan VII 'The Middle' of Nassau-Siegen 06.07.1561-09.27.1627, x (1) Coutness Magdalena of Waldeck x (2) Countess Margaretha of Holstein-Sonderborg (from these marriages he got 25 children, the line became extinct in 1713. Among whom:

.......1_2 Jan VIII 'The Youngest' of Nassau-Siegen, Dillenburg 09.29.1583-
.............Renaix 07.27.1638 x 1618 Princess Ernestine-Yolande de Ligne
.............11.02.1594-Renaix 06.04.1668 (5 children, line became extinct in

.......1_13 Prince Johan-Maurits 'The Brazilian' of Nassau-Siegen, Dillenburg
..............06.17.1604-Bergendaal 12.20.1679

...3 Prince George of Nassau-Beilstein 1562-1623

...4 Princess Elisabeth of Nassau 1564-1611

...5 Princess Juliana of Nassau 1565-1606

...6 Prince Philip of Nassau 1566-1595

...7 Prince Ernst-Casimir of Nassau-Dietz, Stadholder of Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe, Dillenburg 12.22.1573-Roermond 06.02.1632, x Duchess Sophia-Hedwig of Brunswick-Wolfensburtel 1583-1642

.........I Prince Hendrik-Casimir I of Nassau-Dietz, Stadholder of Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe, Arnhem 01.21.1612-Hulst 07.22.1640

........II Prince Willem-Frederik of Nassau-Dietz, Stadholder of Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe, Arnhem 08.07.1613-Leeuwarden 10.31.1664, x Princess Albertine-Agnes of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 04.09.1634-Oranjewoud 05.24.1694 (daughter of Frederik-Henry and Amalia)

..........a Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz 1655-1695, x Duke Johan-Willem of
.............Saxe-Eisenach 1666-1729

..........b Prince Hendrik-Casimir II of Nassau-Dietz, Stadholder of Friesland
............and Groningen, The Hague 01.18.1657-Leeuwarden 03.25.1696, x
............1683 Princess Henriette-Amalia of Anhalt-Dessau, Cleves
............08.16.1666- Oranienstein 04.18.1727

...............I Princess Henriette-Albertine of Nassau-Dietz 1686-1754

...............II Prince Johan-Willem-Friso of Orange, Prince of Nassau-Dietz,
.................Stadholder of Friesland and Groningen, Dessau 08.04.1687-
.................Moerdijk 07.14.1711 (heir of his cousin King/Stadholder Willem
.................III), x 1709 Princess Marie-Louise of Hesse-Kassel 'Marijke Meu',
.................Kassel 02.07.1688-Leeuwarden 04.09.1765

......................i Princess Anna-Charlotte-Amalia of Orange-Nassau 1710-
.......................1777, x 1727 Duke Frederik of Baden-Durlach 1703-1732

......................ii Prince Willem IV Karel Hendrik Friso of Orange,
........................Stadholder of the Dutch Republic, Leeuwarden 09.01.1711-
........................The Hague 10.22.1751, x London 03.25.1734 princess Anna
........................of Great-Britain and Hannover, Princess Royal
........................Herrenhausen 11.02.1709-The Hague 01.12.1759

..............................a Princess Wilhelmina Carolina, Leeuwarden
.................................02.28.1743-Kirchheimbolanden 03.05.87, x The
.................................Hague 1760 Prince Carl-Christian of Nassau-
.................................Weilburg, Weilburg 01.16.1735-Munster 11.28.1788

..............................b Princess Anna of Orange-Nassau 1746-1746

..............................c Prince Willem V Batavus of Orange, Stadholder of
.................................the Dutch Republic, The Hague 03.08.1748-
.................................Dietz 04.09.1806, x Princess Wilhelmina of Prussia,
.................................Berlin 08.07.1751-Het Loo 06.09.1820

....................................A Princess Louisa of Orange-Nassau, The Hague
......................................11.28.1770-Amsterdam 10.15.1819, x The Hague
......................................1790 Duke Karl of Brunswick-Wolfensbuttel

....................................B King Willem I of The Netherlands, Grand Duke of
......................................Luxembourg, The Hague 08.24.1772-Fulda
......................................12.12.1843, x 1791 (1) Princess Wilhelmina of
......................................Prussia, Berlin 11.18.1774-The Hague
......................................10.12.1837, x (2) Countess Henriette
......................................d'Oultremont de Wegimont Maastricht
......................................02.28.1792-Aachen 10.26.1864 (children from
......................................1st marriage in next overview)

...................................C Prince Frederik of Orange-Nassau, The Hague
......................................02.15.1774-Padua 01.06.1799

