King Felipe Opens National Congress of Lawyers

  May 6, 2015 at 2:30 pm by

King Felipe inaugurated today the National Congress of Lawyers which is being held from May 6-8, 2015 and is being organized by the General Council of Spanish Lawyers and held every four years.

King Felipe gave a speech, in which he said, “The Bar is, above all, an immediate reference for citizens in everything related to justice.” King Felipe went on saying, “Therefore my presence at this Congress has a lot of recognition to the essential work performed by the lawyer in our society and, at the same time is a testament to the respect and appreciation of the Crown by the Bar. A respect and appreciation who am also personally, by this profession that has an unwavering commitment to something as noble-and necessary-as is always the defense of the rights of citizens.”

Around 1,200 lawyers worldwide are attending the two day congress meeting and 70 speakers are taking part.

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