Kings and Queens of Scotland

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Imperial Majesty
Jan 9, 2013
The monarch of Scotland was the head of state of the Kingdom of Scotland. According to tradition, the first King of Scots was Kenneth I MacAlpin (Cináed mac Ailpín), who founded the state in 843.

Kenneth I:
Kenneth I is traditionally considered the founder of Scotland, which was then known as Alba, although like his immediate successors, he bore the title of King of the Picts. One chronicle calls Kenneth the first Scottish lawgiver but there is no information about the laws he passed.

King of the Picts
King of Dál Riada
Reign843 – 13 February 858
PredecessorDrest X
SuccessorDonald I
Reign841 – 850
PredecessorAlpín mac Echdach
SuccessorTitle disestablished
DiedFebruary 13, 858 (aged 47–48)
Forteviot, Perthshire, Scotland
BurialIona Abbey
  • Causantín mac Cináeda
  • Áed mac Cináeda
  • Máel Muire ingen Cináeda
  • Unknown daughter
Regnal name
Posthumous name
Kenneth I
An Ferbasach
Medieval GaelicCináed mac Ailpin
FatherAlpín mac Echdach

Domnall mac Ailpín, anglicised sometimes as Donald MacAlpin and known in most modern regnal lists as Donald I (812 – 13 April 862), was King of the Picts from 858 to 862. He followed his brother Kenneth I to the Pictish throne.

King of the Picts
Reign11 February 858–13 April 862
PredecessorKenneth I
SuccessorConstantine I
Died13 April 862
Cinnbelachoir?, Rathinveralmond?
FatherAlpín mac Echdach

Causantín mac Cináeda (died 877) was a king of the Picts. He is often known as Constantine I in reference to his place in modern lists of Scottish monarchs, but contemporary sources described Causantín only as a Pictish king. A son of Cináed mac Ailpín ("Kenneth MacAlpin"), he succeeded his uncle Domnall mac Ailpín as Pictish king following the latter's death on 13 April 862. It is likely that Causantín's reign witnessed increased activity by Vikings, based in Ireland, Northumbria and northern Britain. He died fighting one such invasion.

King of the Picts
PredecessorDonald I
Bornc. 836
possibly Inverdovat, Fife, Scotland
IssueDonald II, King of the Picts/of Alba
FatherKenneth I, King of the Picts (Cináed mac Ailpín)
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The legacy of King Kenneth I is intertwined with the Stone of Scone.

King Donald I painted by George Jamesone
The ruins of Linlithgow Palace are located in the town of Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland, 15 miles (24 km) west of Edinburgh. The palace was one of the principal residences of the monarchs of Scotland in the 15th and 16th centuries. Although maintained after Scotland's monarchs left for England in 1603, the palace was little used, and was burned out in 1746.
Stirling Castle, located in Stirling, is one of the largest and most historically and architecturally important castles in Scotland. The castle sits atop an intrusive
Before the union with England, Stirling Castle was also one of the most used of the many Scottish royal residences, very much a palace as well as a fortress. Several Scottish Kings and Queens have been crowned at Stirling, including Mary, Queen of Scots, in 1542, and others were born or died there.
Falkland Palace, in Falkland, Fife, Scotland, is a royal palace of the Scottish Kings. It was one of the favourite places of Mary, Queen of Scots, providing an escape from political and religious turmoil.
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Áed mac Cináeda (falecido em 878) era filho de Cináed mac Ailpín. Tornou-se rei dos pictos em 877, quando sucedeu a seu irmão Constantín mac Cináeda. Ele foi apelidado de Áed das Flores Brancas , o de pés alados ou de pés brancos .
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Giric mac Dúngail (fl. c. 878-889), conhecido em inglês simplesmente como Giric e apelidado de Mac Rath ("Filho da Fortuna"), foi um rei dos pictos ou rei de Alba. Os anais irlandeses não registram nada sobre o reinado de Giric, nem os escritos anglo-saxões acrescentam nada, e a escassa informação que sobreviveu é contraditória. Os historiadores modernos discordam sobre se Giric foi o único rei ou governou juntamente com Eochaid, sobre sua ascendência, e se ele deveria ser considerado um rei picto ou o primeiro rei de Alba.
Eochaid ab Rhun (fl. 878-889) foi um rei de Strathclyde do século IX, que também pode ter sido rei dos pictos. Ele era filho de Rhun ab Arthgal, rei de Strathclyde, e descendia de uma longa linhagem de reis britânicos. A mãe de Eochaid é considerada filha de Cináed mac Ailpín, Rei dos Pictos.
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Domnall mac Causantín , anglicizado como Donald II (falecido em 900), foi Rei dos Pictos ou Rei de Alba no final do século IX. Ele era filho de Constantino I (Causantín mac Cináeda). Donald recebe o epíteto Dásachtach , "o Louco", pela Profecia de Berchán .
Causantín mac Áeda (gaélico moderno: Còiseam mac Aoidh , anglicizado Constantino II ; nascido o mais tardar em 879; falecido em 952) foi um dos primeiros reis da Escócia, conhecido então pelo nome gaélico Alba . O Reino de Alba, um nome que aparece pela primeira vez durante a vida de Constantino, estava situado no atual norte da Escócia.
Máel Coluim mac Domnaill (anglicizado Malcolm I ; falecido em 954) foi rei de Alba (antes de 943-954), tornando-se rei quando seu primo Constantino II abdicou para se tornar monge. Ele era filho de Donald II.
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The Crown of Scotland is the centrepiece of the Honours of Scotland. It is the crown that was used at the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland, and it is the oldest surviving crown in the British Isles and among the oldest in Europe.

