Thanks Polyesco.
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #50, 2015.
Written by Lisbeth Grube.
As patron of the Autism Association our Marie went to Tivoli to see a Christmas musical. With her went bette Henrik and her LiW, Britt Siesbye.
At noon they were received at the entrance and escorted through Tivoli to the concert hall, where the performance took place. Here members of the ensemble had taken up position to welcome them.
The musical lasted an hour and afterwards Marie said: "I think it was so cozy. And very entertaining. What do you think, Henrik"? (*)
Bette Henrik responded: "I think it was fun".
Marie: "We really got in Christmas-mood. - We have both Danish and French traditions. We think it's fun to dance around the Christmas tree and present presents. We eat good food and have a cozy time.
All through December we have Christmas-coziness (**) with the children. And yes, this might become a new Christmas tradition".
They haven't lived long enough in their new home to adapt their old Christmas traditions to new surroundings: "It's the same traditions we have brought with us into the new house in Klampenborg. We have started out easy and calmly. It takes time. And we are celebrating Christmas at Marselisborg this year. That we look very, very much forward to".
From the concert hall Marie and Britt Siesbye went to meet their husbands, Joachim and Oscar and the rest of the children. I.e Athena, who is still to little to enjoy the musical, and the Siesbye children, Alexander and Sofie Agnethe.
After having enjoyed a dinner together, the part went out to try out the attractions and have a look at the old garden. Mademoiselle Athena obviously liked going to Tivoli! She was smiling her head off, judging from the photos in the article.
(*) Marie has in an interview said that at home she calls him Henri and speak French to him.
(**) See the Christmas thread to get an idea of what that could be.