Crown Princess Victoria & Daniel Westling: Relationship Discussion (2002-2007)

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Heir Apparent
Jan 28, 2003
...and it seems as if the relationship of Victoria and Daniel would become closer and closer...Will we see a royal wedding in 2004 or 2005?! In all other Royal houses are almost all members of the younger generation (born after 1960, Great britain is an exception, because the Queen is older...ok, king Carl Gustaf is also younger than the other european monarchs) married. But in Sweden not...the last Royal wedding in Sweden was 27 years before (!)...I think it´s really time that one of them does the first step (Daniel? Victoria?)....another possibility would be that Victoria becomes pregnant...then they have to marry :p ;)
Victoria & Daniel Westling; Relationship Discussion (2002-200?)

Who thinks they will get married in the future?
I think that Vic thinks that she will marry Daniel in the future...but I fear that Daniel doesn´t think that he will marry her :unsure: ...but we will see (until now I can´t read tea leaves ;) )
somehow i believe they will get married
I don't think Daniel would last this long otherwise
Poor guy... He seems really troubled with the press. But I guess he will have to learn to cope with it if he's gonna marry Victoria. Cause I think he will. At least I *hope* he will. We just have to wait and see...
yes, but Daniel Collert stayed (with breaks) seven years!
And when they really you think that Daniel would become happy and satisifed? I don´t think that it´s impossible to become happy in a Royal house as prince consort(and the swedish RF has already shown that they are able to go "new ways" and that a balancing act between tradition and modern life is possible)...but I have my doubts.
I disbelieve that there would be a proposal too...but on the other hand since this Victoria-Daniel II-thing is running we often got wrong maybe they don´t make a relationship-repair-journey, but an engagement-journey and Daniel kneels down at the beach and asks Victoria to become his wife ;)
But I fear that we won´t see pictures. Victoria isn´t as "stupid" as Madeleine and travels to Marbella-sunny home of the Paparazzis.
I feel bad for Victoria...however, I'm sure that there's someone else out there who will love her for who she is and will tough it out in the limelight. I dunno, love shouldn't be shadowed. Daniel must feel terrible :( This may be mean but- would Victoria go out with another Daniel? Make it Daniel III? Meh, I hope they solve their difficulties.

I do feel bad for Victoria though, she's being held back by her fame and title. :cry:
Interesting that the Norweigan magazine Dagbladet wrote about Victoria and Daniel Westlings love crises and showed a picture of Victoria with Daniel COLLERT :p
Originally posted by Yennie@Oct 27th, 2003 - 11:52 am
Interesting that the Norweigan magazine Dagbladet wrote about Victoria and Daniel Westlings love crises and showed a picture of Victoria with Daniel COLLERT :p
:lol: ...but why should a "bladet" like DAGBLADET differ the two Daniels, for them they are quite the same.
Talking about Daniel Collert... It is always reported that he and Victoria are still very good friends...but why aren´t they photographed together. On Victoria´s birthday all her friends were invited, but not Daniel Collert. Yes, maybe the press would write, that she´s together with Daniel I again (and that would probably hurt Victoria´s shrinking violet-resp. Daniel Westling). On the other Daniel C. hasn´t a problem to get photographed with his new girlfriend Josefine or at other occassions
My new (caution!-stupid Lena-theory) theory is, that Victoria is still far more interested in Daniel Collert, than he in her. Probably she still regrets him and that´s the reason why she talks that positive about him. And Daniel II is more or less an unconscious compensation for him (IMO Daniel II hasn´t just the name of his antecessor, but has also a lot of similarities with him)
I like Daniel I more, he seems IMO more approprate for the prince-job, and I think he´s more handsome (very superficial, I know). But that´s the way the world is running...everybody has another opinion (which is a good thing).
But there´s another reason, why I would prefer Daniel I. Years ago during a very boring train-journey (I was quite new in this Royal-thing) I went through the pages of a tabloid, and then I said to my brother, that I´m sure, that Victoria will marry Daniel Collert. My brother said "no, they won´t marry, she will find another one". And so we started a bet (we often start bets...and unfortunately my brother doesn´t forget that we´ve bet). If Daniel C. doesn´t marry Victoria, I´ve to pay the suit for my brother´s wedding, and if she will marry him, he will pay my dress.
Watching the new development in the Daniel-Victoria-Daniel-triangle...I just can try to prohibit that my brother will ever marry :cry: ;)
Hi i've just surf and found this article (i can't have totall access to the full story), and talk about the things that Victoria and Daniel are doing to keep floating their love... try here:

Victoria de Suecia y su novio, Daniel Westling, decidirán estos días si su noviazgo continúa
La princesa Victoria y su novio, Daniel Westling, están plenamente decididos a salvar como sea su relación. Con tal fin, se han tomado algunos días de vacaciones.


