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King Abdullah & Queen Rania Current Events 30: December 16, 2008 -February 25, 2009
Before posting, please keep the following in mind:
Welcome to King Abdullah & Queen Rania's current events: Part 30
Previous thread can be found here:
King Abdullah & Queen Rania Current Events 29: October 13 - December 15, 2008
King Abdullah & Queen Rania Current Events 29: October 13 - December 15, 2008
Before posting, please keep the following in mind:
- The Forums' Photo Posting Rules require that members may only post photos directly to The Royal Forums if they have written permission from the copyright holder or they took the photo yourself.
- Further questions, including those on how to post pictures, are answered in our Member FAQs.
- Take a few moments to browse through our Community Rules.
- Post only 20% or less of an article, followed by a link to the rest of it.
- Stay on topic; while it can be tempting, please avoid discussions of an overtly political or religious nature.
- Be civil and respectful, even when you disagree.
Posts that do not comply with the above, as well as all off-topic, empty and irrelvant posts will be deleted.
Happy Posting!
Royal Family of Jordan Moderating Team