Trespasser Arrested On Grounds of Buckingham Palace

  May 19, 2016 at 9:56 am by

A 41-year-old man was arrested last night after he scaled a perimeter wall of Buckingham Palace and was found roaming the grounds.

An alarm was triggered at 8:37pm, local time, and the man arrested seven minutes later, according to a spokesperson from Scotland Yard. “I am content that our security measures worked effectively on this occasion and at no time was any individual at risk,” Commander Adrian Usher, the head of the Metropolitan Police’s Protection Command.

Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh were in residence at the Palace at the time.

This is not the first time an intruder has been found at Buckingham Palace: last year, two men climbed on to the roof to protest father’s rights, in 2013 another man was arrested inside the Palace after scaling a wall, and most notable in 1982 when Michael Fagan broke into the Palace and made it to the Queen’s bedroom, spending ten minutes speaking with her before an alarm was raised.

Buckingham Palace

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