Victoria from Sweden and her boyfriend, Daniel Westling, are going to decide these days if they're relationship will continue.
The princess Victoria and her boyfriend, Daniel Westling, are totally decided to save whatever it takes theire relationship. With that matter, they have taken some days for vacations...
I guess that´s the whole article. I´ve translated it with altavista (for myself). And it´s quite the same as the Expressen-article

27 OCTUBRE 2003
La princesa Victoria y su novio, Daniel Westling, están plenamente decididos a salvar como sea su relación. Con tal fin, para superar juntos la crisis sentimental por la que atraviesan, según los rotativos suecos, desde hace ya algún tiempo, la pareja ha hecho las maletas y se ha tomado unos días de vacaciones... Lejos de Estocolmo y, sobre todo, lejos de la atención de las cámaras.

De una presión mediática que ha incomodado en más de una ocasión a Daniel Westling, quien ignoraba, cuando era entrenador personal de Victoria de Suecia y comenzó a salir con ella, lo “difícil” que supondría ser novio de una Princesa. “En algunas reuniones con amigos, Daniel ha comentado que sufre mucho con esta situación, que nunca creyó que pudiera ser tan molesta. Algo que inevitablemente repercute negativamente en el ánimo de la princesa Victoria y en su relación, pues la Heredera sufre al ver que aquel a quien quiere no es del todo feliz”, declara un amigo de la pareja.

Sin ser vistos
Una infelicidad propiciada por la avalancha de cambios que se han precipitado en la tranquila vida de Daniel Westling desde que se hiciera pública su relación con Victoria de Suecia y, muy especialmente, desde que se diera a conocer que el noviazgo contaba con el consentimiento de los padres de la Princesa, los reyes Carlos Gustavo y Silvia. A partir de entonces, nada sería como antes. Daniel, un chico tímido al que nunca le gustó llamar la atención, se ha visto expuesto continuamente a la opinión pública. Y, al parecer, las fuerzas le fallan; la presión por su nueva posición le ha llevado al límite de su paciencia. “Ha tenido suficiente. No quiere ser un personaje público por más tiempo”, comenta un allegado a la pareja.

Pero el amor todo lo vale y bien merece la pena luchar por él, debe haber pensado Daniel Westling. La pareja lo tenía todo dispuesto para emprender este viaje apaciguador y secreto.

Con tal objetivo, a primera hora de la mañana, antes de que pudieran sorprenderles los periodistas, se reunieron en el apartamento que posee el entrenador en Östermalm (Estocolmo). Daniel salió de su casa con dos grandes bolsos de viaje y se metió en su coche. Inmediatamente después, llegaba al lugar del encuentro la princesa Victoria en un automóvil negro con cristales opacos, del que salió apresuradamente para meterse en el coche de Daniel y viajar juntos rumbo a una postura conciliadora


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here is a older artivle 2002-05-31
she is asked about Dnaiel as well as Nico

Victoria: Han är jättetrevlig

UPPSALA. De är perfekta för varandra – tycker vännerna.
Nu talar kronprinsessan Victoria för första gången ut om sin nya pojkvän Daniel Westling, 28.
– Jag pratade med honom tidigare i dag. Vi är väldigt goda vänner, säger Victoria till Aftonbladet.

Kronprinsessan Victoria träffade Daniel Westling på det exklusiva gymmet Master Training i centrala Stockholm. Daniel är delägare i företaget och arbetar också som personlig tränare.
Bland kunderna finns bland andra prinsessan Madeleine som rekommenderade Victoria att bli medlem.
Den senaste tiden har Victoria och Daniel, enligt uppgifter till Aftonbladet, umgåtts intensivt i Stockholm.
Kronprinsessan har vid flera tillfällen varit hemma hos Daniel, bland annat på pingstdagen. Andra gånger har de tagit långa promenader tillsammans.

