How dare I what? Have an opinion and express it? Isn't that the point of a discussion board? I honestly, don't know if you are being serious.
You are somewhat new to TRF so you don't know that I have followed Sarah since her wedding, and pretty much have excused every thing she has done in the past (as a couple of TRFers can attest). My train of thought was who was I to hold a grudge, if Andrew, the person she promised to love, honor, cherish and obey has forgiven her for her misdeeds. Who knows what really went on in their marriage? They've managed to remain friends and raise two great young ladies.
And make no mistake, I still like Sarah but recent events has caused me to look at her with a new eye. There is no doubt that some things that have happened to Sarah is beyond her control (the global economic crisis which most likely impacted her portfolio) but there are other that she very much can control or get a better handle on. And I am sorry, consistently talking about not being invited to William's wedding when 1) you weren't invited to other royal weddings before this (I am talking about Edwards, Charles, the Gloucester daughters, and Peter) and 2) you haven't had a relationship (like not spoken to) William since his mother died is not cool. Why give the press something to write about. Its time to stop.
She needs to stop talking about Andrew being her best friend, and start acting like a best friend to Andrew. Stop popping up in the papers so everyone can relive this Cash for Access scandal, which brings attention to Andrew's Job and whether or not he should keep it. Stop talking about what a great mother you are and be a great mother.
I realize she needs to make a living and she can't go quietly into the night, so she should definitely continue her charity work, nor I am not going to begrude her making a living via speeches (talk about overcoming obstacles and/or weight) or a television show (showing people overcoming obstcles) but she needs to stop being Sarah the Victim and start being Sarah the Survivor.