Margareta, Custodian of the Crown & Prince Radu News & Events 3: Jan 2018 - Aug 2023

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Aug 13, 2004
Margareta, Custodian of the Crown & Prince Radu News & Events 3: Jan 2018 - Aug 2023


Arms of the Kingdom of Romania

Welcome to Margareta Custodian of the Crown and Prince Radu's
News & Events, Part 3

Commencing January 17th, 2018

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Her Majesty Margareta, accompanied by Prince Radu, visited this morning January 17, the headquarters of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Gendarmerie.

Majestatea Sa Margareta a vizitat Jandarmeria Română | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Her Majesty Margareta, and Prince Radu visited today the headquarters of the City Hall and met with City Hall employees who had made a remarkable contribution to organizing and running King Mihai funeral a month ago.

Vizită regală la Primăria Generală a Capitalei | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

"Alma, the Swiss Shepherd of Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu, amazed at the snow yesterday afternoon, in the garden of Elisabeta Palace. Alma is two years old and has not seen too many snow so far. "

Alma is like "What is this?"

TOn uesday, January 23, Her Majesty Margareta, with Prince Radu received at the Elisabeta Palace the students' visit of six centenary colleges from Bucharest, Ploiesti and Giurgiu.

Custodele Coroanei şi elevi ai colegiilor centenare la Palatul Elisabeta | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Today January 24 Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu visit Iasi and took part on the morning at the Union of Romanian Principalities.
Union Day was celebrated by thousands of people in Union Square despite low temperatures. There were present Iasi, as well as a large number of Bessarabians, coming from Chisinau.

Hora Unirii la Iași. Familia Regală alături de mii de români | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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Today January 26, Her Majesty Margareta, and Prince Radu visited the National Bank of Romania, where they were guests of the NBR governor, academician Mugur Isarescu.

Vizită regală la Banca Națională a României | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

"Last night, at the gate of Elisabeta Palace, 81 roses were left, each carrying a handwritten message, caught with a stem of the flower stem. The messages are addressed to Her Majesty Margareta, and one of them says, "You are not alone"!
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This afternoon, Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu paid a visit to the Romanian Broadcasting Society.

Vizită regală la Radio România | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

This morning February 2 , Her Majesty Margareta received Mrs. Ivamma Brummell, Ambassador of Great Britain's wife to Bucharest, at ElizabethaPalace, preparing an editorial novelty, an international cookbook. Her Majesty agreed to contribute to the cookbook with a Romanian cuisine chapter.

Also today Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu received at Elizabeta Palace Mr. Emil Constantinescu (President of Romania 1996-2000) and Nadia Constantinescu.
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Looks like the Crown Princess was enjoying the cooking,thinks its the 1st time I've seen the kitchens at the Elisabeta Palace.
Looks like the Crown Princess was enjoying the cooking,thinks its the 1st time I've seen the kitchens at the Elisabeta Palace.

From around 7:30, you can see the-then Crown Princess Margareta in the same kitchen.
Her Majesty Margareta, and Prince Radu visited the National News Agency on Tuesday 6 February .The royal couple was welcomed by AGERPRES general manager, Mr. Alexandru Giboi.

Vizită regală la AGERPRES | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Today February 8, Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu visit the Floreasca Emergency Clinical Hospital.

Vizită regală la Spitalul Clinic de Urgență Floreasca | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

The musicians Tavi Clonda, Alexandru Luft and Denisa Demian, who wrote the song "King", in the honour of King Mihai received today in the White Salon of Elisabeta Palace by Her Majesty Margareta, and Prince Radu.

Autorii piesei muzicale “King”, la Palatul Elisabeta | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania
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The eldest daughter of the late King and her husband continue the dialogue with the center left coalition of government to obtain a bill in their favour:

Today 23 February Mrs. Viorica Dancila, Prime Minister of the Romanian Government, visit her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu at the Elisabeta Palace.

It was the first meeting of the Prime Minister with the Royal Family, since the government headed by Mrs. Viorica Dancila.

Prim-ministrul invitat la prânz de Custodele Coroanei | Familia Regală a României / Royal Family of Romania

Nice portrait of the two Queens
The reaction of many royalists on Facebook was quite strong. They believe the project of the controversial law is still on the table.
The websiye and the blog of the Romanian royal family really looks professional, easy to navigate and very, very actual with lots of media. It actually better than some websites of reigning royal families. And all this without a bit professional staf. My compliments.
It's just part of the hate campaign orchestrated by Rotariu, Iordache and their mafia.