”De är ett perfekt par”
– De är lite som det perfekta paret, och de trivs jättebra i varand-ras sällskap, säger en av Victorias vänner till Aftonbladet.
Daniel Westlings kompisar är av samma uppfattning:
– Han tycker att Victoria är en intelligent och mysig tjej. De har verkligen kul när de träffas.
I går tog Victoria sin examen i freds- och konflikthantering, en sex veckor lång specialkurs på Uppsala universitet.
Hon var på bästa humör när Aftonbladet frågade om hennes nya pojkvän:
Hur skulle kronprinsessan beskriva sin relation med Daniel Westling?
– Jag känner Daniel och jag tycker han är jättetrevlig. Jag förstår att ni frågar, men mer tänker jag inte säga...

Känner Victoria att det är jobbigt att ha nära relationer som kronprinsessa?
– Självklart är det jobbigt att överhuvudtaget ha en relation till någon – oavsett vem det är. Om det handlar om kompis eller kärlek så kan det vara svårt om man inte får ha relationen för sig själv. Men jag tycker att jag kan dela med mig till en ganska stor del, så länge det sköts på ett snyggt sätt. Överhuvudtaget är jag ganska trött på diskussionerna om mitt privatliv.

”Vi funderar på Paris”
Okej. Det sägs att Victoria ska studera utomlands till hösten?
– Utomlands och utomlands... Jag ska eventuellt lära mig lite mer om handelskammare. Om det blir så funderar vi på Paris och Berlin. Men det är för en kortare period och det diskuteras fortfarande.
Den 14 juli blir det ett stort kalas när kronprinsessan fyller 25. Vad händer mer, åker Victoria kanske till Rivieran?
– Det kan du ge dig på att jag inte ska. Vem vill ligga där i bikini när man har helikoptrar i luften och paparazzi genom fönstren. Nej, jag ska vara hemma och plocka bär på Solliden.
– Jag ska försöka vara där så länge som möjligt, men exakt när vi åker dit är inte bestämt än.
25-årskalaset, har kronprinsessan börjat planera det?
– Jo, lite men jag är ganska dålig på att planera. Jag vet inte…
– Jag älskar att ha människor omkring mig men tycker att det är genant att bjuda in till saker och ting.
– Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg (hovets presschef, reds.anm.) och mamma försöker peppa mig. Vi får se hur det går...
Blir det en stor fest?
– Nej, jag har ju inte det så stort. Och då har jag heller ingen möjlighet att träffa mina kompisar och riktiga vänner på det sättet som jag vill. Det blir som det brukar.

”Jag ska fira en kompis”
Kronprinsessan är inte rädd för en 25-årskris?
– Nej, ha-ha. Då finns det värre saker att hetsa upp sig för.
Vad står på programmet härnäst?
– Det blir mycket med Stockholms 750-årsjubileum. Sen ska jag till Colorado för att fira en kompis som gifter sig. Vi är vänner sen långt tillbaka, så det ska bli kul.
Det har ju ryktats en hel del om en romans mellan kronprinsessan och prins Nikolaus. Vad tycker Victoria om honom?
– Jag tycker att han är jättetrevlig, men vi behöver inte gå in mer på den biten.
– Vi är bra vänner och jag tycker jättemycket om honom.
For those, who can read german. It´s almost the same stuff as in the last Expressen-article. They have just added that Victoria has lost weight because of her lovesickness and that (and that´s typical for german boulevard/tabloid-stuff. They always talk about Victoria´s problems/health/ happy and sad things, which happen in her live as if EVERY swede would think and worry about Victoria the whole day) the Swedes fear that she will become anorexic again :wacko:

Victoria kämpft um ihre Liebe

Kopenhagen - Daniel Westling (30), Fitness-Trainer und ständiger Begleiter der schwedischen Kronprinzessin, möchte sich offenbar von Victoria (26) trennen. Er hasst es, im Rampenlicht zu stehen. Am liebsten möchte er wieder ganz anonym leben, so wie früher.

Victoria und Daniel haben Stockholm mit unbekanntem Ziel verlassen. "Sie wollen die nächsten Tage alleine miteinander verbringen und versuchen, ihre Probleme zu lösen", so eine Freundin. Die schwedische Zeitung "Expressen" berichtet weiter, dass Victoria alles tut, um ihre Liebe zu retten. Ihre Chancen scheinen jedoch nicht gut zu stehen. "Er hat einfach die Nase voll. Er will keine öffentliche Person mehr sein."

