Edinburgh Family Picture Thread

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I saw this photo a few months ago on the photographers website. It’s a lovely photo and I’m not sure why they never released it. They only released one photo for each of Louise and James’ christenings right? The one they did release for James was a super cute photo but this one is lovely.

If you google christening of viscount Severn, it comes up as the second image.
If you google christening of viscount Severn, it comes up as the second image.

Yeah it does now the but image itself was never released at the time of his christening. Only the one of Sophie holding him with Edward standing behind them.
:previous: This is a wonderful photograph. I like Queen Elizabeth II's radiant smile.
I love that HM has a broad, happy smile!
And who is next to the Queen? Mr. Christopher Rhys-Jones, Sophie's father?
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yes - Christopher Rhys - Jones
Louise is the spitting image of HM in this photo! Her hair was more strawberry blonde when she was little, too.
Wow that picture seems to feel like a lifetime ago, hard to believe James will be a teenager this year.

I know her mother died many years ago but is her father still alive?
Wow that picture seems to feel like a lifetime ago, hard to believe James will be a teenager this year.

I know her mother died many years ago but is her father still alive?

He is, and included in the RF - see photos of him at Ascot over the years.
what a lovely second christening photo!
He is, and included in the RF - see photos of him at Ascot over the years.

Oh thats good he is still around, esp considering her mother died fairly young (by today's standards anyway).
I really have no particular reason why but I absolutely adore the Wessex family. Everything about this picture makes me smile but Lady Louise...:wub:
Glad it come out of the woodwork. Is it wrong of me to hope for a family pic for Edward's Birthday? We got for his 50th. I am sure 56 is a milestone somewhere in the world.
Question, do Edward and Sophie do a lot of joint engagements?

I really like the Wessex family too, I never paid much attention to them but Sophie got me interested when I saw how well she gets on the Queen. I have only started following them in the past few months through the Daily Mail (yes, I know), and I thought they have an interesting history as a couple, very different to the marriages of Edward's siblings (which can only be a good thing).

I looked all through Getty of pictures of them when I was off sick, and they look like a very loving couple, which surely must give the Queen some comfort to see one of her kids in a happy marriage first time round.

I doubt we will get a picture (we can dream), we didnt get one for Sophie's 55th which is arguably a bigger milestone lol. But at least the kids are in the media more regulary at family events so its not as critical as say 10 years ago and we got lovely pictures of them at the zoo last year.
Afraid not, every now and then - there will be on the birthday .
Bummer, I guess they have their own engagement, patrons etc they have to do.
Extremely handsome children, I can't tire of seeing them.
To mark the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh's 25th wedding anniversary today, June 19, a lovely new portrait has been released (taken in the gardens of Bagshot Park on June 10):

** Pic **

A second, also great one has been released later today to thank all well-wishers:

What a lovely photo! They rarely put out 'official' photos, so that's a surprise, but a really welcome one.
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