The pictures with Obama in, arent really clear. The seating is weird by having a person between Obama and Michelle where the hosts have to in between.
Thanks Zonk
"That Person" is the Chief of Staff of the White House,Susan Sher.With her around it is all less and less formal,allthough one might differ on that...,as the President only "accidently" sort of popped-in and joint Michelle and "her" guests by shere "coincidence".
It was all arranged this way as to prevent anyone else,Royal or not,from insisting on being received by the President while not on a State Visit but at a official visit to a particular area or city within the US.An ordinary "hello how are you and would you like some ginger-ale" and ofcourse a "Well what a surprise to find you here...
The girls,and Alexander,have plenty to talk about as the pic clearly shows as all three gesticulate with hand and foot as well...
ANP Beeldbank
courtesy Lex van Lieshout
Clearer pics on the previous page in the last PPE link there.
Today will find TRH first at a roundtable meeting for breakfast with americans and dutch who have swapped their jobs for a week.
The they will open a Historical exhibition at the South Street Seaport Museum.
Visit to Governors Island and visit to to the houses of the Pioneers of Change at the island followed by a reception at the Admiral's House
for the Dutch community of NYC as well as all those,americans and Dutch,who helped to make NY400 work.
A Gala Dinner & Ball at Hr Ms "Tromp".
Before the Dinner and Ball,there will be a minute of silence observed in remembrance of the two dutch military that got killed in Afghanistan this past week while on a `building that country up mission.`Building up`.We just commemorated what happened 8 years ago instigated by someone who happily laughs ever after still in that region and should not.
So far they have been some quite intensive days,and I think they both pull a great job,wouldn't you agree?
Have a nice weekend all.
And for the New Yorkers,get your butts in gear on one of those free rental Orange bycicles this weekend an do the dutch food tour,
it's all here:
NY400 | Holland on the Hudson | Netherlands & New York Celebrate 400 Year Dutch American Relationship
Have a ball!