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Ms Valentinstag celebrate duke Henri and duke Maria Teresa its silver wedding. End the romantic pair of lovers became a team for Luxembourg.
Text: Claude wolf
It was once a reserved Luxemburger that fell in love on an university with Geneva into a spirited Swiss of cuban origin. Four years later rang in Luxembourg the wedding bells. The modern fairy tale of the prince, that out of its middle class dear makes the princess of its heart, began for the Luxemburger on the 7 November 1980 when duke Jean gave officially the engagement of its son Henri with Maria Teresa Mestre well known. The young woman had know learned the Erbgroßherzog already at the beginning of its studies time, the secret probably had been watched however for four years. Although the Luxembourgian prince in Geneva concealed its nobleman origin and studied under the name Clervaux, knew made Maria Teresa who its the yard. Actually she had on planned firmly to not to fall in love with the Kommilitonen, trusted the later duke a reporter. In its visits on lock mountain the young woman counted always laconic as «South American acquaintance of the princess», what appeared obviously as an explanation thoroughly plausible. On cloth contact with its new occupation, the future duke came already immediately after the announcement of its engagement when it its future mother-in-law to the international Bazar accompanied. Over the protocol, she sat down originally not away. So it was between the engagement in November and to not to see the wedding in February with its future spouse in the public. The scenario is in this country actually familiar. Its later life partners become acquainted with numerous Luxemburger on the banks of the university and take it then with into the large dukedom. To be sure the future duke had probably somewhat more effort to convince its family of its choice. Especially its mother, the duke dutiful always Joséphine-Charlotte, had trouble in the thought to lecture its honorable office at a middle class. At the same time its uncle, prince Charles already had smoothed, actually the way when he married the American Joan Dillon. Yet with its winning being, the princess of the heart of the Erbgroßherzogs conquered also the Luxemburger in the storm. The dark-haired young woman with the black eyes had from the beginning a spontaneous, sincere type rather unaccustomed to the Luxemburgern to be sure to close on the persons. Your natural candor and the zeal with which it learned all Luxembourgian, contributed accordingly much in addition let become the modern fairy tale true. On the 14 February 1981, at an icy, sun clear Saturday morning, ring the wedding bells. The European high nobility, exactly like the domestic company, competed in the first wedding of the younger generation in the house Luxembourg at elegance. All objections were forgotten. «C' est avec toute notre affection que nous t' accueillons au its de notre famille», assured duke Jean of its daughter-in-law. «Per peux vous assurer, Madame, que votre charm souriant, votre gentillesse, ordinance qualités humaines ont tout fait pour conquérir et harvest coeurs et harvest esprits de tous harvest luxembourgeois», said the head municipal mayor Camille Polfer in the standesamtlichen wedding, that was performed in the large drawing-room of the palace, before it went to the religious ceremonies into the cathedral. Four officiating kings and queens, not less than 700 official guests had been invited to the wedding. It was a rustling festival with which of the Polter-evening over the wedding to the reception for unions and youth movements no stage was allowed to be missing. Neither a families festival another tv show, had wished for the erbgroßherzogliche couple.