Here is an attempt of translation for the article in french posted by polyesco

Sorry for the numerous mistakes,I am not very good in english
It starts saying that both Henrik and Marie though being now Danish keep tenderness to their home country.That they were both frank,generous and funny,
Both answered the same questions alternatively.
To the question about their plans for this new year,Henrik said that he decided to lose some weight especially the belly,he added that he was very slim all his life except for the last ten years.He was asked what he will do to lose that weight.He said that normally he should avoid eating bread,rice,potatoes,wine.Marie added sauce to the list.Henrik responded that with growing older he became almost vegeterian and that we won't miss sauce.
He said that he can live by eating only fish and vegetables but it will be more difficult with wine especially if he can't even taste the wine he produces in his property.Marie added that it won't be difficult since he already adds water in it.
Maries's decisions for 2013 will be to have more time for herself,doing some sport because she didn't have enough time since 4years.She used the english word «hobbies» instead of the french one «loisirs».Henrik joked about that.Marie said that since she met Henrik she is trying to be more careful in speaking an impeccable french and that she shares his proud and love of french language.
Marie says that she is fond of eating,Henrik added that for him life is full of tempation for eating.He added that he hates cold weather and loves hot weather.Marie replied to him «you have no chance» to which he answered «i have no chance on that only»
To the question about their projects,Henrik wants to have more spare time and spend more time with his grand childrens.Marie says that her father in law wants to spend more time alone with the children because he wants a more authentic relationship with them.He said that's this is not easy because both he and the Queen and the grand-children haven't enough spare time.He added that the generation in between them is even more busy.
Marie said that they have the chance to have extraordinary missions and through their status they can make a difference.She said that she is fond of her humanitarian activities that she comes back from Combodge and she met very poor people.She said that it's very difficult to see so much misery.
Henrik said that the qualities of the Danes are

utspokeness,spontaneity and conformism but eccentricy is well accepted as well.Marie added that the Danes are happy,humble.That thingswork well in this country and people don't complain .Henrik added that they are diffrent from the french who complain a lot and criticise a lot their country,products,He added that the Danes on the contrary consider everything that is danish wonderful.
The journalist asked Marie what french people should learn from the danish,Marie responded that they should learn to be more positive.She added that she love her native country and french people though she is now danish,
Asked if it was difficult to be reserved and keep some of their opinions private,Marie said that it is sometimes difficult to not be allowed to be frank but with time she learnt.Henrik said that it's wise to be reserved.
Asked if he was anxious about the obligation to be reserved when he married Margarethe,Henrik complained about the status devoted to him.He said that at the time of their marriage,some accused the Queen of having a morganatic marriage.He said to Marie that she was lucky to have done an equel marriage with Joachim.He said that there are no reason why he shouldn't be equal to his wife.He said that he is not alone in that case ,that Prince Philip shares that opinion.He said that since 5000 years,queens have always made their husband kings and it's a purely british fancy that was imported by the Danes and the Dutch.He said that this is an injustice that is not easy to bear and accept.
Marie said that when she married Joachim,her natural anxiety was exacerbated for obvious reasons and that she was happy to face her fears.She said that she lived such extraordinary moments that they made her forgot the bad ones especially the fact of losing privacy.
Both agreed that the biggest challege they faced was to learn the danish language.Henrik said that speaking danish for a foreigner is like having a popato and a yoghurt in your mouth.
Marie says that she speaks english and spanish but danish is different since threre is no latin root but there are lot of french words.Henrik congratulates Marie for her mastery of the language.
Marie said that Joachim and her agreed that he will speak danish with the children and Marie will speak french with them.Little Henrik perfectly understands french but doen't want to speak it.Henry said that it was due tu children laziness who try to favor easiest thing without doing efforts.
Henrik said that he was more firm with his children on that subject and he obliged them to speak french with him and that continues until now.He said that actually in family dinners,Fred and Joachim adresses their father in french and their mother in danish and that some discussions can start in one language and ends in anotheor one.He said that when they were toddlers a journalist asked his children what language they speak with their dad ,the children told the journalist «a dad speaks french» as if all dads speak french,
Marie said that she named her son Henrik because she likes the name and especially in honour of her father in law.She calls her Henri and not Henrik.
She said that her father in law was a great support in the begining and that they had a good relashionship and that he advised to be herself.
The journalist reminded Henrik of one of his favourite sentence «a prince consort is a stange animal who must have the skin of a rinoceros and the sensitivity of a seismograph»,the journalist asked him how he became that stange animal.
Henrik answered that it was by constraining himself,by putting a gag on his mouth and sentiments but that the mission is worth the sacrifice.
Marie added that the diffulties helped her father in law in developing his artistic talents,that he is a great poet and is making wonderful sculptures.
Henrik said that he is writing personnal memories and that the Danes know that.He wants to let a testimony of his life
Both said that they have normal lives.
Henrik amitted that he is a bit conservative in the sense that he never changed his cildren diapers and was criticised by the medias.Marie said that Joachim is reluctant to do this contrary to the Crown Prince who does it.
Marie said that she and Joachim are busy with their farm.Henrik said that he loves decorating his houses.
At the end,both agreed that royal families have no divine right and should gain the respect of their subjects,
Henrik and the Queen both agreed that in their relashionships there are 3 peoples «she,me and we».Funny Henrik added I don't even speak of the mistress LOL
Marie said as Spinoza said «we should keep having desire for what we have»