Prince Henrik Diagnosed with Dementia: September 2017 & Further Health Issues

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Sad news. Wishing him and the family well.
Thought and prayers to PH, QMII and the whole family from the neighbours on the other side of Öresund ???
What I say can be controversial, but maybe it would be better for him to go Home now, than in 10 years, when he would probably be just lying down, mute, not recognizing his close ones...without awareness who he is.:unsure:
10-15 years with Alzheimer Disease is literally a torment, for the ill one and for his family (guardians); in the later stages ill people may even escape from home yelling "Help, he is going to kill me!", pour the soup out to the sink, because he is convinced that his guardian wants to poison him (The known and recognizable space is shrinking more and more to the patient!), put a spoon into an electric outlet and cause an electrical short circuit, break the mirror with his own fist, seeing his own reflection as a stranger...

Just my thoughts.

Agree 100%
What I say can be controversial, but maybe it would be better for him to go Home now, than in 10 years, when he would probably be just lying down, mute, not recognizing his close ones...without awareness who he is.:unsure:

I genuinely believe that anyone who has ever watched a loved one deal with Alzheimer's or dementia would absolutely agree with this. It's not controversial, it's human. It's real. We watched my great-grandfather progress through the stages of Alzheimer's for years and even though I certainly don't know any royals personally, I think I can say with complete certainty that though the Danish royal family will obviously miss Prince Henrik very much, they wouldn't want him to spend years suffering from this disease. It's hard but it's so much better now than after years of this.
I have always been very fond of Prince Henrik. And I imagine the Queen is going through a tough time dealing with it. I am pleased the older grandchildren have been to see him and they can get a little understanding or idea of what is happening to their beloved papa. I wish him a peaceful end.
Where there is life, there is hope. Its very possible that the family has all gathered because of a chance that this is Henrik's time to go Home. I've seen this happen many times and the patient does rally and recover. Its always better to be on the safe side.

With my mother, although we knew she was terminal, we were told to get there as soon as possible. As soon as she saw the grandchildren there, she rallied enough to try and sneak out of the hospital because those grandbabies needed to be fed. People do astonishing things sometimes and we all know that Henrik has a lot of fighting spirit in him.
My God, like everyone else I have known PH was very ill but I honestly did not expect such a rapid decline..:ohmy:...I read all the comments about the Prince "should go home" and I thought the decision had been made to bring him back to France....

But then again I am not on the Board as often as I used to be.

I feel so very sad for PH and his family.
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My grandmother died 2 months ago from Alzheimers disease and I can also say that I agree with Biri. The last 2 years of her life were of absolutely no use to her or us, her family. she suffered and as a result so did we. I wouldnt wish Prince Henrik to end up in that awful condition, or anyone else for that matter. Better die peacefully before that happens.

It is so weird, Last night I actually had a vivid dream about Crown Prince Frederik dying suddently in a freak accident. It was so vivid that I woke up and immediately had to check, that he had not actually died.....I googled him and found he was okay, but that his father's condition had worsened greatly....kind of unsetling.
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The Danish royal family deserves complete privacy dealing with the difficult situation.
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I agree with you Al_bina and I sincerely hope the media respects the family's privacy at this time. I'm sure there will be a palace spokesperson that will relay information should it be deemed appropriate to do so.
I am deeply saddened to hear that His Royal Highness Prince Henrik of Denmark's health has taken a turn for the worst.

May God Bless him, the royal family, the princes's family in France and friends.
The latest is that there are speculations as to where Frederik is.
No one seems to know whether he has landed or not and the court won't say anything.
- My guess is that Frederik has returned to DK but that he will visit his father first thing tomorrow. I imagine they have given PH something to hopefully let him sleep through the night.
I also imagine Frederik and the rest of the DRF would like to talk among themselves if this really is very close to the end for PH.
Perhaps they will all, or as many as practically possible considering the circumstances, visit PH tomorrow. A communal goodbye so to speak. As I mentioned in a previous post, PH is a family man, I imagine he would like to have his family around one last time, if he himself feel he is going.

Interestingly PH has been visited by the Chief of Court, Michael Ehrenreich.
That seems to be unusual.
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Interestingly PH has been visited by the Chief of Court, Michael Ehrenreich. That seems to be unusual.

I actually went and looked up what Mr. Ehrenreich's role is and from what I found out, the Chief of Court advises and assists in all functions pertaining to private matters. My guess is that he visited with the prince and HM in order to know first hand what the family's wishes are at this time. We'll never know but it seems logical to me.
I actually went and looked up what Mr. Ehrenreich's role is and from what I found out, the Chief of Court advises and assists in all functions pertaining to private matters. My guess is that he visited with the prince and HM in order to know first hand what the family's wishes are at this time. We'll never know but it seems logical to me.

