Bunte, the German tabloid, is stirring up things with some stories about the Princely House of Monaco.
First, they say, Prince Albert was humiliating Princess Charlène, his wife. The background is an ongoing corruption scandal in the Principality of Monaco.
Alledgedly some advisors close to the Princely House are involved in some shady deals with real estate. They were recently kicked out of their jobs with the Palace.
And one of them was not only a financial advisor to the Prince but the personal, quasi paternal right hand of Princess Charlene too.
In an interview with the French newspaper "Le Figaro" the Prince said, that he discussed the matter with his two sisters Stéphanie and Caroline. He said, that everything was done in consultation with them, because the monetary fortune of the Princely House was involved.
Princess Charlène? Was not mentioned...
Bunte explains this by declaring, Princess Charlène is excluded from important decisions...
But the storytelling of Bunte, the German tabloid, does not end here!
Going on, they declare, the Princess is fighting for her standing at the Princely Court, since she did hold a meeting of her foundation with a photo op in the gardens of the Palais Princier...