King Constantine has passed away - January 10, 2023

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ERT (Greece state-affiliated media) reports that are expected 187 guests, including 50 Greeks

ERT News article
Seriously? What is so incredibly more pressing that Charles III or better yet William can't attend the last rites of Cousin Tino, his own godfather?

It wouldn't look quite so strange if Charles wasn't known to occasionally make himself available for the funeral of the odd Middle Eastern potentate.:ermm:

I really hope that this speculation turns out to be incorrect.

Well, they can send "representatives" like for Max Baden's funeral :whistling:.

But, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Catherine once host a reception in Charles' stead because he went to some foreign royal's funeral some years ago?

Then again, the Cambridges/Waleses don't usually have public engagement on Monday so maybe William will go. He's his godfather and he himself is the godfather of his grandson.
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Well, this source says that both W&C plus Anne and Edward are attending the funeral.
It would be fitting and a good tribute to Philip as well.

None from the House of Kent?
I can't remember where, but I read that the late king was also godfather of one of the Kents' children (or grandchildren?). I can be wrong, though. They're also related through Princess Marina.
I'm not sure any of the HRH Kents are up for an international voyage; if any of their children go, I'm not sure how much attention it would even receive.
I'm sorry but Joachim's absence will be glaring. Nothing about his job is so urgent that he couldn't acquire the help of his assistant and miss one day of work for his uncle. Very weird decision on his part.

Anyway, Mary is listed as Rigsforstander for two days, the 15th and 16th.
So I guess QMII and Benedikte will stay the night, for their sister. While Frederik will, so to speak, be there for his cousins.

And Frederik is listed as Rigsforstander for the 17th, so QMII will be in Greece for a good couple of days to support her sister.
None from the House of Kent?
I can't remember where, but I read that the late king was also godfather of one of the Kents' children (or grandchildren?). I can be wrong, though. They're also related through Princess Marina.
King Constantine was the godfather of Lady Gabriella Kingston.
I'm not sure any of the HRH Kents are up for an international voyage; if any of their children go, I'm not sure how much attention it would even receive.

There is limited space. About120 guests will attend. The Greek Government does not allow the funeral to turn into a spectacle. So it is not an usual 1000+ guests State Funeral.
Seriously? What is so incredibly more pressing that Charles III or better yet William can't attend the last rites of Cousin Tino, his own godfather?

Seriously. Why would Charles need to go to Athens? He can express his condolences privately to Anne-Marie and the family in London.

William ought to go, but if has prior commitments (which do not need to be public engagements), it is understandable.

It wouldn't look quite so strange if Charles wasn't known to occasionally make himself available for the funeral of the odd Middle Eastern potentate.:ermm:

Those trips are important in his role now as King, and previously as Prince of Wales. Often those trips have been at the behest of the FCO. KC3 is held is high regard by a lot of the M-E rulers, and has carried out huge amounts of work in relation to inter-faith matters.

None from the House of Kent?
I can't remember where, but I read that the late king was also godfather of one of the Kents' children (or grandchildren?). I can be wrong, though. They're also related through Princess Marina.

The senior members of the "House of Kent" are increasingly frail, and probably unable to travel.
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The senior members of the "House of Kent" are increasingly frail, and probably unable to travel.

No Reason why Lady Gabriella can't go to her own godfather's funeral then. Just like William should,
No Reason why Lady Gabriella can't go to her own godfather's funeral then. Just like William should,

And if she chooses to, she will. It is a private matter for Gabriella, who is a private citizen. It has nothing to do with the King or William, or frankly, any of us.
And if she chooses to, she will. It is a private matter for Gabriella, who is a private citizen. It has nothing to do with the King or William, or frankly, any of us.

We can have our opinions on it and express them here. Thank you very much.
No Reason why Lady Gabriella can't go to her own godfather's funeral then. Just like William should,

Limited space for guests. Also Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands, who is a namesake and godson of King Constantine, is not attending. It is obvious that choices had to be made as the State of Greece does everything do minimize the event as possible.
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There is limited space. About120 guests will attend. The Greek Government does not allow the funeral to turn into a spectacle. So it is not an usual 1000+ guests State Funeral.
Is the metropolitan Cathedral so small? I think to remember that much more guests attended the Wedding in 1964 which took place in the same Cathedral.
Is the metropolitan Cathedral so small? I think to remember that much more guests attended the Wedding in 1964 which took place in the same Cathedral.

Yes,it is small..compared to cathedrals we are used too.
Its more the size of a regular village church...Really is.