Ildulb mac Causantín, nicknamed An Ionsaighthigh, "the Aggressor" (died 962) was king of Alba from 954 to 962. He was the son of Constantine II; his mother may have been a daughter of Earl Eadulf I of Bernicia, who was an exile in Scotland.
More information: Indulf - Wikipedia

Dub mac Maíl Coluim, he was son of Malcolm I and succeeded to the throne when Indulf was killed in 962.
More information: Dub, King of Scotland - Wikipedia

Cuilén (died 971) was an early King of Alba (Scotland). He was a son of Illulb mac Custantín, King of Alba, after whom he is known by the patronymic mac Illuilb (also mac Iduilb, mac Ilduilb etc.) of Clann Áeda meic Cináeda, a branch of the Alpínid dynasty.
More information: Cuilén - Wikipedia

Amlaíb mac Illuilb (died 977) was a tenth century King of Alba. He was one of three sons of Illulb mac Custantín, King of Alba, and a member of Clann Áeda meic Cináeda, a branch of the Alpínid dynasty.
More information: Amlaíb, King of Scotland - Wikipedia

Cináed mac Maíl Coluim (932–995) was King of Alba (Scotland) from 971 to 995.
More information: Kenneth II of Scotland - Wikipedia

Constantine, son of Cuilén, known in most modern regnal lists as Constantine III[1] (c. 970–997), was king of Alba (Scotland) from 995 to 997. He was the son of King Cuilén.
More information: Constantine III of Scotland - Wikipedia

Cináed mac Duib (c. 966 – c. 25 March 1005), anglicised as Kenneth III, and nicknamed An Donn ("the Chief" or "the Brown"), was King of Alba (Scotland) from 997 to 1005.
More information: Kenneth III of Scotland - Wikipedia
I logged out a minute ago and logged back in because I opened YouTube and had a recommended video on Scottish Royal history that was posted only 2 days ago. Anyone in the Forum from this area that has seem this exhibit?

I have to say I LOVE this museum presentation!!! The royal portraits talk directly to the guests, shown at the 2:52 video time stamp, about their lives and times as people walk room to room:

the Dark Side of Dunfermline's Royal History
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The ruins of Linlithgow Palace are located in the town of Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland, 15 miles (24 km) west of Edinburgh. The palace was one of the principal residences of the monarchs of Scotland in the 15th and 16th centuries. Although maintained after Scotland's monarchs left for England in 1603, the palace was little used, and was burned out in 1746.
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Máel Coluim mac Cinaeda (Modern Scottish Gaelic: Maol Chaluim mac Choinnich; anglicised Malcolm II; c. 954 – 25 November 1034) was King of Alba (Scotland) from 1005 until his death in 1034. He was one of the longest-reigning Scottish kings of that period.
More information: Malcolm II of Scotland - Wikipedia

Donnchad mac Crinain (c. 1001 – 14 August 1040) was king of Scotland (Alba) from 1034 to 1040. He is the historical basis of the "King Duncan" in Shakespeare's play Macbeth.
More information: Duncan I of Scotland - Wikipedia

Macbethad mac Findláech (died 15 August 1057), nicknamed the Red King, was King of Scotland from 1040 until his death in 1057. He ruled during the period of Scottish history known as the Kingdom of Alba.
More information: Macbeth, King of Scotland - Wikipedia

Lulach mac Gille Coemgáin, and nicknamed Tairbith, "the Unfortunate" and Fatuus, "the Simple-minded" or "the Foolish" (c. 1032 – 17 March 1058) was King of Alba (Scotland) between 15 August 1057 and 17 March 1058.
More information: Lulach - Wikipedia

Malcolm III (c. 1031–13 November 1093) was King of Alba from 1058 to 1093. He was later nicknamed "Canmore" (Scottish Gaelic: ceann mòr, lit. 'big head'", understood as "great chief"). Malcolm's long reign of 35 years preceded the beginning of the Scoto-Norman age.
More information: Malcolm III of Scotland - Wikipedia

Donald III (c. 1032–1099) was King of Alba (Scotland) from 1093–1094 and 1094–1097. He was known as Domnall Bán or "Donald the Fair", anglicized as Donalbain.
More information: Donald III of Scotland - Wikipedia

Donnchad mac Máel Coluim (anglicised as Duncan II; c. 1060 – 12 November 1094) was King of Alba. He was son of Malcolm III (Máel Coluim mac Donnchada) and his first wife Ingibiorg Finnsdottir, widow of Thorfinn Sigurdsson, earl of Orkney.
More information: Duncan II of Scotland - Wikipedia
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King James III of Scotland wed Margaret of Denmark in July 1469. Under the marriage treaty, Denmark agreed to cede the Shetlands and Orkney Islands to Scotland as dowry.
18th century engraving of King Malcolm III
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