Apologies-truly someone who must like the sound of her own voice!
sandsla and goody ... I agree with you both .. no disagreement here. I just think it's sad that she doesn't want to do anything else but follow him around .. there would be so much good she could do if her soul were in the true realm of helping Monaco move into the future. She stands in a careful place where nothing is important to her but her own gain and her eyes are only on the way SHE feels. Maybe this is what humans are supposed to do, take care of themselves? But there are children and Monegasques to consider.
But then, if PA is not eager to have her consider these things, what would compel her?
I am disgusted when I see "Charlene Wittstock helps to fight AIDS". What has she done to help fight anything? Apartheid? Can she speak on anything with true value? Or maybe it just doesn't matter? Some men marry women they are happy with apart from their jobs.
PA once said his future bride could participate in the affairs of state if she so wishes but would not actually have to unless she chose to. He said this after he was already dating CW. I am sure he meant what he said.
Again apologies

for the much too long post!
I agree, It is sad and hard to comprehend? It's as you have stated she seems very self serving, I don't know that I can say that is being human? Perhaps if she was starving & struggling for her own survival, someone might be able to make those excuses? But that is far from the case?

As I mentioned before, Charlene more than many others in her country had a chance as an Olympic athlete where it has been said over and over

"She represented her country" and with this she had a real chance to bring some focus to any issue if she had sincerely been interested? I think she is looking to escape her country, not represent it! (IMO) And for her now to be credited or connected to anything altruistic likes Aids, it should be kind of embarrassing for her? There was an article in an SA newspaper (?) written by one of her own that raised this very issue? I'm afraid that if Albert does not expect much from his own wife
just as a person (as you mentioned), the issues he wishes to take on, or the work he does on his own, will not come off as being very genuine either, even if they are? It will make you wonder what it is that he actually appreciates?
I understand that not everyone has the opportunity to do something, like start a foundation or have had the chance to have accomplished some great achievement? But she has had a lot of opportunity, and knows what is required in the role she is after, or she wouldn't be putting so much lip service to it? You would think she would be doing all she could to show she is up to the job? Especially since she is on the record publicly for making these claims? I don't envy the microscope that Albert's wife is going to be held up to? But knowing that, I wouldn't want to be seen as less than genuine by not backing up my own claims (that I personally made public) without some actions. Even the plan to train for the Olympics seemed to be nothing but false statements (IMO) from the beginning? Had she at least done that it would have at least given her an excuse as to what she has been doing with herself? Since she has not seemed to have made any efforts to have any life of her own, it also makes her seem very presumptuous? If her plans do not work out with Albert? What then? Is she expecting a pay out from Albert? How can people not be suspect of this girl or her motives? What are her expectations for herself, if Albert does not want to marry her? Even if he did, she has not earned herself much respect from a public she would represent (IMO). I can't imagine Albert would let himself be forced into a situation by her, just because she wishes it, just because she has not bothered to consider her own life & future outside of Albert? I think she must be use to things coming easy for her, or she's happy with herself to just slide by, while making very little effort? (JMO) As an athlete, I guess I find this even more surprising?
No one should have to compel her? PA should not have to instruct her? She is a grown woman! Since she seems to have never had a real job, where most people are expected to take some responsibility for themselves without having to be told. Just as an average adult, one would expect her to take some initiative on her own, to be responsible for herself in some way? To want to contribute something of herself in the world? You would expect her to at least "express" an interest in something outside of Albert? I guess I should say "show" an interest...? Perhaps it is that she lacks this experience of ever having to take care of herself? It seems she has always had help as a swimmer or otherwise, and has not really ever looked to take care of herself? I was surprised by an interview she once gave, where she did not express much in the way of enjoyment for her sport, but was more concerned that as a SA swimmer, it wasn't fair that she was not getting more compensation that she seemed to think she was owed? She also seemed very interested in receiving acknowledgement? That was my take on the interview? I can't remember where it was published (I read it online). I believe it was before she was known to have been dating Albert and I remember she also mentioned that she was always falling on her head?

I'm not sure if it's the lack of ever having a job or what? But she seems to have an arrested development? (JMO) Rosalee, did you ever see that TV show? Do you remember the SA girl that was featured in the show?

Do you think she is still in Monaco because of those darn invisable locks?

I think that show could offer some insight to the situation?
When PA mentioned she did not have to participate in the affairs of state, I thought he meant in a more serious way? Just by the virtue of being Albert's wife, it would be hard for her to escape this in some way? She will be representing Monaco whatever she chooses to do or not to do? I thought Albert meant she might have her own interests that are different or outside of his? I didn't realize he meant void of any interests? Like perhaps she might have different cultural interest, like the arts, etc...Or even her own career?
"Some men marry women they are happy with apart from their jobs."
Interesting chice of words?

As long as
they are happy, I guess everything would be alright? But it does make me you wonder about these men? I mean what do they talk about with their wives? Do they see them as an equitable partner? Or someone that is reliant on them and easy to control? Do they see their wife as something they can procure?
What do they value in them? DO they value them? I really cannot guess these things about Albert? I do wonder if Albert enjoys challenging conversation, witty banter, a sense of humor, maybe someone who does have different interests than himself that he might find interesting? Is it important that his wife is someone who enjoys any kind of culture, the arts...? Or someone who like to read or travel, and they can enjoy or share experiences? Do they appreciate the same things? Do they share a common outlook in or of the world? I know it is said that they both enjoy sports (some sports), so I guess it would be nice for Albert to have someone to go to a Rugby game with? But, I can't imagine they want to race each other in the pool? Perhaps ther are other things we cannot know about? Perhaps Charlene has a very infectious personality? That is something without knowing her, we cannot know? I'm sure she must not be void of everything, Albert was attracted to her for some reason? Regardless, I hope he ends up with a woman who lights up the room for him? Always.