Hello! Newbie here!

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Dec 29, 2022
Hi there! Since I'm brand new here, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Elisabetta from Switzerland. I'm a writer and researcher. Not a huge fan but very interested in royals/nobles, etc - I prefer to base my stories on real people and facts, so I'm here to learn from the source.
I'm a traveler -I love exploring historical places and learning all about them.
Hi Elisabetta, welcome here on TRF. Hope you enjoy the forums.
Welcome to TRF. I hope you learn a lot here on the forum and also share a lot of your knowledge.
Bonjour, Elisabetta! There are a lot of historical places in Europe. ??
:welcome: You have picked a wonderful and historically significant time to join us. From the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the historic, traditional and arcane procedures that have ensued, to generational monarchical changes around the world.
Hi there! Since I'm brand new here, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Elisabetta from Switzerland. I'm a writer and researcher. Not a huge fan but very interested in royals/nobles, etc - I prefer to base my stories on real people and facts, so I'm here to learn from the source.
I'm a traveler -I love exploring historical places and learning all about them.

:flowers: Welcome to the Forum! Hope we see you around and get inspiration for your books. Here are some interesting sections I love to visit for research when I'm in that mood of writing short stories. Although my preferred genre is sci-fi, you can get a lot of inspiration from royal history

For genealogy research within the Forum: topic # 96 or https://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/f96/

For historical monarchies, a great source is also topic # 186: https://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/f186/

For me, when I read old posts that include links to more information I can be planted in the RF for hours in one monitor. The best part now is all the information, regardless of the language, can be translated by the browser with a right click/drop down option. When many of us started ages ago, that didn't exist.

Enjoy the forum and have fun reading and researching so many links about history and royals. ?
I do my own research in my personal royal library, including biographies, facts
in royal politics, personal life bio's.
Thanks, everyone, for the welcome! I hope that at some point in the future, I'll also be able to contribute to the community here!
Bonjour to MalcomSwan!


Bonjour to LoriDerosa!
Hello to all, I am also new here.

Hello nice to see you all i am also new here.

Welcome to the Forum family and hope to see you posting soon. :flowers:

The number of threads and interesting topics is extensive so take our time to go around. You might find many links and comments to peek your royal history and current news interests.
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Hello to new viewers and may I ask -
Is there a way to restrict the forums shown?
I.e., if I’d rather read about a few royal houses than all of them?
If so, thanks for pointing me in right direction ⭐
Hello to new viewers and may I ask -
Is there a way to restrict the forums shown?
I.e., if I’d rather read about a few royal houses than all of them?
If so, thanks for pointing me in right direction ⭐

I used to get lots of email alerts on specific threads I subscribed to, even when I didn't know how I ended up subscribing to them :ermm: A fellow member adviced me to check on the user options to correct or trim down the flood of emails.

Not sure if the forum has a setting for preferred threads off the user options, like some sort of check box to rearrange the viewing order on your view when you log in.
From my preference, I bookmarked the page view most comfortable to me going the links below the words The Royal Forums, the sub links:
Royal Blog / Royal Forums / Portal / Articles / Rules / Links

I used the 2nd one, The Royal Forums, as my default to bookmark the site since it loads the pages in an order more comfortable to my eyes. Recent messages on the right side and all the threads center below.

I don't know any other way to trim down to the pages I visit the most or re-sort the order to an user preference style. Hope this helps ?
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On the blue bar in each forum you will find the option 'Forum tools'. When you go there you can select the option 'Ignore forum'. The option has a yellow triangle behind it with an exclamation mark. That should work.
Hello to new viewers and may I ask -
Is there a way to restrict the forums shown?
I.e., if I’d rather read about a few royal houses than all of them?
If so, thanks for pointing me in right direction ⭐

Welcome to the TRF!
On the blue bar in each forum you will find the option 'Forum tools'. When you go there you can select the option 'Ignore forum'. The option has a yellow triangle behind it with an exclamation mark. That should work.

This worked like a charm ~ many thanks!

I am a researcher who has studied each Royal family, especially the Royal Family of the Commonwealth Realms, for a minimum of 11 years and I'm happy to have finally joined this group as a rite of passage I have taken. Being here with you all will definitely be intuitive as I have been dire to share my experience and loyalty to the Crowns.
Welcome ChireWelk. I’m sure you’ll enjoy being here.
Welcome and enjoy!! :cheers: :welcome:
I am a researcher who has studied each Royal family, especially the Royal Family of the Commonwealth Realms, for a minimum of 11 years and I'm happy to have finally joined this group as a rite of passage I have taken. Being here with you all will definitely be intuitive as I have been dire to share my experience and loyalty to the Crowns.

Welcome to the TRF! :flowers:
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