Royal Christenings and Godparents

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Awful to think that King George was to live for less than two years after this occasion.
The bond between Charles and his loving grandmother is clear even then. Thanks for posting this, CyrilVladisla.
Awful to think that King George was to live for less than two years after this occasion.
The bond between Charles and his loving grandmother is clear even then. Thanks for posting this, CyrilVladisla.

You can see the ultimate happiness on King George VI's face not only at the christening of Princess Anne but also at the christening of Prince Charles. :king2::king2::king2::king2::king2::king2:
Its wonderful to see George with his grandchildren. He was one proud grandfather :flowers:

I love how close Charles and his Grandmum were:)

Love seeing those long gone, like Queen Mary. The pride in her face as she sits with her daughter in law, granddaughter and great granddaughter is so obvious. Sad to think how fewer members would be there for the next baptism. At least the Queen Mum not only lived to see all of her grandkids but also 9 of her 12 great-grandchildren. Sadly both she and Margaret died shortly before Margarita was born.

Neither of Elizabeth's maternal grandparents were alive to be great-grandparents to even Charles. Mary lived to see 3 great-grandchildren (Charles, Anne and David Lascelles)
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Elizabeth, Duchess of York was the one responsible for the choice of clergyman for the christening of Princess Elizabeth. The Archbishop of Canterbury would have been the normal choice. Elizabeth, Duchess of York opted for Cosmo Lang. She declared that since she and Prince Albert were the York family and Cosmo Lang was the Archbishop of York, he was a better option.
Christening Of Prince Charles (1948)

Christening Of Princess Anne (1950)
Anne doesn’t look particularly impressed! Even as a toddler one can see the bond growing between Charles and his grandmother.
Queen Victoria of England sent a bust of her husband Prince Albert to her great-grandson Prince Albert Frederick of York as a christening present.
On September 24, 1486 Prince Arthur was christened.
Prince Albert Victor of Wales was christened on March 10, 1864. It was Queen Victoria of England who proclaimed the baby's name of Albert Victor Christian Edward at his baptism in the chapel at Buckingham Palace.
Prince Albert Victor of Wales was christened on March 10, 1864. It was Queen Victoria of England who proclaimed the baby's name of Albert Victor Christian Edward at his baptism in the chapel at Buckingham Palace.

Well, the Queen chose the baby’s names without even consulting with his parents, so I expect she thought she had a right! I believe she was also her grandson’s godmother.
:previous: Queen Victoria had selected the names of Albert Victor. The Prince and Princess of Wales chose Christian Edward.
:previous: Queen Victoria had selected the names of Albert Victor. The Prince and Princess of Wales chose Christian Edward.

Yes, the first two of the baby’s names, the ones he was formally known as, Prince Albert Victor However his parents staged their own little rebellion and through his shortish life he was known to them and other family as Eddy.
Yes, the first two of the baby’s names, the ones he was formally known as, Prince Albert Victor However his parents staged their own little rebellion and through his shortish life he was known to them and other family as Eddy.

Not necessarily a 'rebellion' as his father was already known as "Bertie" (there are only so many diminutives) and Edward was his father's other name (not to mention his great-grandfather's). I don't think Victoria ever objected to him being called Eddy — what she did object to was George and May naming their son Edward after him when she said "his name was Albert Victor!"

....who we all know ended up as "David", in exact family tradition.
Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) Bonaparte was christened when he was two years and five months old. It occurred at Fontainebleau. Emperor Napoleon I and Empress Marie Louise of the French were his sponsors.
It is a shame that photos of the baptism ceremonies of members of the British Royal Family are not published.
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