Princess Caroline & Family Current Events Part 5 : Feb.2008 - Feb.2010

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Apr 11, 2005
Welcome to Part 5 of the thread to discuss the current events of Princess Caroline and kids together, or of the Casiraghi's together.
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Princess Caroline & Family Current Events Part 4
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Princess Caroline, Prince Ernst-August and Princess Alexandra skiing in Zürs - 28/02/2008

Great pics tbhrc!:flowers:
I agree with you, the ones where they are taking their private pics are really nice!
Caroline is very elegant, as usual!
It looks like a happy family occasion. Charlotte seems to be helping her boyfriend to walk or stand on his ski equipment.
Great pics:)
But I have some problems to figure out who's who.
In 1st set of pics I can guess where Alexandra is (she's grew up recently), I can see prince EA in another pic, but where is Caroline, is she the one in black jacket and red pants? :unsure:
There is someone about little Alexandra height in grey/white suit...who is this?
Caroline is the one with the green jacket in this pic: // Free Image Hosting

Here are the pics from yesterday, smaller but in a better quality. Alexandra had her first ski race ad she won a little trophy, you can see that in some pics....


And now we have some new pics. Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock arrived, and Charlene was welcomed by Princess Caroline with a big hug.


And there are also new pics of Charlotte and Pierre Casiraghi together with Alex Dellal in the snow, and one of Princess Caroline taking a walk with her dog:

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Thanks tbhrc for some many pics:flowers:

It's so nice see the family together. Andrea could join the group;). But perhaps he's busy. He's still on the university, isn't he?

Really nice pictures
Here are a few more of Prince Albert and Princess Caroline spending some time together:

Glad to see Charlene accepted by his family !
Maybe they are very tiny but i don´t see a hug anywhere.
thanks for the great photos! does anyone know the brand of charlotte´s red ski coat.. caroline has the same in black..
Now I see it thanks tbhrc nice that they are hugging the papers have been wrong about caroline feelings
Wow! We are so lucky to have these pictures. Can they get any bigger? What a surprise, a good one, to see Charlene and Albert joining Princess Caroline and family. Princess Caroline is a big supporter of her brother, this is great. Now we can all see how Charlene is part of the family. Wedding bells are ringing!!!!
Wow! We are so lucky to have these pictures. Can they get any bigger? What a surprise, a good one, to see Charlene and Albert joining Princess Caroline and family. Princess Caroline is a big supporter of her brother, this is great. Now we can all see how Charlene is part of the family. Wedding bells are ringing!!!!

I wouldn't jump the gun. Albert has made it quite clear in an interview recently that people are always trying to decide when he is going to marry and he stated quite clearly that when the time comes he let everyone know. He also apparently stated in an interview that was displayed on German tv (sorry mods I don't know which one) that he has no long term plans with Charlene but they have fun together. It could be he's bluffing but then again maybe that's the truth. They have fun but he has no long term plans. In any case he doesn't want people rushing him to the altar.
Tbhrc, can you please identifiy the foto where P Caroline is hugging Alex.. I have looked thru the fotos and cant see this foto...perhaps I am going blind Thanx
Tbhrc, can you please identifiy the foto where P Caroline is hugging Alex.. I have looked thru the fotos and cant see this foto...perhaps I am going blind Thanx

I second the request. I can't it too

Pierre has another girl?!? Ok. He's young and he should enjoy the life, but a new girl every new week? He's getting insane
Look at the pictures where Charlotte kind of teasing Pierre, Alex was at the back hugging Caroline.:flowers:
Thanks tbhrc such great pictures and loving moments
Thanks for keeping us updated, tbhrc :flowers:
It's great to see the family together and nice that Charlene and
Albert were there as well. I especially liked the pics of Caroline
and Albert skiing in similar clothes :) Can't remember when
we've seen them skiing together the last time..

Here are two pics of Caroline and Ernst August during their
vacation on 26 February 2008:

Caroline and Ernst August 1
Caroline and Ernst August 2
Oh to have the life of luxury that they all seem to have! How wonderful it would be!:)
it's interesting that it took Alex alittle longer to bond with the in her mother. LOL There were reports in People that Caroline wasn't completely sold on him this past summer because she thought it was a mistake. Char must be close with her mother...
There were reports in People that Caroline wasn't completely sold on him this past summer because she thought it was a mistake.

Then the story repeats itself, doesn't it? Grace also though Junot was a mistake for her daughter, but time has changed since then, and Charlotte is surely freer than her mother (officially) was in her youth. Besides, she isn't the daughter of a reigning prince.
Then the story repeats itself, doesn't it? Grace also though Junot was a mistake for her daughter, but time has changed since then, and Charlotte is surely freer than her mother (officially) was in her youth. Besides, she isn't the daughter of a reigning prince.

I know when I read it I was like...this sounds familiar...

I guess all girls really do become their mothers eventually. :lol:
Here's a scan of this week's Hola article about the vacation in Zürs:

Pierre as a receding hairline sad...
Okay, so here are the scans of this weeks BUNTE (the pics of Princess Caroline hugging Charlene). I think now everyone can see the hug ;). I know there are some that think that this is so fake and planned and that it is just for Charlene's publicity, but do you really think Princess Caroline would do that? I don't. There are no pics of her and Princess Stephanie like that, that would proof that they have a normal sister-relationship. And I'm also sure that she would never fake paparazzi pics, she's suing everyone that publishes pics like that.

Well here they are:

Scan 1
Scan 2
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