Sounds very plausible.
Also perhaps in regards to his funeral. Especially if there is nothing in writing. - Considering PH's strong views on the matter, which may very well have been reinforced even more by now by his dementia, QMII might not be the right person to ask PH exactly where he wish to be buried and how.
There seems to be a disbalance in the remark by Etienne de Laborde de Monpezat speaking about weeks and the posts here as if the situation is acute. I would also counter that Alzheimer's is always a suffering. It really depends from person to person. Queen Juliana had no sense anymore who she was but she was given the best care possible, with private nurses, the clock round. The same counts for Princess Lilian. Also Prince Henrik actually made a good and happy impression. I remember the Queen and the Prince in great spirits at a ball, in December, dressed as harlequins. I thought the Prince looked happy.
There seems to be a disbalance in the remark by Etienne de Laborde de Monpezat speaking about weeks and the posts here as if the situation is acute. I would also counter that Alzheimer's is always a suffering. It really depends from person to person. Queen Juliana had no sense anymore who she was but she was given the best care possible, with private nurses, the clock round. The same counts for Princess Lilian. Also Prince Henrik actually made a good and happy impression. I remember the Queen and the Prince in great spirits at a ball, in December, dressed as harlequins. I thought the Prince looked happy.
I'd say the disbalance is mainly between Etienne speaking about weeks and crown prince Frederik hurrying home from the Olympic Games (THE accumulation of years of IOC work; his most important 'job' outside of Denmark) resulting in most people assuming the worst.
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:previous: That was on New Years Eve.
Kjeld Hillingsø was on TV telling about PH that night.
PH was quiet, but otherwise in good spirit and in good health. He was able to play bridge very well.
- So this rapid deterioration has shocked Kjeld Hillingsø.

As for Etienne de Monpezat. I imagine he has been kept informed and he may have been told a day or two ago that is was going downhill for PH. But it may simply not really have dawned on him yet, that the condition has suddenly gone from weeks to days.

I don't know how the DRF information-chain works in regards to PH's French relatives. Again, I imagine that one person is left in charge of informing the French relatives. Logic says that would be QMII herself or Joachim. And whether say Joachim calls as many French relatives as deemed necessary or whether he leaves it to one French relative to be the liason is anyone's guess. In that case a qualified guess IMO would be PH's nephew who lives in DK.
This is all very weird to me right now because my dad just got out of the hospital after battling a lung infection.

My guess, just based on my own experiences, is that they may be at the point where Henrik is not able to breathe well enough and needs a ventilator or even an intubation, all of which counts as extraordinary measures. My dad refused them (and even tried to leave the hospital against medical advice until it got to the point that he was struggling to breathe). Luckily, he responded very quickly to antibiotics and was able to come home a week ago.
Frederik is likely home by now but has probably gone home to Amalienborg to sleep a few hours (the clock is 1.12 nighttime here now) and will visit Rigshospitalet the first thing he does tomorrow.
This is a tough time. I hope God comfort them during this time.
As for Etienne de Monpezat. I imagine he has been kept informed and he may have been told a day or two ago that is was going downhill for PH. But it may simply not really have dawned on him yet, that the condition has suddenly gone from weeks to days.

And, people have their own ways of processing the same news. I remember in my own family that when we heard my father was "at the end," some thought it meant he had hours, while other thought he had weeks or months.
Is this post like the Lord Chamberlain in Britain? Wonder whether it's something to do with Pr Henrik's will, or maybe (just in case) funeral arrangements? Some elderly people plan their own while they are well.
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Yes, the Hofmarskal (Chief of Court / Court Marshal) is the Danish equivalent of the Lord Chamberlain in the UK.
:previous: That would be a sticky situation as someone with Alzheimer's is no longer considered legally competent to do things such as alter his will, etc.
I am so happy for you that your father has recovered and is home and recovering.
I will keep you, your father, Prince Henrik and Queen Margrethe in my prayers.
Sounds very plausible.
Also perhaps in regards to his funeral. Especially if there is nothing in writing. - Considering PH's strong views on the matter, which may very well have been reinforced even more by now by his dementia, QMII might not be the right person to ask PH exactly where he wish to be buried and how.

Such disturbing news from Denmark; I think Prince Henrik may no longer wish to stay among us and is on his way to another playing field...I always thought heaven must be a very interesting place:flowers: He will wait for Crown Prince Frederik but I imagine the family discussions must be very intense right now, so that I do not wonder the Court chamberlain came by for further instructions, if possible. My prayers and best wishes are with the Danish Royal Family; losing a pater familias is very difficult, I know from personal experience.
I knew when the news was released about the benign lung tumor and Henrik having pneumonia that it was not going to end well. My own father had Alzheimer's and he lived for 10 yr. after diagnosis. His death came from contracting pneumonia, this brings back memories for me. It's callous to say, but Henrik's passing is better for him and his family than the long decline my father had. I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone or his/her family.
Wow I was shocked. I don't follow the Danes very much, I knew Henrik had been diagnosed and retired. But I saw the news on facebook thanks to Majesty magazine, about the court release.

I always try to keep as positive as possible, without any direct information, but hard here. Fred being called home from Korea, doesn't sound good at all.

There is some small mercy if he doesn't suffer for years from this disease. Both for him and those who love him. But that doesn't make the loss any less.

If he sadly passes during the Olympics, and a funeral is held, will people like CG and Sylvia return for the funeral? I know there is talk Henrik wanted a more private funeral, but I'd think there would be at least a few foreign royals even then. The Scandinavian royals are so close. Or would Victoria go in their place?
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