Thanks for the update about the Australian covering, Sun Lion
May I ask you what Mary's sister-in-law Leanne says?
Hope all is well down there!
Hi Roskilde.
I didn't buy the magazine where Leanne was quoted - "Woman's Day" - but she said something along the lines of how happy the family was to be able to be together, and what fun they'd all had, how important it had been for them all to see each other - (on the family cruise they all enjoyed).
She is quoted in the magazine I did buy - "New Idea" - but it is an old quote in the article about CP Mary's fitness - "Mary doesn't follow a strict diet at all ... she is so active she just burns the calories".
That is an old quote I've seen before in a few other articles.
(Leanne is quoted every now and then about CP Mary - I seem to see more quotes from her than I do from Patricia, Jane, Amber etc., whenever there's an article in a magazine.)
I brought "New Idea" as they've had fun with the family cruise photos - "Queen of the harbour" where they've put a ship's wheel in the wording in place of the "o" in "harbour", and a photo of the vessel as though it's a stamp.
Very nice souvenier article.
(Also, you're able to scan the page and then watch videos of the tour - the modern world!)
Truely, M and F had the most wonderful weather when they we're here, especially the first two days when there were a lot of outdoor events.
Sydney had another chocking day of "solid" smoke all day Saturday, (it's now Wednesday morning, 6th Nov here), and the storm that came last week on the Tuesday after their visit ended, brought lots of trees down on cars and houses, and heavy hail in places.
I see Roskilde, CP Mary has now already attended another event back in Denmark.
Hope all is well there for everyone - coming into winter for you of course, and soon the shortest day of the year. We'll be glad if the worst of the bushfire season is now behind us. Still about forty fires burning, but not a danger to livestock and property.
Best Wishes, Sun Lion.
Thanks for all the updates from the CP couple's successful visit to Down under
. As a Dane I'm proud that Fred and Mary left a favourable impression in Oz! The Danish media however mostly relay the positive feed backs and it makes me wonder:
How extensive was the recent coverage of M & F Down under?
Was it mainly in the Sydney- media?
Is the focus on Mary and Fred 'too much' for some Australians? And especially those who favour their own royal Family?
You see, from my vantage point it almost looks as if the Australians have established a 'rival royal family'- or am I reading too much into the jubilant reports ??
Just wondering . . I suppose that the Cambridges are bound to upstage the popularity ratings next year
Kind regards
Hi Viv. I think M and F's visit, though based in Sydney, would have had extensive coverage around Australia, as our TV news reports are national.
The commercial channels start early with news, (5.00am), and finish late, (10.30pm), and really, it is only between noon and three that there are no news shows on any channels.
(I think it is very competative - whoever "wins" the news, "wins" the ratings.)
During their visit, I couldn't keep up with all the TV coverage, there was so much. Especially during the daytime news shows, as the studios crossed to their reporters "on the ground" acompanying M and F about.
CP Mary's cover interview and photos in "Women's Weekly" would have brought national attention to the visit, and the interview and photos in the newspaper magazine "Good Weekend" was a smart, and well-timed, move.
The Christening little Prince George did grab the weekly magazine covers, but was "small" news in the newspapers.
M and F had the first three pages of the newspaper one day, and were the lead story on the evening TV news, the day they visited the fire zone.
I do think there will be massive crowds when the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit next year, but I think Australia's closeness to the "British/Australian" royal family is closely tied to our affection and respect for the Queen on a personal level.
The younger Royals are, to us, more "distant" - someone to take an interest in, but we no longer think of them as ruling over us - those days are gone.
CP Mary, and through her CP Frederik, are in a unique position in Australia. We see Mary as someone to be proud of, and affection for her in her role is growing because she is Australian.
This will only increase in time I think, as why she is popular here will never change, whereas, the British Royal Family is receding in it's relevance for Australia, and with the Queen's eventual passing, will never have the position in our lives it once had.
Cheers, Sun Lion.