..............III Princess Maria-Amalia of Nassau-Dietz 1689-1771

..............IV Princess Sophia-Hedwig of Nassau-Dietz 1690-1734, x Duke
..................Karl-Leopold of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1678-1747

..............V Princess Isabella-Charlotte of Nassau-Dietz, 1692-1757 x Prince
.................Christiaan of Nassau-Dillenburg 1688-1739

..............VI Princess Johanna-Agnes of Nassau-Dietz 1693-1765

..............VII Princess Louise-Leopoldina of Nassau-Dietz 1695-1758

..............VIII Princess Henriette-Casimira of Nassau-Dietz 1696-1738

...8 Prince Lodewijk-Gunther of Nassau 1575-1604

...9 (from 3rd marriage) Prince Johan-Lodewijk of Nassau-Hadamar 1590-1653

D Count Lodewijk of Nassau, Dillenburg 01.10.1538-Mook 04.14.1574

E Countess Maria of Nassau-Dietz, Dillenburg 03.18.1539- Ulft Castle 05.28.1599, x 1556 Count Willem IV van den Bergh 1537-1586

F Count Adolf of Nassau, Dillenburg 07.11.1540-Heiligerlee 05.23.1568

G Countess Anna of Nassau-Dietz 1541-1616

H Countess Elisabeth of Nassau-Dietz 1542-1603

I Countess Catharina of Nassau-Dietz 12.29.1543-12.25.1624, x 1560 Count Gunther XLI of Schwarzburg-Arnstadt

J Countess Juliana of Nassau-Dietz 1546-1588, x Count Albert VII of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 01.16.1537-04.10.1605

K Countess Magdalena of Nassau-Dietz 1547-1633

L Count Hendrik of Nassau, Dillenburg 10.15.1550-Mook 04.14.1574
King Willem I of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxemburg (The Hague 08.24.1772-Berlin 12.12.1843, x (1) Berlin 10.1.1791 Wilhelmine Pss of Prussia (Potsdam 11.18.1774-The Hague 10.12.1837, x (2) Berlin 02.17.1841 Countess Henriette d'Oultremont de Wegimont, Maastricht 02.28.1792-Schloß Rahe 10.26.1864)

A King Willem II of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxemburg (The Hague 12.06.1792-Tillburg 03.07.1849, x St. Petersburg 02.21.1816 Grand Duchess Anna Pavlovna of Russia, St.Petersburg 01.18.1795-The Hague 03.01.1865

...1 King Willem III of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxemburg Brussels 02.19.1817-Het Loo
.....11.23.1890, x (1) Stuttgart 06.18.1839 Princess Sophie of Württemberg, Stuttgart
.....06.17.1818-The Hague 06.03.1877, x (2) Arolsen 01.07.1879 Princess Emma of Waldeck and
.....Pyrmont, Arolsen 08.02.1858-The Hague 03.20.1934

.........I Prince Willem of The Netherlands, Prince of Orange, The Hague 09.04.1840-Paris

.........II Prince Maurits of The Netherlands, The Hague 09.15.1843-The Hague 06.04.1850

.........III Prince Alexander of The Netherlands, Prince of Orange, The Hague 08.25.1851-The
.............Hague 06.21.1884

.........IV (from 2nd marriage) Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands, The Hague 08.31.1880-Het
..............Loo 11.28.1962, xThe Hague 02.07.1901 Duke Hendrik of Mecklenburg-Schwerin,
..............Schwerin 04.19.1876-The Hague 06.03.1934

..................a Queen Juliana of The Netherland, The Hague 04.30.1909 Soestdijk 03.20.2004, x
.....................The Hague 01.07.1937 Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld Jena 29 Jun 1911-
.....................Utrecht 1 Dec 2004)

.........................1 Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Soestdijk Palace 01.31.1938, x Amsterdam
............................03.10.1966 Claus van Amsberg, Dötzingen 09.06.1926-Amsterdam 10.06.2002

...................................A King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange, Utrecht
.....................................04.27.1967 x Amsterdam 02.02.2002 Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti,
.....................................Buenos Aires 05.17.1971

..........................................i Princess Catharina-Amalia of The Netherlands, The Hague

..........................................ii Princess Alexia of The Netherlands, The Hague 06.26.2005

..........................................iii Princess Ariane of The Netherlands, The Hague 04.10.2007

....................................B Prince Johan Friso of Orange-Nassau, Utrecht 09.25.1968, x Delft
.,....................................04.24.2004 Mabel Wisse Smit, Pijnacker 08.11.1968

...........................................i Countess Luana of Orange-Nassau, London 03.25.2005

...........................................ii Countess Zaria of Orange-Nassau, London 06.18.2006

