Well, that isn't much of an apology IMO. Frankly, I don't think that this warrants an apology to any of the members here. You spoke about a child, not one of us. Apologize to Alexandra and her parents, don't give me an insincere apology. I can do without.
If members of your family called you ugly then that is nothing to brag about. It is quite horrible and I hope that you will not do the same to your children.
Children shouldn't be referred to in such ways. It could be very crippling to them. Things such as this have hindered many children from forming healthy personalities. It is not the same with children as it is with adults. It never will be. People need to learn to think before they speak and they act and to quit going off like ridiculously loose canons. Luckily little Alexandra is very young and will most like never read this.
Of course there is frankness and directness in the world, and I must frankly say that this (along with many other things) is what sometimes leads to teenagers having eating disorders, juvenile deliquency, and low self-esteem. I am sure that many psychologists will say that many a serial killer had someone be over-critical of their looks, demeanor, accomplishments, etc.
It has nothing to do with being politically correct. This isn't about liberalism, conservatism, feminism, or the disabled or anything associated with politics and labels. It is about right and wrong and no one should refer to an innocent child without a clue of what is going on in the world in such a manner. So, what if Alexandra's eyes are puffy? What does that really matter? Does that make her less of a human being? Will she be less successful in life because of it? Honestly, I just thought that they were her eyes...Pardon me for not realizing that they were puffy. No two people or children for that matter look the same (except for those of identical birth). What you believe someone eyes should look like needn't necessary be the norm for an individual's eye appearance. ''
Please, do not even pretend to know anything about my culture at all. I have already had one person insult one facet of my heritage this week (on this message board mind you) and frankly my patience is wearing thin on that matter. My ancestry is very diverse and although we live in America, most of us were not born here (I wasn't and didn't live here for the first few years of my life) and the majority of my family lives in Europe and the Caribbean. I can assure you that we do not criticize each other in such ways. To say such things would be greatly frowned upon (to any child or adult) It is really pointless. I think that it has become far too common here at LTR (especially lately by some members)and in the world to assume that all or most Americans are dumb, prudent and not the least bit worldly. We know lots of things and many of us know how to address and treat children regardless of what some may think.