Der Liebeskummer hat die Prinzessin sehr mitgenommen. Auf offiziellen Fotos, die in den vergangenen Wochen gemacht wurden, sah sie dünn aus. In Schweden macht man sich Sorgen, dass sie wieder magersüchtig werden könnte. SAD

erschienen am 28. Okt 2003 in Aus aller Welt
Originally posted by Josefine@Oct 29th, 2003 - 4:57 pm
Hur skulle kronprinsessan beskriva sin relation med Daniel Westling?
  – Jag känner Daniel och jag tycker han är jättetrevlig. Jag förstår att ni frågar, men mer tänker jag inte säga...

  Det har ju ryktats en hel del om en romans mellan kronprinsessan och prins Nikolaus. Vad tycker Victoria om honom?
  – Jag tycker att han är jättetrevlig, men vi behöver inte gå in mer på den biten.
  – Vi är bra vänner och jag tycker jättemycket om honom.
How would the crown princess describe her relationship with Daniel Westling?
- I know Daniel and I think he is very nice. I understand that you ask, but more then that I will not tell you.
It has been a few rumours that there is a romance between the crown princess and prince Nikolaus.What des the Crown princess feel about him
- I think he is very nice, but we do not need to go further on that subject
- We are very good friends and I like him allot
Originally posted by Lena@Oct 29th, 2003 - 4:01 pm
Victoria kämpft um ihre Liebe

Kopenhagen -
erschienen am 28. Okt 2003 in Aus aller Welt
Kopenhagen? I thought Stockholm is Swedens capital, have i missed something?

Which newspaper wrote this?
Of course the capital of Sweden is Stockholm. But most newspapers out of Scandinavia get their informations about scandinavian countries from agencies, which has for whole scandinavia just ONE seat in one scandinavian country. I guess this newspaper (it´s Hamburger Abendblatt) got it´s information from dpa, and probably dpa has it´s Scandinavia-department in Copenhagen.
Lena  Posted: Oct 29th, 2003 - 4:01 pm

Victoria kämpft um ihre Liebe

Daniel Westling (30), Fitness-Trainer und ständiger Begleiter der schwedischen Kronprinzessin, möchte sich offenbar von Victoria (26) trennen. Er hasst es, im Rampenlicht zu stehen. Am liebsten möchte er wieder ganz anonym leben, so wie früher.

Victoria und Daniel haben Stockholm mit unbekanntem Ziel verlassen. "Sie wollen die nächsten Tage alleine miteinander verbringen und versuchen, ihre Probleme zu lösen", so eine Freundin. Die schwedische Zeitung "Expressen" berichtet weiter, dass Victoria alles tut, um ihre Liebe zu retten. Ihre Chancen scheinen jedoch nicht gut zu stehen. "Er hat einfach die Nase voll. Er will keine öffentliche Person mehr sein."

Der Liebeskummer hat die Prinzessin sehr mitgenommen. Auf offiziellen Fotos, die in den vergangenen Wochen gemacht wurden, sah sie dünn aus. In Schweden macht man sich Sorgen, dass sie wieder magersüchtig werden könnte.

Victoria fights for her love

Fitness trainer and constant escort of the swedish crown princess, Daniel Westling (30) wants to leave Victoria (26). He hates it, to stand in the limelight. Ideally, he would like to be completely anonymous, like earlier in his life.

Victoria and Daniel have left Stockholm for an unknown destination. "They want to spend the next few days alone with each other, and try to solve their problems", says a friend. The swedish "Expressen" newspaper reports already that Victoria is doing everything to save her love. The chances seem however not to the best. "He just plainly has enough (of the situation). He just doesn't want to be a public figure."

The love sorrows of the princess have affected her deeply. She looked thin on official photo's of the last week. In Sweden there is concern again, that she could become anorexic again.
Originally posted by GrandDuchess+Jun 5th, 2004 - 1:59 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (GrandDuchess @ Jun 5th, 2004 - 1:59 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Lena@Jun 5th, 2004 - 1:25 pm
Could someone tell me (Yennie? :flower: ) what this week´s S&H tells about V&D?
"Does everything for Daniel" (the read & yellow thing)

Victoria rages against the crap talk/bullshit talk (they mean about Daniel, the text above the headline)