....................................C Prince Constantijn of The Netherlands, Utrecht 10.11.1969, x The
.......................................Hague 05.17.2001 Laurentien Brinkhorst, Leiden 05.25.1966

............................................i Countess Eloise of Oranje-Nassau, The Hague 06.08.2002

............................................ii Count Claus-Casimir of Oranje-Nassau, The Hague 03.21.2004

............................................iii Countess Leonore of Orange-Nassau, The Hague 06.03.2006

..........................2 Princess Irene of The Netherlands, Soestdijk Palace 08.05.1939, x Borghese
.............................Chapel, Rome 04.29.1964 (div 1981) PrinceCarlos Hugo of Bourbon-Parma,
.............................Paris 04.08.1930

..........................3 Princess Margriet, Ottawa 01.19.1943. x The Hague 01.10.1967 Pieter van
.............................Vollenhoven, Schiedam 04.30.1939

....................................A Prince Maurits of Orange-Nassau, Utrecht 04.17.1968, x Apeldoorn
.......................................05.30.1998 Marie Hélène van den Broek, Dieren 02.04.1970

...........................................i Anastasia van Lippe Besterfeld van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 04.15.2001

...........................................ii Lucas van Lippe Biesterfeld van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 10.26.2002

...........................................iii Felicia van Lippe Biesterfeld van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 05.31.2005

....................................B Prince Bernhard of Orange-Nassau, Utrecht 12.25.1969, x Utrecht
.......................................07.06 2000 Annette Sekrève, The Hague 04.18.1972

............................................i Isabella van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 05.14.2002

...........................................ii Samuel van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 05.25.2004

...........................................iii Benjamin van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 03.12.2008

....................................C Prince Pieter Christiaan of Orange-Nassau, Nijmegen 03.22.1972, x
.......................................Apeldoorn 08.25.2005 Anita van Eijk, Neuchâtel 10.27.1969

...........................................i Emma van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 10.28.2006

...........................................ii Pieter van Vollenhoven, The Hague 11.09.2008

....................................D Prince Floris of Orange-Nassau, Nijmegen 04.10.1975, x Naarden
......................................10.20.2005 Aimée Söhngen,Amsterdam 10.18.1977

..........................................i Magali van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 10.09.2007

..........................................ii Eliane van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam 07.05.2009

.........................4 Princess Christina of The Netherlands, Soestdijk Palace 02.18.1947, Utrecht
............................06.28.1975 (div 1996) Jorge Guillermo Havana 08.01.1946

...2 Prince Alexander of The Netherlands,Soestdijk Palace 08.02.1818-Mantua 02.20.1848

...3 Prince Hendrik of The Netherlands, Soestdijk Palace 06.13.1820-Wolferdingen 01.14. x (1)
......Weimar 05.09.1853 Princess Amelie da Gloria of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Ghent 05.20.1830-
......Wolferdingen 05.01.1872, x (2) Potsdam 08.24.1878 Princess Marie of Prussia, Potsdam
......09.14.1855-Schloß Albrechtsberg 06.20.1888

...4 Prince Ernst of The Netherlands, Brussels 05.21.1822-Brussels 10.22.1822

...5 Princess Sophie of The Netherlands, The Hague 04.08.1824-Weimar 03.23.1897, x The Hague
......10.08.1842 Grand Duke Karl Alexander of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Weimar 06.24.1818-Weimar

B Prince Frederik, Berlin 02.28.1797-Wassenaar 09.08.1881, x Berlin 05.21.1825 Princess Luise of Prussia, Berlin 02.01.1808-Wassenaar 12.06.1870

...1 Princess Louisa of The Netherlands, The Hague 08.05.1828-Stockholm 03.30.1871, x
......Stockholm 06.19.1850 King Carl XV of Sweden, Stockholm 05.03.1826-Malmo 09.18.1872

...2 Prince Frederik of The Netherlands, The Hague 07.06.1833-The Hague 11.01.1834

...3 Prince Willem of The Netherlands, The Hague 08.22.1836-The Hague 01.23.1846

...4 Princess Marie of The Netherlands, Wassenaar 07.05.1841-Neuwied 06.22.1910, x Wassanaar
.....07.18.1871 Prince Wilhelm of Wied, Neuwied 08.22.1845-Neuwied 10.22.1907

C Princess Pauline of The Netherlands, Berlin 03.01.1800-Freienwalde 12.20.1806

D Princess Marianne of The Netherlands, Berlin 05.09.1810-Reinhartshausen 05.29.1883, x (1) The Hague 11.14.1830 (div 1849) Prince Albrecht of Prussia, Königsberg 10.04.1809-Berlin 10.14.1872, x (2) Johan van Rossum
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