"Princess Anne will represent the British royal family at King Constantine’s funeral in Greece on Monday. There have been reports in Greece that the Prince and Princess of Wales (and Prince Edward) will be there but my understanding is that’s not the case."
Well, Princess Anne is a good representative for the BRF but I still feel it’s rather poor that the King, who was very close to King Constantine, won’t be there, nor will the Prince of Wales, who was his godson.
Being a godparent to someone is a pure formality in royal circles. It does not necessarily indicate closeness.
Charles has a heck of a lot on his plate at present... I doubt if he will do many funerals, as he is not a young man nad will still have to travel on business tours for some years to come.
Anne likely knew Constantine well from the International Olympic Committee which they were both part of for decades so I think its understandable she goes. I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't the only UK representative (as seems to have been the only one confirmed given all the UK royal reporters are saying it is her) but I also wouldn't be totally shocked if William turned up but without prior announcement publicly. Let's wait and see.
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The British Monarch have a long standing habit of very rarely attending funerals outside of his/her kingdom…

It was the same with George VI (who always sent the Duke of Kent and after his death the Duke of Gloucester) and George V (who sent the Duke of Connaught, the Prince of Wales or the Duke of York)

I don’t expect any major changes with KCIII from his 3 predecessors in office (i don’t count Edward VIII)

The Princess Royal is a fine representant.
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I don't really mind Anne being the one going, she's a very senior royal and probably knew Constantine pretty well, it would also work as a way not to draw TOO much attention to the BRF now that Harold is dragging them all through the mud ¬¬
Meanwhile at Tatoi cemetery, never saw this much work done since the days of the Monarchy.

Greece is trying to clean up the cemetery so it looks just a little less shamefull.But honestly,how can they even think they can clean up and hide this ecological disaster with 2 days.

I heard the greek vice president will be in attendance too...Ofcourse...With so many Royal Heads of State a minister of culture is like a bewildered clerk on her - his day off...

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Critics, critics, there will always be critics from some circles ...

Anne, if confirmed, is of course the ideal choice to represent the King to those PRIVATE funerals : symbolically (siter of the KIng), Dynastic wise (daughter of a Greek prince), professionally (member of the IOC) and let's say technically as she was, incidentally, in Cyprus.
Being a godparent to someone is a pure formality in royal circles. It does not necessarily indicate closeness.

Your right but in some cases there is also a close relationship. Lady Gabriella and the rest of the Kents were always close to Constantine's family, they all attended each others weddings, christenings and big birthdays with Gabriella and her parents even travelling to Greece to go to Nicholas' wedding. I have an old Hello magazine with pics from Prince Michael of Kent's 50th birthday lunch at his country house and the late King and Queen Anne Marie are pictured sitting in a living room watching Wimbledon with their sandwiches on their knees! Constantine and Anne Marie also made the effort to attend LG's wedding despite his poor health so I do think LG will attend this funeral if she can. William was close to the GRF in his youth but neither he nor Charles appear to have maintained that relationship for many years now. The Greeks didn't even get an evening invite at William's wedding, Pavlos and his wife held an evening party at their house for some European royals including Princess Victoria; LG and Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor.
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She is back in the UK now, she had engagements here over the past few days. Otherwise I agree, she is a fab choice.

Lady Gabriella is a private person so if she plans to attend we won't know until the day, the Royal Household won't be briefing about her attendance.
William was close to the GRF in his youth but neither he nor Charles appear to have been close to them in years.

Constantine and Anne-Marie were at Charles and Camilla wedding back in 2005. They were also regulars at Sandringham with them for years, before Constantine's health problems.

Pavlos took over some duties at the Prince's trust as well.

I would say they are pretty close actually.
The Greeks didn't even get an evening invite at William's wedding, Pavlos and his wife held an evening party at their house for some European royals including Princess Victoria; LG and Lord and Lady Frederick Windsor.

They attended the Wedding at Westminster Abbey and the reception afterwards at BP. But they where not invited for the private party in the evening but neither of the other royals who had attended the wedding where.
Constantine and Anne-Marie were at Charles and Camilla wedding back in 2005. They were also regulars at Sandringham with them for years, before Constantine's health problems.

Pavlos took over some duties at the Prince's trust as well.

I would say they are pretty close actually.

Yes that did happen but we are going back at least 20-25 years ago. Charles wasn't even at KC'S 70th birthday party in London and, as I said, by the time William got married the Greeks were not asked to William's evening reception and I'm not sure if the the King and Queen were at Harry's wedding at all.
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After the King, the Princess Royal is the most senior agnate to her late father, a Prince of Greece and Denmark. And of course both Anne and Constantine were olympic medalists as well members of the IOC. An excellent choice by the British Royal House.
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