"Hides on the gym" (main headline) [/b][/quote]
Thank you GrandDuchess.
Actually I understood the meaning (in the sense of language) of "gömmer sig på gymet".
But what should this mean, what is the "deeper" meaning?? Are they now living in the gym (so that Daniel doesn´t need to get out)?? The office as living room, the benches to lift the weights as beds and the dressing rooms with the showers as bathroom :p?
Hm, I guess I´m just to stupid to get this! :wacko:
I guess that they mean that Victoria is angry with all the bad things the press had been writing about him and his capabilities, and that they spend a lot of times for themselves. Kind of "bunker up" together at the gym or his place... Something like that. But the phrasing is kinda strange, so it's not easy to know what they mean! :wacko:
Yes, but my current guess is, that they WILL marry, not next year, but in 2006. Then Vera would be about 2 and half (I guess they would marry in summer) and would be old enough. Miguel, the son of Infanta Christina was even younger, when he was page at the wedding of his uncle in May.
And as much as I know Daniel has a second niece as well. She´s about 5 or 6. I bet she would be/will be a flower girl.
Originally posted by mixer2002de@Jun 15th, 2004 - 5:59 pm
I would not dare a guess at the moment!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Maybe we should go to bookies and bet ;)
Originally posted by Lena+Jun 15th, 2004 - 12:07 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lena @ Jun 15th, 2004 - 12:07 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-mixer2002de@Jun 15th, 2004 - 5:59 pm
I would not dare a guess at the moment!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Maybe we should go to bookies and bet ;) [/b][/quote]
Well I think Chances are 50 percent for marriage and 50 percent for no Marriage.
I think Victoria would say yes if she had been asked by her Daniel and afterwards go straightly to her father and tell him and ask him. But I think that Victoria expects Daniel to ask her. But I am unsure wether Daniel dares to ask her I rather tend to no. On the other hand side I think Vic would say yes. So I think it depends on how Vic gets him asking the all important question. but as far as i know girls are quite good in manipulating their lovers! So she might try to push him into that direction.
mixer2002de  Posted: Jun 15th, 2004 - 12:39 pm

1.) I think Victoria would say yes if she had been asked by her Daniel ....

2.) But I think that Victoria expects Daniel to ask her.

3.) But I am unsure wether Daniel dares to ask her I rather tend to no.

4.) So I think it depends on how Vic gets him asking the all important question.

5.) but as far as i know girls are quite good in manipulating their lovers! So she might try to push him into that direction.
I just broke the sentences out, because each sentence has weight.

I think Daniel knows very well how Victoria feels about him, and when was it - last year - felt 'pressured' .... maybe by Victoria. So imo Victoria found it hard then not to be pushy

So, Victoria is learning now all about the virtues of patience, in pursuing sentence 5.

And that leads to sentence 4.

I think Daniel (sentence 3) 'knows' the "manly" thing for him to do, is to troop over to CG, invite him out for a walk in the woods, open a bottle of champagne on a tree stump, and declare his intentions.

That out of the way, Sentence 2. happens

and ..... presto there is success with Sentence 1. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by King Christian@Jun 15th, 2004 - 1:06 pm
I think Daniel knows very well how Victoria feels about him, and when was it - last year - felt 'pressured' .... maybe by Victoria.  So imo Victoria found it hard then not to be pushy

So, Victoria is learning now all about the virtues of patience, in pursuing sentence 5.

And that leads to sentence 4. 

I think Daniel (sentence 3) 'knows' the "manly" thing for him to do, is to troop over to CG, invite him out for a walk in the woods, open a bottle of champagne on a tree stump, and declare his intentions.

That out of the way, Sentence 2. happens

and ..... presto there is success with Sentence 1.  :rolleyes:
I think,
to 5. I do not think that Vic wants to wait.
to 3. I think Daniel would feel stupid to ask her daddy first. I would feel a little bit strange, e.g. I would ask the girl I'd like to marry and not her father. Who cares about him!
So Ask Vic at first and than got with her to the King!
to 2.
From my point ov view it would be easier if Vic asked Daniel and befor she should ask her Daddy of course.
leads to 1.

Her asking Daniel to marry her would be maximum risk!

But she could get everything she wants or loose everything!

But I think she is a modern woman and a future queen. So she can ask a citizen of her country to marry her!

To 0. The longer he is allowed to wait the unlike it gets he dares to ask, because everything is fine for him.

I think their relationship already crossed the point to ask!
Very interesting points of view! But who knows, maybe he has already asked her or she him :woot: I never ever believe that Royal couples get engaged only a few hours or days before the public announcement!
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