Hard to know if this is a real project but we should not forget when the Princess supported her husband when he announced he would candidate for the presidential seat. Why she would not candidate herself ?
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Has the Princess ever expressed her intention to stand for the Presidency of Romania?
Has the Princess ever expressed her intention to stand for the Presidency of Romania?

She supported her husband when he wanted to become president if the republic but she have never publicly said she would do the same.
The support she gave to her husband nine years ago and an hypothetical candidature of herself are quite two different things and not necessarily correlated, IMO.
The support she gave to her husband nine years ago and an hypothetical candidature of herself are quite two different things and not necessarily correlated, IMO.

When she did not see any problem to become the wife of a possible president of the republic she seemed to forget that her father had always stated the republic had no legitimacy. That was the start of her more or less public contradiction with the monarchists.
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When she did not see any problem to become the wife of a possible president of the republic she seemed to forget that her father had always stated the republic had no legitimacy. That was the start of her more or less public contradiction with the monarchists.

Of course the republic had legitimacy for King Michael. He had no any problem whatsoever with doing business and making arrangements with the Republic, for an example about the use of Elisabeta Palace and the return of former royal properties. You can not do so when you claim the other side has no legitimacy.

Of course the republic had legitimacy for King Michael. He had no any problem whatsoever with doing business and making arrangements with the Republic, for an example about the use of Elisabeta Palace and the return of former royal properties. You can not do so when you claim the other side has no legitimacy.


The King had always said the abolition of Monarchy and the coming of republic was illegal. This does not mean he did not asked his properties back as anybody else.
The Kings views were hardly continued by some members of his own Family.
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Like the late King, also his daughters understand the daily reality of Romania anno 2018.
When she did not see any problem to become the wife of a possible president of the republic she seemed to forget that her father had always stated the republic had no legitimacy. That was the start of her more or less public contradiction with the monarchists.

First of all, the fact that she supported Radu when he announced his candidature to the Presidency and the fact that King Michael contested the leitimacy of his abdication have nothing to do with rumors about an hypotethical candidature of Margareta to the Presidency of Romania.

Secondly, we may all agree that the abdication of King Michael in 1947 was extorted. Still, King Michael and his whole family clearly with the passing of the time have accepted the status quo. When he accepter a passport of the Republic of Romania, when he accepted the benefits given him by the Republic of Romania because he was a former Head of State of the Country, when he negotiated with the authorities of the Republic of Romania, when he accepted invitations from the Parliament of the Republic of Romania, when in 2007 he proposed new rules of succession to be approved by the Romanian Parliament after and in case of a restoration, both King Michael and his whole family showed to accept the current situation and form of government of Romania.
And clearly they have showed to be far more realistic and reasonable than all those royalists who pretend to live in a "de iure" world as if nothing has happened and changed since the early 1940s (if not before).
First of all, the fact that she supported Radu when he announced his candidature to the Presidency and the fact that King Michael contested the leitimacy of his abdication have nothing to do with rumors about an hypotethical candidature of Margareta to the Presidency of Romania.

Secondly, we may all agree that the abdication of King Michael in 1947 was extorted. Still, King Michael and his whole family clearly with the passing of the time have accepted the status quo. When he accepter a passport of the Republic of Romania, when he accepted the benefits given him by the Republic of Romania because he was a former Head of State of the Country, when he negotiated with the authorities of the Republic of Romania, when he accepted invitations from the Parliament of the Republic of Romania, when in 2007 he proposed new rules of succession to be approved by the Romanian Parliament after and in case of a restoration, both King Michael and his whole family showed to accept the current situation and form of government of Romania.
And clearly they have showed to be far more realistic and reasonable than all those royalists who pretend to live in a "de iure" world as if nothing has happened and changed since the early 1940s (if not before).

To dialogue with the " de facto" authorities does not imply to fully recognize them as " de iure" authorities. King Mihai had very clear ideas about it but he strongly believed in the restoration of Monarchy.

Like the late King, also his daughters understand the daily reality of Romania anno 2018.

Only two of them live in the country and none of them speak a perfect Romanian. Do they really understand the complex post-communist Romanian realities?
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Only two of them live in the country and none of them speak a perfect Romanian. Do they really understand the complex post-communist Romanian realities?
Oh, the famous, mysterious and complex Romanian relities, unintelligible to most, that you always mention but which have never been specified.
Please, could you once for all explain us what exactly are those "Romanian realities" and who on earth - apart from you - could be able to understand them?
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