Queen of Spain with the antiquity and the modernity of Saudi A.
The Queen of Spain could contemplate poles today both opposed of Saudi Arabia ': the ruins of Diariyadh, of 500 years ago, and the futurist hospital Prince Sultán, whom it completed with a route by the National Museum.
In the second day of stay in Riad, Doña Sofía had a parallel program to the one of Don Juan Carlos, whom she initiated with a visit to the ruins of Diariyadh, near the capital. The primitive constructions of marinate have not resisted the passage of time and the Saudi Government has undertaken his reconstruction to reflect what was its culture five centuries ago and the place where the present ruling dynasty, To the Saud, had its first enclave when creating the State of Saudi Arabia 73 years ago.
The host of Reina in this occasion was it yesterday princess Hassa, the wife of King Abdullah- was princess Abeer, niece of the King and handcuffs of the present Saudi ambassador before Madrid, prince Saud.
Doña Sofía was interested in these ruins that, as she herself said, are a door to the future and a window to the past, and close by knew her dependencies and the singular method to make arrive from the ceiling the water, warmed up with bonfires, to the ponds of the bath. Originally construction dealed with enormous surrounded by towers defensive, which today it is shaped in the scale models with the five original parts, that were during centuries the social center, cultural and religious.
The dryness of the desert and the houses of marinates, still camouflaged but, if it fits, in the landscape of a day without sun, fucsia was broken with the suit that Doña Sofía chose for this visit.
Reina of Spain does not impose, does not vindicate, but their gestures are eloquent. In a while in that in Saudi Arabia opening speech, their women follow of black. Many take to the head and the feet without the lid. Others aspire to lead and they obtain it only in closed enclosures, like the National Museum, and with cars to play golf, but many of their rights are ignored.
The two saudíes journalists who today followed the visit of Reina left only the eyes free - one of them under sun glasses although assured that they had chosen it freely.
Of the dryness of the ruins of Diariyadh, the hosts of Doña Sofía took to the Humanitarian Center Prince to it Sultán, who rises in the middle of the desert. Conceived like a futurist building, in him they exist themselves most of the medical specialties, although he dedicates himself mainly to the prótesis and the rehabilitation, counting on the most modern technologies. Doña Sofía talked with a young military man, disabled person, who already can move, but he was interested mainly in smallest, like Saida that, with two years and means, has balance problems. The Center depends on a Foundation. Their doctors are of 29 nationalities, of which only the 20 percent is Saudi, and of that at the moment depend 130 patients, although the capacity is of 500. The relatives coexist during some time with the patients before they return to his houses, because the objective of the center is the social reintegration of the patients with discapacidades.
To the entrance there was a great panel with the photo of Doña Sofía, in whom the welcome in Spanish occurred him and, before beginning the explanatory session, sounded the Hymn of Spain.
Reina also visited the National Museum, opened to the public eight years ago and that in eight galleries the evolution of the Arabic peninsula shows, from the ' time of the ignorance before the revelation of the Islam', to today. When finishing the route by the Museum, Reina will have supper in house of princess Abeer.